Halloween Poetry Contest with PRIZE! Deadline 10-20

Does this mean we can submit our poems for posting now?

Yes. That was Eve's idea--to call the winner in enough time to allow folks to submit their poems in time for a Halloween submission at Lit.

Congratulations, Champ. :heart:
Yes. That was Eve's idea--to call the winner in enough time to allow folks to submit their poems in time for a Halloween submission at Lit.

Congratulations, Champ. :heart:
Why, thankye. I would have wished that there'd been a better voter turnout although, much like the polls here in Alberta, indifference seems to have been the word of the week.

After you put the poets' ids up, I coulda pegged denis' poem from across the dark alley. It's very quintessentially "Hale".
Good Going Champ Hmmm not sure which poem was yours I can't see that thread right now but awesome :)
Congrats, Champagne :rose:

I only just got to take a look at the outcome...too bad there weren't a few more entries. It was fun though.

Happy All Hallows
Well, I've been patient. I know that voting and poet participation wasn't a super success, but hey, that was way beyond my control.

How do I claim my prize?
Thank you for the congratulations everyone.

The poems were, for the most part humourous and wonderful views of the season and deserving of far more attention than they received. However, I can understand the limited participation this year; after all, the World Series, a Canadian election and an American presidential campaign topped with an unparallelled economic crisis, are gonna trump Hallowe'en poetry every time, I think.

Anyway, with all but one of these coming to a close, they've left a whole lot of poet fodder in their wake. Let's belly up to the trough and get some poems happening about the issues that linger on.
Have you found out what it is yet?
Yes! It's an Amazon.com gift certificate (likely 25 bucks or so... enough for a cd, dvd or a book of poems :)) Is Rainman's chapbook available on Amazon?

I haven't heard a reply to my PM from Laurel yet, it is Sunday after all, so it's still wait and see.