Happy Anniversary - Angeline & eagleyez

Yup, definitely. Congrats to both of you. True love is hard to find, but you really seem to have found it. Heart warming to see.
My darling, luck is the residue of preparation.

Thank you. I like that.


Yup, definitely. Congrats to both of you. True love is hard to find, but you really seem to have found it. Heart warming to see.

Thank you, El. Living with another writer is definitely the way to go. We tend to understand and appreciate our shared neuroses. :)
By Cracky-i didnt see this till just now. Glasses a been fogged up sumpin fierce.

A tip of my hat in a circle, to this friendship, whichstems beyond the box and the keyboard.

I tip my hat to everybody and to good works, in all their manifestations.

The mississ isso much smarter that I in certain areas, and I have my strengths as well, lighting fires when its timen to bed down for the night....

Thanks for the sweet wishes!!;)
You and I haven't spoken before, but Ange is such a smart and gentle (and apparently not Gentile) soul, she has inspired my work and my character.
You done good.
Apparently, so has she.
Congratulations, and may the two of you always...
