Happy Austalia Day

Scalywag said:
My boss, the owner of the company, call me at the hospital around 11, wanting to know when I was coming to work. :rolleyes:
What a dick!

A few years back, one of my husband's troopers was asked to weigh in on her first day back from maternity leave. Since she'd just given birth, she didn't "make weight." She was in tears because she got put on the overweight list.
Scalywag said:
that's downright brutal!
The next time contract negotiations came around, my husband successfully lobbied for changes to the contract that allowed female troopers to have a year to lose their baby weight. And why not? It doesn't cost the organization anything.
Scalywag said:
it sounds like your husband had (has) a lot of respect from the people he worked with
He was always willing to go to bat for his troopers. But it was good that he retired when he did. He was sick of his co-workers and sick of dealing with the public.
I'm off to bed. We have to be up bright and early to watch 4 and 5 year olds play basketball. :)