Have men fucked themselves with the internet?

I was specifically talking about the part in the comment I bolded. People should vote for who they closer align with, not gender. The electoral college is who picks the prez, anyway. I don't blame anybody for voting for trump, much like like I don't blame a goat for ramming me just for existing near it.

I do question the values of some conservative women, though. Like when all the black folk voted for Obama because he was black. The only thing that came from that, was I can't get my favorite cigarettes.
It’s not the case that ‘all the black folk’ voted for Obama. And he was popular because he had a real vision that cut across race and party lines

Obama stopped you getting your favorite cigarettes lol?
Yep. The earliest works of fanfiction, were americas housewives writing their fantasies of getting dicked down by Picard and I forget the other ones name. When Usenet was a thing.
Are you sure that wasn’t led by guys?
Found some links that suggest it was 🙂
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I'm not sure of the point of this thread. As with all pendulums we are swinging towards the feminine rage at the moment. In time it will settle and we will reach a mutual understanding.

The internet is a creature far beyond anything in our history, it is the printing press x 1000, perhaps times a million. This fear and outrage of billions is the beginning of evolution, it is the expression of millenia without voice. It will settle as we all feel heard.. if we can prevent self destruction in the meantime.

As for the internet is no longer for men, choosing the bear, Medusa, aqua tofana etc..
We know it is not all men. We know there are many among you who are safe and sweet and loving. We also know that we cannot know which you are until it is (often) too late. Just as men cannot know which woman is vicious, jaded and cruel.

I don't actually know the Terminator AI reference. I assume it means skynet, big brother, an ulterior unfeeling and therefore compasionless force deciding our fate. A digital god?

Each of us has a choice; we can send hate or love into our world. Those tiny moments such as holding a door, smiling at a flustered clerk, pausing before making a scathing comment, questioning an order, paying attention to a child, listening with intent to understand rather than waiting to speak.. we each decide where our world will move.
Well said - pendulum, its back and forth, reaching extremes and spending time closer to the centre.
It applies to politics, to gender relationships and many more things. The values put forward by the enlightenment thinkers remain important beacons for us today
You don't have to go any further than the GB to realize nobody here is fucking. It's all masturbating. :)
It’s not the case that ‘all the black folk’ voted for Obama. And he was popular because he had a real vision that cut across race and party lines

Obama stopped you getting your favorite cigarettes lol?
Yep. I loved Djarums.
Well it seems the ban had cross-party support, two fifths of Republicans supported it
Apparently you can still get them in cigar form?
You can, but it's not the same. I'm still a bit sore about it, especially since the ciggs are hard to get, because at the time some companies wouldn't ship them, and they could've ended up sent back via customs. I need a foriegn friend to ship me a carton or two a month.
You can, but it's not the same. I'm still a bit sore about it, especially since the ciggs are hard to get, because at the time some companies wouldn't ship them, and they could've ended up sent back via customs. I need a foriegn friend to ship me a carton or two a month.
Just go for a flavored vape lol?
Either way, on that one, Republicans were almost as keen as Obama and Democrats to improve health, so no need to resent Obama for that
Just go for a flavored vape lol?
Either way, on that one, Republicans were almost as keen as Obama and Democrats to improve health, so no need to resent Obama for that
Vapes ain't the same. It's still something I hate. If they care about health so much, they'd ban McDonalds, high fructose corn syrup, or margerine.
Like every useful thing on this planet. We find a way to corrupt it. The Internet has opened up a platform for people who shouldn't have it, using it for scams, poor information and to be vulgar and hide behind a keyboard.

As far as men and the internet. There are numerous studies out there showing how men/boys are so hooked up on the internet be it gaming or porn that they have lost all social skills and out of touch with reality. Women are not looking for a guy who spends most of his life doing these things and the guys doing this are not out there meeting women. I'm pretty sure most of us see this in our everyday lives.

So as a majority I say yes men are fucking themselves with the internet. This must be true I read it on the internet.