Have you ever been taken past your limits?

Ebonyfire said:
That is a pic of a male ass. Consider it artistic license. You only wish it were a female ass! LOL
Well, maybe I do. Maybe my sexual mind is playing tricks on me. But, I do think the absence of "dangly bits" contributes to this.

But, it's your picture and your choice. I will concede, just this once. But, don't think this is a pattern starting. :)

Ebonyfire said:
I have posted ad nauseum that I do not have or nor I ever intend on having female subs. Female subs make great friends, that is all.
Oh, I understand your preference, just as I have mine. Male subs don't interest me in the least. But, it is fun to watch a Domme at her task. :D
Ebonyfire said:
bitchboy's ass looked just like that, save you could see much of his impressive dangly bits.
See? It wouldn't take much more to show his impressive dangly bits. :p

Just making a point. Don't mind me. :D
DVS said:
See? It wouldn't take much more to show his impressive dangly bits. :p

Just making a point. Don't mind me. :D

I didn't know you were into male dangly bits. What a surprise:D
Daedalus77 said:
My sub will drift so far into subspace that the only thoughts in her head are "more" and "harder". When she gets this way I cannot trust her judgement about her own safety so it is up to me.

We are in a longterm relationship so I am able to judge her condition very well. We do play with others however, I would feel uncomfortable taking a sub I didn't know well past thier stated limits.


Good to hear as I know the feeling of wondering what is too much.
James G 5 said:
I've been to a branding......but as with many other things, modern technology has made it safer
There're medical cuaterizing pens that've been adapted by the tatoo & piercing community for use on human flesh....you can literally "draw" a brand in to someone, producing a finer, more defined brand with less risk of infection & faster healing
The smell's a bit hard to take tho

I think the smell would be something I'd never forget.
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
He has pushed my limits from a few different angles, and shattered a couple of limits that used to be "hard limits." When we began our journey together i sat down and made him three lists. Things that i could tolerate. Things that made my stomach flip/flop, made me squirm. And things that i would never do (the hard limits). During the time that we have been together, as my trust in Him grew, He pushed those limits, and my want and need to serve Him grew, and many of the items on the second list were worked through, one by one, seemingly effortlessly.

The cool thing about it, was that those things didn't make me squirm anymore. It was amazing. I was so damn proud of myself, and He was proud of me, which was even BETTER! lol. The anelize project. LOL. It just felt so good to serve Him, and make Him proud of me, and grant you, i felt powerful too, that i could master things that before, gave me the willies. It made me feel solid, and secure, and strong.

As far as safewording goes, i never had to. A couple of times i came reallly close, but He always was very cognizant of exactly were i was at. I go veryyyyyy deep into subspace, into a non-speaking trance pretty much. He didn't let me get that far down many times on purpose.

Interesting thread Snooze, thanks for starting it. :)


Interesting answer, I agree that trust is the glue. I look forward to seeing some limits tested as I like that feeling of having more of her.
snoozebutton said:
I think the smell would be something I'd never forget.

that sticks, but the scene overall was memorable
LOL, after it was over the Dom was all shaky & nervous & the sub had a huge grin on her face
go figure :D
Responding to the original question

Yes, I have been taken past my limits, soft and hard.

Limits are dynamic things, ever changing with time, emotion, experience and desire.

I think that if the Dom were to ask "Is this okay?" repeatedly, I wouldn't enjoy the experience as it lends itself to making me feel in control.

But to ask, frequently, "How are you? Are you okay?" or "Do you remember your safe word?" helps ease the anxiety that was involved in setting that limit.

IMHO, in an open and trusting relaitonship, over time, there are no limits.

As a funny aside: when I first became involved, I would say, "I have no limits as long as it doesn't involve pain."

Re: Responding to the original question

MissTaken said:
Yes, I have been taken past my limits, soft and hard.

Limits are dynamic things, ever changing with time, emotion, experience and desire.

I think that if the Dom were to ask "Is this okay?" repeatedly, I wouldn't enjoy the experience as it lends itself to making me feel in control.

But to ask, frequently, "How are you? Are you okay?" or "Do you remember your safe word?" helps ease the anxiety that was involved in setting that limit.

IMHO, in an open and trusting relaitonship, over time, there are no limits.

As a funny aside: when I first became involved, I would say, "I have no limits as long as it doesn't involve pain."


No Limits, Exxxxxxxxxcellent(In best Mr. Burns voice) I see it all now. The ladies and I get to use all our toys and then there's the four sets of hands and everything else we can think of on a bound Miss Taken. Oh sorry did I say that out loud. lol ;)
Re: Re: Responding to the original question

snoozebutton said:
No Limits, Exxxxxxxxxcellent(In best Mr. Burns voice) I see it all now. The ladies and I get to use all our toys and then there's the four sets of hands and everything else we can think of on a bound Miss Taken. Oh sorry did I say that out loud. lol ;)

Using that outside voice again Snooze?
Re: Re: Responding to the original question

snoozebutton said:
No Limits, Exxxxxxxxxcellent(In best Mr. Burns voice) I see it all now. The ladies and I get to use all our toys and then there's the four sets of hands and everything else we can think of on a bound Miss Taken. Oh sorry did I say that out loud. lol ;)
NO! I get to MissNoLimits FIRST! Naked, tied all 4s, and available for any little nasty thing I have in mind.

I do so love pleadings, whimpers and protests while I have my fun. It's so nice of MissTaken to allow herself for this fun. Just think...every orfice open to my temptations, and NO LIMITS! Now, let me see...what should we do, first?:D

And, second,

and third,

and fourth...
lovetoread said:
Do ya'll mind an audience? I'd love to see MissT in this situation.
Why, no, I don't mind an audience. I might even let you hold the violet wand attachments, when I'm not using them. I always enjoy a lovely assistant!
DVS said:
Why, no, I don't mind an audience. I might even let you hold the violet wand attachments, when I'm not using them. I always enjoy a lovely assistant!

I would love to see you demonstrate the use of a violet wand. I do not have one . I have seen it used before, but that was at least 4 years ago.
Ebonyfire said:
I would love to see you demonstrate the use of a violet wand. I do not have one . I have seen it used before, but that was at least 4 years ago.
One of the best purchases I have ever made. Visual, and "productive", if you know what I mean.
It makes little sound, but the sounds it makes are unmistakenly those of an electrical shock device.
Mine has a foot switch in addition to the intensity knob they all have for hands free operation, if needed. Both pain and pleasure can come from this thing. :cool:
Re: Re: Re: Responding to the original question

DVS said:
NO! I get to MissNoLimits FIRST! Naked, tied all 4s, and available for any little nasty thing I have in mind.

I do so love pleadings, whimpers and protests while I have my fun. It's so nice of MissTaken to allow herself for this fun. Just think...every orfice open to my temptations, and NO LIMITS! Now, let me see...what should we do, first?:D

And, second,

and third,

and fourth...

Amen brother :)
Re: Re: Re: Responding to the original question

DVS said:
NO! I get to MissNoLimits FIRST! Naked, tied all 4s, and available for any little nasty thing I have in mind.

I do so love pleadings, whimpers and protests while I have my fun. It's so nice of MissTaken to allow herself for this fun. Just think...every orfice open to my temptations, and NO LIMITS! Now, let me see...what should we do, first?:D

And, second,

and third,

and fourth...

Look kids, don't try this at home.

*pokes tongue out at all the Doms in the room*

Re: Re: Re: Re: Responding to the original question

MissTaken said:
Look kids, don't try this at home.

*pokes tongue out at all the Doms in the room*


MissTaken you know red is your color. It goes sooooo good with your dark hair.:) You can write a book about it later, "The Story of OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH." :)
snoozebutton said:
Five sets of hands now we're talking. ;)

Well, the more the merrier.

Now, what will you all do sans limits?

And I refuse to sign a waiver of liability!


This girl's Master pushes her limits everytime we scene. I feel that a good Dom knows his sub by her facial expressions. He should be able to tell whether he has went to far, or in some cases not far enough. A safeword, or a scarf if she is gaged should be suffient. I would imagine that always asking if she is okay would ruin the moment. Try the safeword or scarf. Learn her in and out. That way you will know if she is okay or not.
Hope this helps!
slave naia