Have you ever been taken past your limits?

MissTaken said:
Well, the more the merrier.

Now, what will you all do sans limits?

And I refuse to sign a waiver of liability!


Let's just say you will be the clay from which we mold a masterpiece.
Re: limits

slave naia said:
This girl's Master pushes her limits everytime we scene. I feel that a good Dom knows his sub by her facial expressions. He should be able to tell whether he has went to far, or in some cases not far enough. A safeword, or a scarf if she is gaged should be suffient. I would imagine that always asking if she is okay would ruin the moment. Try the safeword or scarf. Learn her in and out. That way you will know if she is okay or not.
Hope this helps!
slave naia

It's good to know you have not yet hit the platau in your scening. I often wonder years from now what little things I'll add to keep it fresh and new. And to be honest it excites me that there are so many little things I have yet to learn.
The unknown is always fun!

You are more then right, the more journey you have yet to discover is always the best!