have you ever had sex in your workplace?

have you ever had sex in your workplace?

  • yes

    Votes: 663 77.8%
  • no

    Votes: 189 22.2%

  • Total voters
When I was younger I worked in a supermarket which had a cash office behind the tills.

This office had one way glass so you could see out but not in.

I was checking the cash that had been counted by a women as it had be double checked. She made some sort of sexual comment (can't remember what) I said something jokingly in reply.
Next thing I knew she had dropped to her knees, took my cock out and started giving me a bj job while I could see everyone walking past.
A few different jobs gave me the opportunity to have some fun, convenience store, grocery store, clothing store, home aid service. One place I wasn't employed at but my boyfriends family owned was a funeral parlor, we made use of the hearse and most of the rooms.
A few different jobs gave me the opportunity to have some fun, convenience store, grocery store, clothing store, home aid service. One place I wasn't employed at but my boyfriends family owned was a funeral parlor, we made use of the hearse and most of the rooms.
I can honestly say this is the first "I had sex in a hearse" story I have ever heard.

Maybe I need to get out more. 🤔
Question: Have you ever had sex in your workplace?

Answer: Yes, my workplace was very much fucked. And frequently.
I am the leasing manager for an apartment complex. My seventh child was fathered by a guy I was showing an apartment to. I invited him and his friend over to our house and his buddy knocked up my wife.
have you ever had sex in your workplace?

please describe best most memorable experience

thank you
Yes. Just once. It was awfully ill-advised. It was when my boyfriend and I were dating, before he moved in. And it was all Lit’s fault.

One of my male Lit friends got me all worked up and then said “I bet you want to go fuck XXXXX”. And I did, I’m a bit susceptible to things sometimes, I’m working on it.

We are both managers, he’s a senior one, and it would have been career suicide, so very, very stupid and we vowed never again. On the plus side, he has an office and there was no one else in his part of the floor that day. Still, I get shivers thinking about it - and not in a good way.

I like sex of course, but I like my career as well.

BTW the Lit guy was teasing, I don’t think he thought I would actually go do it.


UPDATE: I actually can’t remember (I’m blonde 😬) whether it was before or after he moved in. It may have been after we agreed to cohabit, but before he moved in. That probably makes it even more inexcusable!
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Most definitely

In my early 20s I worked lots of retail, which is usually just one big slut fest. Everyone sleeping around.
You are correct, retail department stores are pussy central. I started to type down the times but realized it would take too long. Hell the whole town was sleeping around probably still are.
When I was 19 I worked in a retail store and was dating one of the cashiers. One night on her break I bent her over a desk in the shipping and receiving area and fucked her. She used to get me to eat her pussy all the time - sometimes if we were alone in the office while she counts her till, but usually in my car in the parking lot. I was pretty smitten with her. I found out later that I was far from the only guy at that store who had fucked her and probably not even the only guy that day. She was my first real slut - I was a bit shocked and hurt but totally addicted. Even after I found out I would do anything she asked.
What girl hasn't slept with a boss or authority figure at work?

I have several times. One was the suave older man banging the young new girl when I was 21. One was the cocky senior partner at my firm shortly after I made partner in my late 30's. Two in between were cautious responsible guys who would never have broken company policy if hadn't seduced them. I hate to admit it because I know they were the ones with the most to lose but the seduction part is what made them the most fun.
When I was 19 I worked in a retail store and was dating one of the cashiers. One night on her break I bent her over a desk in the shipping and receiving area and fucked her. She used to get me to eat her pussy all the time - sometimes if we were alone in the office while she counts her till, but usually in my car in the parking lot. I was pretty smitten with her. I found out later that I was far from the only guy at that store who had fucked her and probably not even the only guy that day. She was my first real slut - I was a bit shocked and hurt but totally addicted. Even after I found out I would do anything she asked.

Sluts always get such a bad rap, but a lot of you guys totally love us even if you don't admit it!

Hats off for admitting it btw! (if I was still a slut I'd flash you my tits. But I'm just a boring old married mom now, sorry! 😇)
Not in mine but in my wife's. She was helping out a friend by working in her boyfriends small shop. I brought her lunch and she was alone. I took her over a small machine and literally just got our clothes on when the UPS guy strolled in. A minute earlier and he might of got lucky.
Nothing particularly tawdry. I am self-employed. My wife works for me. We have a little love nest in an unused office with a couch. I dial the phone, she shows up just as everyone else goes home for the day, we fuck in the back office. Once or twice a week. Couch back in that extra office is the best investment in office furniture ever.
Over the last two years, everyone else in the office had taken up working from home. We are much more brazen, fucking on her desk and the conference table, oral wherever. It is fantastic!
Sluts always get such a bad rap, but a lot of you guys totally love us even if you don't admit it!

Hats off for admitting it btw! (if I was still a slut I'd flash you my tits. But I'm just a boring old married mom now, sorry! 😇)

Yes, sluts do get a bad rap. I have always been a keen supporter of the slutty sisterhood.

It became clear that the girl with whom I was smitten was a slut because some d-bag felt the need to put her down and burst my bubble by telling me about some other guy she had fucked. He was totally flabbergasted when I didn't really react at all. Truth is that it shook me a little bit because he was trying to humiliate me but she wasn't my gf and didn't owe me anything and knowing she had been with someone else didn't make me desire her any less. I guess I was supposed to feel negatively towards her but I just didn't.
All. THE. TIME. At my last job. The guy was nearly 15 years younger than I was. Sometimes he would just take his dick out and shove it in my mouth. He’d grab his dick and begged me to suck it. Sometimes he would just bend me over and pull up my skirt and shove it in. He was goooooood. Didn’t peg him for being so aggressive and dominant but I loved it. We fucked once while our managers were on the other side of the cubicles. We could hear them talking. Out of he 5 work days, we would fuck maybe 3 days minimum. His cubicle, my cubicle, the storage room, empty offices, conference rooms… he hits me up to this day and that was years ago. So so soooo many stories
I am in a relationship with another guy I met from that office too. We were flirty and attracted to one another but never did anything. I wish we started back then. He’s eaten me out and fucked me while he was on conference calls and I’ve done the same to him when we work from home.
Quite a few times. When I worked in an office, my SO visited a few times where I fucked her on my desk. We also had sex on the back of a firetruck at one of the stations I worked at. When I worked at a small airport, many years ago, we went out onto the runway and did it there. I really like fooling around at work.
I have several times. One was the suave older man banging the young new girl when I was 21. One was the cocky senior partner at my firm shortly after I made partner in my late 30's. Two in between were cautious responsible guys who would never have broken company policy if hadn't seduced them. I hate to admit it because I know they were the ones with the most to lose but the seduction part is what made them the most fun.
The “seduction part” is built in.