Have you ever really loved a Woman

Well now how did you know I had met someone just like that..we talk for hrs and share everything and don't judge the other...we are in sinc...and yes I'm going to meet him for at least 4 days of dancing, romancing and just being ourselves with each other...and that's such a nice feeling to have with someone...who knows where anything will lead...but for now

Seize the moment!;)
Ms. Rose...thank you for reading my mind and having the courage to post it on the site. For all you men who have replied, I wish there were more GENTLEMEN like you in the world!!! I have found my self(on nights I have time to breath) pondering the fate of love in my life. I agree with the poster that wrote "without love sex is just that SEX"...there doesnt have to be a deep overwhelming all or nothing I'd die for you love BUT there does HAVE to be a love that provides a sense of caring, a sense of desire(not momentary LUST), and a sense of TRUE MUTUAL RESPECT. Respect entails taking care of your partners needs, wants, and desires before she has the chance to ask. If he/she has to ask for something SOO fundamental as Pleasure, then there is something truly missing from the relationship. Personally, bringing my partner pleasure pleases me because if I am giving him pleasure, it means he has given me the same. Truly loving a woman doesnt always mean placing a ring upon her finger, TRULY or REALLY LOVING A WOMAN can be as simple as being there to provide passion, warmth, and tenderness. Holding her as you both bask in the afterglow can provide you with a return invitation or even numerous curtain calls!!! Take this for what it is worth to you and if by chance I have said something to offend, charge it to my head and NOT TO MY HEART!!!!

Wonderful thoughts on the subject...like I told this poor unfortunate man who is now alone....pleasure works both ways...I agree..you dont have to make a life-time commitment to enjoy romance and love in your life...and any man that takes the time to make a woman feel wanted and desired will certainly reap all the rewards of a wonderful experience....rolling over and going to sleep is not my idea of a good time!!
It's nice to see there are a lot of good men out there that realize this and act upon it...kudo's to all the wonderful romantic men on the Lite site!!!! and also to the women who have taken the time to comment on this thread>>>:) :)
i have to say that i have only fell in love with one woman. and i think that no other woman will ever live up to the way that she was. i guess it was just the way that she made me feel about myself. she just had this magnetic personality, almost everyone who was around her was just attracted to the way she was. oh well i guess this will always be a 'chasing amy' thing.
Have you ever loved a woman...

Only my mom but not in the way you mean. ~laughing~ No, I am not into females. They just do not have what I want or need. However, I do love the song that this thread is named after. I wonder if men can really feel for a woman as the song describes?
To love or be in love

Wonderfull posts one and all, now as always I must be Devil's Advocate if for no reason more than contractual obligations. Are we really talkiing about loving a woman (a man or small battery operated surrogate) or the state of being in love with said interest. Love is cheap in the cost to the person expressing it, it's an action, a word spoken softly that brings a smile or something as simple as not going ballastic about why my toothbrush was in the toilet again, don't ask, she knows who she is. Being in love is what fuels all great art and literature, it's why we go all woozy when a certain song plays on the radio and being in love makes fools of us all. Sounds like I'm smashing atoms again, just my unresolved issues and a broken heart thought buried long ago getting a bit of CPR from reading through the messages here.
Correct photograph

After all these years, she can still make me play the fool.....*sad smile*
Well when I started this thread..I was trying to find out how many men made the women in their lives feel loved..if only for the moment...I'm not talking some lifetime commintment...some women want that...but to me being treated as the one you are in love with at least for the moment...makes everything so special...we dont all want the lifetime thing...I have been there......done that...but I'm still a sucker for romance and being treated like a lady....that means a lot to me....
Can you tell I'm for romance...like tony is a breast man...I'm a lover of romantic gestures...favorite songs, slow dancing..MMMMMMMMMMMM there I go again!!:) :)
To Powerofone...If your saying what I think you are..I believe we could share some things...I have a son who isnt into women either...but he is my best buddy and my one true friend on earth...with him I can share anything....:)
Midas comes clean...

Hi there Rose,

The answer to your question is...... YES !

There have been two ladies in my life that I have truly loved. Never fear that love and romance is dead... love is the strongest force in the whole universe and it will always be with us.

How can you tell if your are in love............

1) Is that person constantly in your thoughts...?

2) Is that person all you could ever hope for...?

3) Would you run into a blazing inferno to save them...?

4) Does your heart ache when they are away from you...?

5) Do you hurt when they are in pain...?

6) Would you stand between them and the hounds of hell to keep them from harm...?

7) Does your heart quicken and a smile come to your face when they email of phone you...?

8) Are you just as happy to hold and cradled them in your arms in your back garden, as opposed to a white sandy beach on a paradise island... just because they are with you...?

If you answer yes to any of the above... then you are privileged, and have been given one of the greatest gifts that can be bestowed on any living thing.

Beautiful words Midas...makes a womans heart sing to know such romantic men are still out there someplace...and whoever the lucky women were...they were truly blessed to find such a love...:)
Yes, I'm in Love

midas2001 said:
...How can you tell if your are in love............
1) Is that person constantly in your thoughts...?
2) Is that person all you could ever hope for...?
3) Would you run into a blazing inferno to save them...?
4) Does your heart ache when they are away from you...?
5) Do you hurt when they are in pain...?
6) Would you stand between them and the hounds of hell to keep them from harm...?
7) Does your heart quicken and a smile come to your face when they email of phone you...?
8) Are you just as happy to hold and cradled them in your arms in your back garden, as opposed to a white sandy beach on a paradise island... just because they are with you...?
If you answer yes to any of the above... then you are privileged, and have been given one of the greatest gifts that can be bestowed on any living thing.
I answered YES to all the above! Thank you Midas. I'm glad I'm old enough to appreciate the little things that make a relationship feel special. There was never a doubt, but your words explained the way my heart feels for him.:)
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My pleasure ladies... to feel is to live, and sometimes the smallest things mean the most.

Midas..you are a jewel among men if that is the proper thing to say...but thank God for men like you in life...:)
Love and be LOVED ---


This is not a trick question, however it requires some thought for the answer.

The short answer to your question is "YES"!!

I do agree with many of the posts so far. There are many ways to love a woman, none having to do with "sex". Making love is a way of expressing and sharing your love with each other. I find expressing my love for my woman difficult to put into words. Sending a card, flowers, stopping by for lunch, doing something special that makes her feel “special”. I have found this is returned many times over. Then you just repeat it over and over. It is giving and sharing of thoughts, feelings, emotions, touch, overcoming the everyday challenges together, and the list goes on …. I think it has a lot to do with mutual respect, responsibilities, feelings, being able to know from a phone call when things are not going well. Helping each other pick up the pieces when things don’t go right. It is being able to cuddle up and hold each other, sipping on a drink together, talking over problems and resolving them together. I think women enjoy being treated like someone very special, which has worked for me.

These are just my thoughts.

;) ;)
I too answered yes to all of Midas2001 questions. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I could fall in love again, but I believe that it has happened. Yes! It is nice to now that when we least expect it to happen. In a world where romance seems something from the old school, it is wonderful to know that it is just a fingers touch away.

wildrose70 said:
To Powerofone...If your saying what I think you are..I believe we could share some things...I have a son who isnt into women either...but he is my best buddy and my one true friend on earth...with him I can share anything....:)

I do not know if I should sympathize with you or pat you on the back for having a son that does not run with the herd, so to speak. Since I am female I doubt that your son would have any interest in me other than I cannot run with the herd either. Being able to love is the one true measure of successful parenting that a parent can see in a child. It does not matter who you love just so you have the ability to love. :)
whoops sorry to misunderstand you...but I also have them on the other end of the scale...with my grandaughter....I didnt mean to imply anything...but dammmmmm it's hard on here sometimes to know if it's a m/f who is posting..LOL
Re: Midas comes clean...

midas2001 said:

How can you tell if your are in love............

1) Is that person constantly in your thoughts...?

2) Is that person all you could ever hope for...?

3) Would you run into a blazing inferno to save them...?

4) Does your heart ache when they are away from you...?

5) Do you hurt when they are in pain...?

6) Would you stand between them and the hounds of hell to keep them from harm...?

7) Does your heart quicken and a smile come to your face when they email of phone you...?

8) Are you just as happy to hold and cradled them in your arms in your back garden, as opposed to a white sandy beach on a paradise island... just because they are with you...?

If you answer yes to any of the above... then you are privileged, and have been given one of the greatest gifts that can be bestowed on any living thing.


This is my first post to this board just to let everyone know. I am 22 and have never had a girlfriend in my life. About a year ago I met a girl and we became friends, then good friends. It has now gotten to the point that I can answer yes to every question above. Our relationship has not gotten to the holding and cradling part, but I am overjoyed anytime I am simply in her presence. We seem to be a perfect match for each other. However, she is not interested in me beyond just friends but she is interested in my best friend :( So I look at this as being a curse rather than a privilege or a gift. My thoughts and feelings toward her have not changed and probably never will. Oh well, at 22 I still have some time left.
Midas, those are also symptoms of acute gas. Mylanta is good for this. If the problem persists, please see your doctor. :p
Please dont let your first experience make you give up finding that right person.....I'm glad this was the first place you posted...and yes my dear...you have lots and lots of time....there is someone out there and you will find her:)
Thanks Wildrose. I am not giving up, just discouraged. I want to continue being a close friend to her and see our friendship become the best it can be. At the same time as we continue to develop our friendship and become even closer than we are now, my feelings of love toward her will grow stronger. This whole situation came out of nowhere and now I do not see any easy way out of it. I want it to have a happy ending for all of us; my best friend, myself, but above all her.
You didn't mention if your friend was interested in this girl...that's what I'm wondering about...sometimes being there and being available as a friend...might just suprise you and perhaps turn into something stronger...but I can sympathize with you...unrequited love is hard...hang in there...first loves are always harder to forget too....even I can remember my very first love...and that was long ago...but I have never forgotten him:)
wildrose70 said:
You didn't mention if your friend was interested in this girl...that's what I'm wondering about...sometimes being there and being available as a friend...might just suprise you and perhaps turn into something stronger...but I can sympathize with you...unrequited love is hard...hang in there...first loves are always harder to forget too....even I can remember my very first love...and that was long ago...but I have never forgotten him:)

I might as well tell the whole story or at least what has happened since I told how I really felt about her. She and I met for coffee one night and I told her about my feelings for her. She thanked me for my honesty but told me that she could only have a relationship with my best friend. My getting up the courage to tell her how I felt about her (this was the first time I had ever told a girl how a really felt about her), gave her the courage to tell him about her feelings. This was the first time I ever told a girl how I truly felt about her. He was shocked and stunned and said that they needed to become better friends first. They agreed and said that they would do that with the possibility of a romantic relationship being open. For her it is not open with anyone else. Well as time has passed, she has gotten the impression that he only wants her as an aquaintance and treats her like one. No phone calls, and the only time he talks to her is when it is convenient for him. They have had several discussions about an issue important to her that affected their relationship and I have heard both sides. He told me that the conversations went well and they cleared up a lot of stuff. I talked to her, and she told me the exact opposite. That basically he was not listening and the conversation was a disaster. Her interest in him is rapidly declining as there appears to be no communication between them. So, if you followed all of that, he only likes her as an aquaintance right now.

With me, it is a different story altogether especially when it comes to communication. My best friend even commented one time several months ago, that she and I bonded faster than any of her other friends. One other thing I forgot to mention is that she and my best friend live in the same city while I live about 40 minutes away. We have talked at length about all sorts of issues. We have spent full days just talking with each other. I am a first year law student and so have tons of work to do. If she calls, I will talk to her for as long as she wants to talk. Even if it means I don't get to sleep until 4:00am or even no sleep at all. Several times I have driven over to her apartment at about mid afternoon and not left until 2:30-3:00 am. The entire time spent just talking and getting to know each other.

So, my best friend does not have an interest in her and treats her like a mere acquantaince and does not give her the time of day and she is interested in him. On the other hand, I treat her like the queen of the world, give her more time than I should with school, have always been the shoulder for her to cry on no matter what inconvenience it causes me, listen to her like she was the only person on earth and all the stuff of Midas' post. Yet there is no interest on her part. Sorry for the long post, and thanks for "listening". I never thought I would be sharing this on the internet period, much less here.
The only person i ever truly loved without limit or bounds was a woman. I think i have loved men(hell i was married) but never quite the same way or with quite the same satisfaction.