He must be evil

"Before you call MNS close-minded :)"

No worries, I don't base my opinion of people's personality off their writing.
Would you like to clarify?

My Necrotic Snail:
"I done think you missed the whole point."
Your point was to get feedback on a poem, yes?

I told you what my responses as a reader were. I understand what message you were trying to send and I'm telling you what message I received. You say, " No American has any more claim to America than any other" but your poem doesn't speak to me about being accepting of all Americans.

No, I didn't get that you were talking about Bush and I still don't get what this has to do with Superman.

When someone is critical of my poetry, my first instinct is to become defensive. It's human nature. So fume. So roll your eyes and say, "Never is an idiot. She obviously has the critical reading skills of a seventh-grader."

As long as you realize that others might read the same thing into your work and you won't be around to explain the poem to them, I'm content.

" Senses a little bit of bad blood."
I've never spoken with Fly Guy before so I doubt it's bad blood.

"OK, we'll redo it without the vernacular."
Keep the vernacular if you like. Again, this is just me giving feedback. I'm surprised that no one else has stepped up to do so as I'm guessing many people thought that was a dead-on parody of some Americans.

" And in all sincerity I hope IT does become a dead horse."
What it? Are you in collaboration with flyguy now?
I knew you were all working against me!

I'm sorry Decayed Angel.
Never said:
Would you like to clarify?

My Necrotic Snail:
"I done think you missed the whole point."
Your point was to get feedback on a poem, yes?

I told you what my responses as a reader were. I understand what message you were trying to send and I'm telling you what message I received. You say, " No American has any more claim to America than any other" but your poem doesn't speak to me about being accepting of all Americans.

No, I didn't get that you were talking about Bush and I still don't get what this has to do with Superman.

When someone is critical of my poetry, my first instinct is to become defensive. It's human nature. So fume. So roll your eyes and say, "Never is an idiot. She obviously has the critical reading skills of a seventh-grader."

As long as you realize that others might read the same thing into your work and you won't be around to explain the poem to them, I'm content.

" Senses a little bit of bad blood."
I've never spoken with Fly Guy before so I doubt it's bad blood.

"OK, we'll redo it without the vernacular."
Keep the vernacular if you like. Again, this is just me giving feedback. I'm surprised that no one else has stepped up to do so as I'm guessing many people thought that was a dead-on parody of some Americans.

" And in all sincerity I hope IT does become a dead horse."
What it? Are you in collaboration with flyguy now?
I knew you were all working against me!

My Public Apology to Never.
I hope you are having a little bit of fun with me.
I sensed a little bit of bad blood between fly and 1201.
I am hoping some thought it a dead-on parody of one American. It is very local. Your criticism was dead-on for what you thought it was. Off for what it really was. I think you may have picked up on it.
Your feedback is very welcome, if I conveyed otherwise, I was just having fun with the Indian rant. I owe you an apology. :kiss:
Zmmpy the wind

Whenever I hear zmmpy the wind
the high pitched whine
I do not see the Buddha
I do not get the Zen
the image I get
is of
the Taleban at Bamiyan​
My Own Religion

soon to be its own thread

Wella, I'll be your teacher, babe
iffn you nominate me
And it dont matter much
if you're underage and related
if its good enuff for Jerry Lee*
it's good enuff fo me

a possible work in progess

Send a Dollar
Hi fives for everybody
Every man a poet
Every poet a king (or queen, sometimes both)

except for MNS - he just don't fit in

:rose: :rose: :rose:

*Jerry Lee Lewis
New Thoughts on Old Words

(or coming to terms with English under the influence)

pomp‧ous  /ˈpɒmpəs/
1. used in conjuction with anyone who possibly may know something about poetry. The list is rather long, I will be glad to PM my enemy list.

not to be confused with pom pusses or pomp asses which are the cheerleaders and brass band of the mendicant of mediocrity

all it takes is one sincere apology

The fact that you have helium in your head
should not be construed as lofty thoughts.
MyNecroticSnail said:
File under Bathetic Moments.

It took me a darn near half hour to raise the FLAG today...

'xcuse me for asking but why were you putting up the flag?
wildsweetone said:
'xcuse me for asking but why were you putting up the flag?
'cause I'm for God, mama, country, and anyone says anything I don't like must be mother-hatin, god-stompin, heathen commies, etc. etc. :rolleyes:

thas why I tell most of the people I like their write and leave smiling faces, to let people know that critics are mother-hatin, god-stompin, heathen commies, etc. etc.

Ya got a few of them 'round here. :)