Hear Me Speak!

wildsweetone said:
i am reminded of the poem at the end of Night's in White Satin...

Ouch! But I do love the song! :kiss:

wildsweetone said:
you're going to be deadly when you get a microphone.

do you need capitals for every line beginning, is that your preference?


The good thing about Garageband is that when I get a microphone I can just replace the vocal track. And the others tracks are still editable. Amazing little program!

On the capitals question: I didn't used to do it all the time, but I realised that it looks odd to mix them in a book. I think one has got to pick a convention and stick to it, at least for the duration of a book, or maybe for some section of a book.

Eluard said:
DD — is that avatar of Christopher Lee, circa The Wicker Man?

It's actually Ernst Fuchs standing in front of The Anti-Laocoon I see how the picture could be confused, they do look remarkably similar in it.