Hearts & Diamonds

Keep warm? The best way possible?

*Stands on her toes and kisses his nose*
Unfortunately, a few real world things are calling.

Maybe you can show me alternative heat sources later.
*laughs a little, rubbing his cheek before heading out*
*smiles and goes back to cleaning up the place a bit.*

Oh how it gets in the way, that real life.

*He chuckles to himself and heads to the bar to make himself a drink*
*comes to his door, gentle knocks, slipping through with the permissions. A little worn out jacket, pajama pants still underneath. The Office is too dark, alone, confining... Cold. She settles into one of his plush chairs, curling up on it, closing her eyes. Warm here. Comfy. Happy.*

I should've... Gotten... Dressed. Still got old clothes here... Should.. Bring a costume box for him...

*tired, lazy words mumbled to the chair's back. Coat drawn closer, eyes drifting closed to nod off...just...a....moment...*
*Comes in through his own hidden lil entrance. The place, being a speakeasy, had so many to choose from. Secret rooms and hidden tunnels galore. He notices one of his chairs was pushed forward a bit toward the fire and smiles, knowing she had been there. He was glad she knew she could come whenever she wanted, but still sad that he had missed her once again. With a sigh he walks past, leaving the chair, and moving towards the bookcase to get a bottle of wine from downstairs for later.*
*another dance and pass; him out, her in. But this time... there's a plan waiting. Settle in behind a chair, the chair she passed out in for awhile earlier. It's already moved, he may not even notice. Sit and wait. Ready to pounce.*

*...was her butt wiggling? Stop that. He hates cats.*
Then why's he call me Tiger?

*Wait... Waaaaaiiit....*
*The metal links in hand, giddygiggles trying to be held back*
*steps back into the room from behind the hidden bookshelf exit. Raises his brow as a shiver runs up his neck.*


*Glances around, but sees nothing amiss and heads past the chairs and couches towards the lower level bar.*
*Bolts out from behind the chair, latching onto his legs in a tight hug, trying to stop him and doing an awkward half-crawl while doing so*

Plan... failing... already...

*Hard to talk while biting cuffs...*
*Looks down behind him and shakes his head*

Hey there, tiger. Whatcha up to? Oh! Handcuffs? For me? You shouldn't have!

*Plucks them from her lips with a devious grin on his face*
*tries to keep ahold of him, lips locked on the metal and-*



*Lets go of his leg to instead fold her arms and pout a little*
You-You don't even have a PLAN for those! I did, y'know!
*Looks down at her, then to the cuffs, then back to her.*

Oh, well then by all means...

*lowers the lil metal things down to her.*

Give it your best shot.
*Just smirks and shakes his head*

You mean it's no fun for you? Ordering you around is all kinds of fun for me.

*Crouches down for a bit and runs a hand through her hair, drawing her in for a kiss. Their lips lock, he suckles at her bottom lip a bit before letting go.*

Meh, who needs handcuffs to have fun anyway?

*Tosses them aside and tackles her to the ground in a deep passionate warm kiss*
Well, that's different...

*Starts to roll her eyes, glancing up with a smile as his hand wanders onto her head, moaning softly at the kiss and her captured lip... And the smile coming back even more at his comment. A surprised yelp and giggle as he pounces, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back*
*leaves a note at the bar, a bottle of Mondoro used to pin it down*
I forgot. A special one, bought with someone in mind. A color scheme that made me smirk...
I'll need to catch you to show you, my Mister J.
*smirks at the bottle and then reads the note, his smirk getting bigger with every word. He gets to the last part and his smirk turns into a warm smile.*

Well now, guess I need to catch someone.
*leaves a note in his hidden office*
*leaves a note in his hidden office*

*yawns, rubbing his eyes. Early morning made for still sleepy Soru. Stumbles around until he finds the note. He snickers at first, but then his face lights up and he smiles, kissing the note and slipping it into his pocket before he heads out to get something to eat.*

Wouldn't have it any other way.
The Sandman's coming in his train of cars
With moonbeam windows and with wheels of stars
So hush you little ones and have no fear
The man in the moon he is the engineer
The railroad track it is a moonbeam bright
That leads right up into the starry night
So come you little ones and run up the stairs
Put on your 'jamas and say your prayers
And ride with Mr. Sandman
Ride with Mr. Sandman
'Til daylight comes again
An you'll see all the wonders of wonderland
In the Sandman's Train

Goodnight, Sweetness.
Deeper down the rabbit hole
That is where your soul will go

Saying "It's over" is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Trying to control my composure and not cry was the second. A man is supposed to be stoic right? I'm strong... so I didn't. I buried it down.. deep down. I smiled like it was okay, like my whole world didn't just change in the course of those two words. Part of me wanted it to be a fight, wanted some emotion to come of it... but nothing. Just polite smiles as we started to draw lines and work out inane details. I suppose it had been coming for a long time... but we tried. We both really really tried to make it work. Months and months of books, counselling, and talking... We gave it our best shot and in the end, it wasn't enough. We just aren't those kids in the hallway anymore. 10 years and then... done.

It's heartbreaking how civil we're both being about this, like our life didn't just come crashing down around us. As if we just broke a plate and need to sweep it up. "Be careful not to get cut..."

I'm not looking for any sympathy. I just needed to get this up on the screen so I can read it. It had been boiling up inside of me all day and I needed to get it out.
* slips in like a fox, quick and quiet, not wanting to attract any more attention than possible. A long black trenchcoat covers most of her slim form, but it cannot hide her shape. She's tall and lean, long blonde hair pulled back into a neat bun at the nape of her neck. She orders a glass of wine then sits in a dim corner to read and secretly watch the regulars*
* slips in like a fox, quick and quiet, not wanting to attract any more attention than possible. A long black trenchcoat covers most of her slim form, but it cannot hide her shape. She's tall and lean, long blonde hair pulled back into a neat bun at the nape of her neck. She orders a glass of wine then sits in a dim corner to read and secretly watch the regulars*

*As is custom, he brings her the wine in a teacup and sets it down on her table, offering a polite nod before he sets off again.*
*As is custom, he brings her the wine in a teacup and sets it down on her table, offering a polite nod before he sets off again.*
* a knowing glance and a nod of thanks. In the dim light the fluid looks black as it sits in its cup. She has to remind herself its only wine.*