Hello! And yep, Gorean!

Funny, how fast the belittling of the lifestyle starts again...

That's a jump, don't you think? If anyone here were to "belittle the lifestyle", whatever the hell that means, it wouldn't be Cat.

Geez Lueeezzzz ...
How is maybe these people are too busy on the weekend to post belittling, unless accusing someone of having a life is?
How is maybe these people are too busy on the weekend to post belittling, unless accusing someone of having a life is?

An interesting point of view. Unfortunately, I can't share this one, because of the context:
"I must say it is disappointing the OP has not returned to answer the number of politely worded questions and expressions of wanting to know more from a valid source after feeling so strongly about the misconceptions people have about Gor."

This sentence doesn't fit to your:"Oh, hey, Goreans don't spend a lot of time at the computer on the weekend, so I need to wait till Monday, how sad." interpretation. Unless you want to hint that cat would be disappointed that people have a life. Even funnier though is that people will rather make up silly excuses than accept that cat is a human like everyone else.
Somehow I have the feeling that Cat doesn't need to be defended. :D