Help me with something non-author related

Got to agree with DarlingNikki. It's to easy to search for <establishment>s in <small city>, <ST> and come up with a list of several not that far apart. You're recognizable and there are people out there you want to avoid. Make it vaguer.
dr_mabeuse said:
DN, you're either being deliberately contentious or appallingly naive.

If you walk into the dog pound wearing your T-bone sports coat, you should hardly be surprised when the dogs follow you out.

Dr M
That's the same arguement I've heard about in rape cases...that the victim deserved what she got because she had on a short skirt. That's generally considered outdated thinking on that topic...I don't see how what you said to Chicklet is any different from that blame the victim mentality.

KM, thanks for the compliment on the phrasing :)
Quasimodem said:
Secondly, while I may be suffering with a deluded memory, I seem to recall that yesterday’s Bio. was laid out in paragraphs. That condition also must be considered an improvement over the solid block of type which I encountered, today.

funny since i haven't changed it.
Rainbow Skin said:
Got to agree with DarlingNikki. It's to easy to search for <establishment>s in <small city>, <ST> and come up with a list of several not that far apart. You're recognizable and there are people out there you want to avoid. Make it vaguer.

Eugene isn't small. I just say it's small.
I feel so foolish.

Yesterday, I clicked on your Linky-Dink.
This morning, I just hit "Profile." :rolleyes:

Same Bio. but allinablock and no picture.

Doh! :confused:
deliciously_naughty said:
Dr M
That's the same arguement I've heard about in rape cases...that the victim deserved what she got because she had on a short skirt. That's generally considered outdated thinking on that topic...I don't see how what you said to Chicklet is any different from that blame the victim mentality.

KM, thanks for the compliment on the phrasing :)

I gotta agree with Dr M.

While the rape case mentality is delusded, if you walk into a bar with a short skirt and your titsa hanging out, of course guys are gonna try and pick you up.
Its called flirting, and a way fo flirting in a virtual way is putting tantalizing pics of yourself up.

Showing one's gentitals is generally considered a bit of a come on, if you have naked pics up, of course men are gonna email you. Men are probbaly gonna email you reguardless, but it is probbaly much more common if you have a tantalizing picture up.

With my set of pics I have up, I get very few pick up emails and only ever have had one person request naked pics.

Also I have to second be VERY careful what you put up about information online. Personally I don't get more specific than state when i don't -know- people. I don't give out my school, I do mention my major, but its a common one. If I'm feeling risky I mention what city I'm technically in a suburb of , which encompasses a few million people so still pretty safe.

There are some serious freaks online and some safety is never a bad idea.

Re: re: pictures

Chicklet said:
My problem is that people who do know the forums wouldn't have to ask me for pics - they could find them. People that e-mail me saying "OH GOD YOU MADE ME CUM SO HARD CAN I SEE YOUR PUSSY" are the ones that piss me off. I just get sick and tired of it, so I thought I'd put something about it in my profile.

I didn't mean to start an argument, I just wanted to know if I sounded bitchy or not. I didn't want to know if you thought my morals or my attitude is *wrong* I just wanted to know if it sounded way too bitchy. I'll probably change it in a couple days, I always do.


Two points (oo-er):

Firstly, your writing is superb. There is an over-riding injustice to the world that is proved by the fact that you are working in a Deli. Makes me feel slightly better about my own life, though. You've got time for it to get better.

Your bio is a splendid example of why I would love to see a non-erotic version of this place, that anyone can access, from children to grandmothers (though of course grandmothers would be welcome here too). That there are people out there who can write so splendidly and wittily with such ease, who aren't getting paid for it, and have nowhere to show off a little for general consumption... Ecch, I've gotten onto my own soapbox. Back to you.

No, it doesn't come over as being too unfriendly. No, it shouldn't put anyone off you don't want to be.

Personally I am a little dissapointed I changed my own bio not to request all feedback. I kind of miss the can-I-see-your-pussy brigade.They were so sweet, and distant, and admiring, and distant. Very, very distant. A little closer to you, perhaps.
I am merely going to state that I feel chick is fully within her rights to do what she has chosen to do WITHOUT deserving the type of harassment she has received.

But to go back to Chick's original question...I gave some thought to it...and I have to ask, what's wrong with coming across as a bitch. Being a Bitch can be an empowering experience. Women are taught from a young age that they should be "nice" and never overbearing. There's nothing wrong with being pushy. If you're tired of getting a certain type of feedback, there's nothing wrong with being a bitch to those who send it, or informing them exactly what you think of certain requests.

Chick, as I come across as you wanted...amusing without being cruel.
deliciously_naughty said:
I am merely going to state that I feel chick is fully within her rights to do what she has chosen to do WITHOUT deserving the type of harassment she has received.

I didn't say she deserved to be harrassed just men are acting how they think they -should- when a girl has naked pics of herself online.
And as for her being a bitch if she wants to, more power to anyone who wants to be a bitch. Go for it! enjoy it! If you don't want people emailing you go all out an SAY you don't want that instead of doing the same things other people do to try and get email.

If I want to go to a club and enjoy the show I dress conservative, if I want to flirt I don't dress conservative. Men and women are psychic, they don't magically know who wants what type attention and who doesn't, thus people go off of ques, and naked pics is a que for wants attention.

A bit off topic, buit for my own curiosity, I'd be interested in knowing what DN (& Chicklet, of course) think people--men especially--are supposed think when they see this Av of Chicklet lying naked on a bed? "Nice looking girl. Sure looks like she can write"?

I mean, what is the rationale for using this kind of pic for an Av if you don't mean to titillate or arouse or simply show off?


edited because I said some nasty things that I'd regret later. I'm taking some leave, ttyl.
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KillerMuffin said:
Dr. M, you can write your bio in a bigger text box by doing so from the "profile" link on your author page rather than the one in the bulletin board.
Alternatively, if you use Windows and IE, you can prepare and edit and re-edit the whole thing off-line in Notepad, Word or whatever and then copy and paste into the little box.

Revenons a nos moutons
Chicklet, we have talked for a couple of years now, on and off, via this web site about a number of things. I never could understand why someone I thought of as one of the best writers on the site felt she had to show her 'private forest' and 'wobbly bits' to all and sundry.

I don't hoard pictures (I prefer words) but I can understand that a picture collector might well think you would be willing to send more, and more revealing, pictures on request when he saw what was on public offer.
Sorry Nikki, I still like Prince....

Chicklet, here is something from someone who has a ton action fuck pics on Lit, not just pics of my dick.

I'm gotten a lot of emails from people wanting to fuck and suck my dick. Guess what? No they don't, because the rest of you come with the package.

Here's you way out. Don't respond. You're showing a hotbod and that's great, I think.

I'm sure you've got the email or feedback from the guy that wants to fuck you after reading your stories. He just got into your stories that's all.

What I've to say about being found. If someone finds me, they had better be on the extreme nice side, or better be damn sure that I don't know they found me, because I promise I won't call the police....

Only the couple of people from Lit that I know and have met. My office mate, who I turned onto Lit and Lexium, who has been off the board for a while. They could tell you, I can get real serious.