Her Orgasm: His Responsibility?

This question came up in another thread in another forum.

We were discussing upcoming "Steak and Blow Job Day" on 3/14, and I made the comment:

"This is one day where it's not *his* job to make *her* come." (Or words to that effect.)

Two women remarked that their past partners had never seen this as their responsibility, but "it would sure be sweet" or "if only that were the case".

Is it the man's job/responsibility to "make" his partner come?

Obviously the question isn't quite as simple as I've phrased it for the purposes of kicking off this discussion. I have lots of thoughts on the matter, but I'd like to hold those back for the moment until others have chimed in.


Maybe a different perspective: I look at it as, do I allow him to make me cum? I know if the guy and I hit it off and I feel comfortable with him I can't STOP cumming!

On the other hand if I'm not really into him or don't feel like it or whatever I'm not gonna get off no way, no how.
I guess sex is a team game with only one team. :D

No, seriously. There shouldn't be any fixed responsibilites for any partner, when it comes to sex. The only responsiblility is for everyone taking care that everyone enjoys it.