Here to Serve (Closed to Aussie_Wolf)

Chris had allowed her to sleep and it had felt wonderful. It had been a long time since he had held a sleeping woman in his arms and he had missed how nice it actually felt. Sure it would have felt nicer if they had been naked and even better if they had engaged in various activities before she had snuggled into his arms, but that could all come later. For now he was happy with the way things were turning out.

He spent the time she lay sleeping checking over some figures on his small IPad, and arranging some meetings and purchases. He also made sure everything was ready at both his house and corporate building and that the car would be ready and waiting for him when he landed. Smiling as everything was confirmed he lay back and relaxed. However he did not have long.

Checking his watch he saw they would be landing soon and he looked down ready to wake her only to find her sitting up and stretching. Smiling he did the same then turned the TV off. "Well it is time to strap in again. We will be landing in ten minutes and then the fun starts. I am glad you got some sleep Kat because the next few hours are going to be very hectic for you," he smiled.
Kat smiled nodding as she sat up, "Do I need to change before strapping in?" She asked softly. Katherine wasn't sure where they were going next and therefore wasn't sure a pair of jeans and shirt was appropriate, she could easily change back into a dress if necessary. She stood up, and stretched lazily. It had felt so good to sleep for a little while and she felt reenergized for the rest of the day. She turned to looked at him, waiting for his answer. She slid her shoes back on after changing if necessary. She made her way back out to the main cabin, She slid into a seat and buckled up. Katherine was excited to see what would happen in the next few hours, to get settled into her new life.

"Where are we going?" She asked curiously, wondering if he would answer or if she would just have to go with the flow. But she hoped that her role as a body guard and secretary would mean that he would clue her in on the schedule of his days so she could better serve her purpose.
As they started to descend Chris looked at her. He had told her not to bother changing, where they were going it didn't matter what she was wearing.

"First stop today is shopping. I told you, I can not have you by my side until you look the part. So we are hitting a lot of places. Don't worry we will only be taking a few things with us and the rest will be getting delivered to our home. So first off is clothes and the like. Then weapons, then onto the office and we can get you kitted out with the best toys we have. I think you will like them," he smiled. "Then I will introduce you to the board and then we will call it a day."

He swiveled his chair to look at her and grinned. "All in all a slow day, so don't get used to it."

He turned back and soon they had landed and taxied to his private hanger. The doors were opened for him and he gestured to Kat to follow him. He went straight from the plane to a Aston Martin Vanquish. "Hop in Kat. Next stop the garment district."
Katherine smiled, listening to the schedule of the day. "Sounds good, Sir." She was excited to jump into her new life. She couldn't say se was all that excited to go shopping for clothes, but it didn't really bother her none, just wasn't something she was use to, and to be honest, as long as the clothes were of the general style she liked, she didn't particularly care what she wore. The plane touched down gracefully, she unbuckled once the plane was stopped. Standing she followed Chris out of the plane. She let out a low whistle, seeing the car. "Beautiful." She murmured, stroking her hand down the side of the car. Though it wasn't exactly lady like and her teachers often frowned on her hobby, Katherine loved cars, she even had mechanic skills, as well as extensive driving skills.

She slid into the car, buckling up, looking over at him, "Ready when you are," She smiled, and settled in, continuing to admire the car. Though she studied them extensively she hadn't really been up close with many luxury cars, nothing like this one at least, though she'd been around many Mercedes and such, after all, BrookHollow liked only the best. Though of the Academy's garage of cars, her favorite was a 1971 Dodge Charger, she admired muscle cars, but especially the Charger.
Smiling Chris revved the engine and took off with a screech of rubber and tyre smoke. Unlike a lot of CEO's he actually knew how to drive, and drive well. In fact he could be on any number of professional race car teams, and had even beaten most F1 drivers. Well simulated but it was on the professional settings.

He exited the airstrip and headed towards town doing twice the legal limit until he exited the industrial zone, then he began to obey the posted limit. He may be good but he was not reckless. It took them over half an hour to get to their first stop, a professional looking tailors. Pulling up right outside he exited the vehicle while a valet opened the door for Kat. He smiled and handed the boy his keys and a hundred dollar bill and watched his eyes light up.

"Treat her well," he told him and escorted Kat in. He guided her past the rows of suits then up to a small upper deck level and approached a small woman. "Geraldine nice to see you again. This is the client I was telling you about. I will need at least four business suits and a dozen or so of your best dresses all equipped to handle our special needs."

Geraldine looked at Kat with a critical eye and walked around her making small noises. "The suits are easy enough," she told Chris speaking with a trace of a french accent, "But the dresses are going to be difficult. Really she is too pretty for this line of work. I don't have much to work with to hide a weapon. No big bust, arms are perfect, thighs are great. Where do you suggest I hide something, inside her," she chuckled mirthlessly.

Turning to Kat she waved her arm, "No,No I am not blaming you my dear. You are beautiful and it is not your fault for being so. I will work something out. Now please stand there for just a second."

For the next several minutes Geraldine took measurement after measurement noting them down in a little book then waved them away. "The suits will be ready in a week. The dresses will take longer. She will have the first one at the same time as the suits. The others give me a month. I suppose you sent me the email?"

Chris nodded and she waved a dismissal at him and he smiled leading Kat away. "She may seem gruff," he told her as they left and he handed the boy the his ticket and he hurried away, "but she is the best. I assure you those suits will fit like a glove and the dresses will be to die for while still allowing you to fight in them easily."

As the car arrived he opened the door for her and got in. "Now to someplace I think you might like better." He took off again heading to a quiet little building that might just surprise the woman sitting beside him.
Katherine walked into the store with Chris, eyeing the woman who came up to them. Kat just smiled slightly at her words, not minding the woman's gruffness in the least, in fact she was very much like most of her teachers at the Academy. The young brunette stood obediently, allowing the other woman to take her measurements. She smiled at Chris, "I don't mind. Most of my teachers were very much like her." She murmured. But she had no doubt the woman excelled at her job, and she'd bet the outfits were going to be perfect.

She slid easily into the car, enjoying the fast drive to the next building. She was patient, but she hoped it was a gun range or something of the sorts. Kat would admit to having a fondness for weapons, as well as a proficiency. She could handle almost any weapon handed to her. She tilted her head though at the quiet little building they stopped in front of. It certainly didn't seem like anything she was expecting. Turning her head to eye Chris curiously, she raised a brow, wondering if he might explain or if she'd have to go inside to figure out where they were.
Chris caught her expression but gave away nothing. This was a surprise he was going to enjoy giving. He swung the car around a corner and hit a small beeper he had taken from his pocket and a roller door opened up. Driving in smoothly he parked then moved around smoothly and helped her out and walked with her to a small elevator and pressed for the basement.

He kept quiet and as the doors opened he led her through what appeared to be empty, abandoned rooms to a small room with a desk and a bookcase several years old. Smiling he opened the desk drawer and hit a secret switch and a panel on the bookcase opened up displaying a retinal scanner and a keypad plus a small speaker.

"I need you to step up here please Kat and look into the scanner while hitting in a personal 7 digit code and speaking your name all at once. Remember you may have to do this rather quickly so make the code something you will remember easily and can type quickly."

Chris watched as she did so and saw the computer process and then accept everything. Then he entered his own code and the bookcase slid away to reveal a steal lined hallway. He led her down it and they emerged into a very large space that started to light up as the did.

"Welcome to my playground Kat," he smiled throwing his hands out. In front of him was several spaces set up with banks and banks of computer screens and electronic equipment, A whole lab of chemical and Bio equipment, and of course a section for weapons. "This is where I come to tinker with things when I get bored. I have the next three generations of breakthru technology all down here already. However I think you might be more interested in them," he said pointing at the weapons locker room.

Hitting a button the large glass doors opened up and he gestured her forward. "Go ahead have a look around. I think I have at least one of every gun made today in there and several from past periods as well. There are knives, swords, bows, crossbows, darts, you name it I have probably got it." He grinned sheepishly. "It sort of started out as a hobby and grew. I just had to have one of everything."

He then pointed to the right. "Through that door is a fully automatic target range as well if you want to try any of them out. Have fun and pick a couple you think will be appropriate for carrying underneath those suits we just ordered, plus a dress and in a car."
Katherine followed him curiously, into the building and into a room with some bookcases. Tilting her head she watched silently, wondering why she was surprised when a secret door appeared. Nodding she stepped forward and followed instructions, looking where she was suppose to, she spoke her name "Katherine Doyle," And typed a 7 digit code in that she would remember but had no significance to her life, therefore making it rather difficult for someone to guess simply by knowing who she was. Stepping back she followed Chris into the room once the door was open.

Whistling lowly she eyed her master, "This is impressive." She compliments, looking around. When he indicated the weapons locker, she headed that way. Indeed she was more interested in that than in computers. She handled several different weapons, seeming in her own little world, enjoying the feel of the weapons, testing the weights, and how they felt. Eventually she picked several. One that would be her daily carry, a smaller one for her to wear under a dress, another standard for in the car. She also picked out a combat knife that she would carry in her boot. Carrying her guns of choice she entered the shooting area.

She prepared and started with her daily carry, firing rapidly, she shot off five rounds, three mid body and two in the head. Each were kill shots on their own. Setting the gun down she had the target reset and fired her next weapon. She repeated this with each gun she got, then she did a bit of knife throwing with the knife she chose, to insure it was a good weight, and flew nicely. Finally, content with her choices she returned to Chris, each weapon holstered, the two she'd chosen to carry on her were already in place, the knife at her ankle in her boot, and her sidearm was holstered and attached to her belt at the small of her back. " You have a wonderful collection." She complimented. Kat could see herself spending days trying out all the different weapons.
Chris nodded and smiled. "We will come back so you can try out some of the more exotic ones at your leisure, and if you feel we are going to be traveling anywhere you feel we may need some extra firepower. Oh and yes I do know how to use each and every one of these weapons but I choose not to carry one usually. That is what you are for."

He led her over to a darkened part of the complex and flicked a series of switches. banks of lights lit up and row upon row of cars were revealed. They ranged from utility vehicles, to 4x4, luxury sedans, prestige sports cars and even a couple of limousines.

"Well I did say you would need a car to drive didn't I so we have to pick you one out," he told her grinning. Walking down the rows he passed all the basic cars and came to the sports car section. Looking at her he remembered how she had loved the way they had driven through the city but she had seemed to miss something and he was pretty sure he knew what it was. He walked over to a series of cars and gestured at them. All of them were old classic American and Australian muscle cars, containing V8 engines or V6 supercharged motors.

"I think these are your speed my dear. Why don't you pick one and I will have someone come and pick it up and deliver it to the house. I must warn you, you probably won't be driving it much but I will try to give you time off to at least enjoy it at least once a week."
She was even further impressed when he said that he knew how to handle all the weapons in the locker room. Following him, she was in awe of the rows of cars. Her eyes were alit with curiosity, and when he said she could pick one out, she looked at him, seemed overjoyed. Cars were a bit of a silent desire of hers. He somehow seemed to know she favored the older muscle cars as he led her over there. She hummed softly as she walked the cars, often reaching a hand out to stroke them. But Katherine stopped dead when she saw her dream car. "That one." She murmured as she approached the 1970 black Dodge Charger.

She stroked her hand down the side as she made a circle around the car. "I'd like this one." She said a bit louder, less awe struck, but still very much in love with the car. It had been her dream car for many years, though she certainly never expected to ride in one, let alone have one to call her own. After looking the car over she turned to look at Chris, smiling, "You are quite the collector. Computers, tech, weapons, and cars. It's highly impressive." She said with a smile, leaning a hip on the front of the car.
Chris smiled. "Oh there are other collections you might find a little less impressive," he chuckled, "But they are back at the house. If you are really nice to me I might show you them one day," he added mysteriously.

He looked at her choice and smiled wider. "I had an inkling you might choose something like this. Your love of the Fast and Furious movie kind of gave me a clue and the way you smiled when you saw my car but seemed a little disappointed in it gave me another. you liked sports cars but not the quiet ones they build now. Truth to tell I am the same but I have to maintain an image. Maybe one day I will take you out to a speedway track and we can go head to head in some real cars."
Katherine chuckles, "Yes, I like the sound muscle cars make." She chuckled softly, her eyes alight with the challenge he presented her, "I was taught that I shouldn't boast and certainly shouldn't be better than you at something. But I will win." She grinned teasingly. Katherine made eye contact and smiled, "Thank you, for all of this." She whispered. "I know most of the Academy's clients are good people. But I had this little fear that I would end up with one of the few not so good ones." She paused, "I'm glad that wasn't the case. I don't think I could've ended up with anyone I was more suited to."

She leaned against the hood of her car, as she watched her Master. Katherine firmly believed that she had found her spot for the rest of her life. SHe would do her best to keep Chris happy, to do her job impeccably.
He looked at her and smiled. Yes he had picked well. He had seen many other girls at the academy as well. Some where more beautiful, but not many and some seemed to have scored better on many of their exams but there had seemed something about her and Chris was used to going with his hunches. They usually paid off.

"Oh I have heard stories about some of them and just to let you know, we may come up against some of your fellow alumni one day, however that will be later and I do have some plans for that. Now let us go home, you still haven't seen one of the places you are going to live in for the rest of your life."

He led her back out of the storage facility and back to the car then they took off towards the center of town. As he passed a tall imposing glass tower he pointed at it. "That's where we will be working. Top floor and the next ten floors down normally. We arrive by helicopter oh and the helipad is protected by smart lasers and anti missile technology."

He continued driving and once out of the city put his foot down and flew down roads before pressing a button and a large wrought iron gate opened as he zoomed through. They drove through woods for another ten minutes before it opened up onto manicured gardens and lawns then a house came into view.

"Welcome home Kat," he told her grinning. "I hope you like it."

Soon they left the building headed back through town. When he pointed out the glass tower, she looked up, "Impressive." She felt like she was saying that a lot, but it was true, his whole life was impressive. They left town, and Kat watched as it got quieter and more remote, heading up a driveway, through a large gate, it got even more remote. "Holy...." She muttere,d seeing the house. "This is just incredible." She murmured. When the car came to a stop, Kat slid out of the car. "She just stood, staring up at the house. "Please tell me you have a state of the art security system." She said.

Part of Katherine's job was providing security for him. She couldn't guard this house on her own, if it didn't have an excellent security system. But then, from what she's seen of him, she was betting he had a security system that wasn't even available yet. "This house is remarkable." She said, turning to look at Chris.
Chris smiled at her. "Don't worry about the security system. It is several generations ahead of anything on the market. You have already been scanned five times just to get here and if you had not already been cleared you we would never have even made it through the gate."

Leading her towards the door he smiled as the large double oak paneled doors opened on there own and they were admitted. A pleasant woman's voice seemed to come out of nowhere. "Good afternoon Mr Spencer. You have several reports on your desk to go over and three contracts to sign before business ends in China today. That gives you exactly 2 point 6 minutes. There is a pot of freshly brewed coffee in the kitchen and I have taken the liberty of picking out a set of casual clothes for you and laying them out on your bed. Miss Katherine's room has been made up and is the one next to yours as requested. Dinner will be ready at 6 as usual. I believe the chef is preparing steak tonight. Oh and Mr Kennedy reports that everything has been quiet while you have been away."

Chris smiled at everything his AI had told him and Kat's reaction to her. "Kat say hello Grace, Grace you already know Kat but be polite and say hello formally. Grace is my security system, watchdog, secretary, assistant, and personal wardrobe manager," he chuckled. "You will be working closely with her as she runs everything here at the house."
Katherine walked inside with Chris, admiring the inside of the house. She jumped at the sound of a woman's voice, quickly realizing it was an AI. Smiling she listened to the woman talk and chuckled when Chris introduced them. "Hello Grace." She spoke, wondering what it would be like to work closely with an AI. "I hope we can get along." There was amusement in her tone, obviously the AI didn't actually have a personality, so they would get along just fine.

She was surprised though that it sounded like she had her own room. She figured that Chris would've wanted her in the same room as his. "Well, it sounds like you have work to attend to. If you direct me towards my room, I can unpack on my own. Unless you have something else you'd rather I do?" She asked curiously, pale eyes lifted to look at Chris.
Chris looked at her with obvious admiration and desire but sighed. "There is much I would rather do, but for now duty calls. If you follow the lights, Grace will show you to your room. There is a door that connects ours but for now it is locked, but feel free to explore the rest of the place. You may run into some of the rest of my security forces, although they are mainly stationed outside they do come inside to use the kitchen and the games room. Grace can give you a guided tour if you like. Oh your room is pretty basic at the moment as well. A queen bed, walk in wardrobe, dresser's, make up table, computer desk and computer, Big screen TV and wireless games consoles and your own en suite. If you need anything to make it more your own just make a list and I will get right on it. Now if you will excuse me duty calls. I will see you at dinner it seems."

Chris sighed as he walked quickly to his study and grabbed the Chinese contracts. He skimmed the cover sheets then quickly signed them and faxed them off to the office and to his office in China. With that sorted he started in on the reports. Sometimes he wondered if anyone else did any work in his company with the amount of work that still landed on his desk.
Katherine shot him a teasing smile when he said that there was much he'd rather do." Then she nodded, "Alright, I'll see you at dinner." She watched him leave before following the lights to her bedroom. She spent some time unpacking, before she looked around the room, "Grace? Would you please give me a guided tour?" She asked curiously, waited a moment then began following the AI's directions, getting a guided tour of the entire house. It was an absolutely beautiful house. and it would take Kat days to learn her around the entire house, but she didn't mind.

After the tour she went back to her room to freshen up before dinner. She found her way back to the Dining room, finding it with rather ease, to her surprise. She wondered if there was anything she could do to help, but there didn't really seem to be. After a few hours on her own, she'd admit she'd enjoy being in Chris's company again, and learning more about him.
Chris spent the next several hours going over reports on how several projects were progressing and how a couple of acquisitions he had acquired were being updated and remade to become more competitive, with no job losses and in most cases actually employing more people.

Finally he heard the soft chime announcing dinner and he was actually surprised. looking up he noticed that the sun was almost set and he rubbed his eyes. He was always this way when he got into his work, loosing himself in it and paying no attention to the time. One of the reasons Grace used chimes to summon him. Well that was enough Work for him tonight. Everything seemed to be going well and he would be able to face the board tomorrow with confidence. Tonight he had more pleasant activities in mind.

Smiling he entered the dining room to find Katherine already there. "Good evening Katherine I trust you had a pleasant couple of hours, well more pleasant than me I hope? Is your room okay, does it need anything? I told you to note anything down didn't I?" he asked her as he sat down.
Katherine smiled, seeing Chris. "Good Evening," She greeted. The brunette nodded, "Yes I had a wonderful time. Grace gave me the tour, and I spent some time unpacking. The room is lovely. I'm sure I'll want things at some point, but for now, it's perfect." She assured. Tilting her head she sipped her water, watching her master, "How was work?" She could certainly get use to this, the soft conversation at the dinner table. "Is there anything I can do to help with dinner?" She asked curiously, not sure if there was something she should be doing right now. Katherine was eager to please Chris, to ensure that he was happy with her and what she did. Though he seemed very nice, she did not want to push things and did not want to anger him.
Chris smiled at her sensing her trepidation. "Don't worry about anything Kat. Your job is to keep me safe and to make sure my body is safe at all times," he winked at her. "When it is just the two of us like this or whenever possible, let others take care of everything else. You just have to make sure I am safe and happy. That at the moment means you sitting with me and having a pleasant dinner."

He sipped his own water and smiled at her as he went on to describe the reports he had gone over and the sort of breakthroughs they might lead to. Robotic vision, Skin regrowth, 3D bone mapping and making for replacement limbs from old x-rays, and they were just the really tip of the iceberg stuff he could tell her about now. Until he was more sure of her, he wouldn't discuss some of the more fantastical projects they had going.

He continued to talk during dinner, trying to set her mind at ease. He got the picture that she had been well educated and had been kept up to date with everything she was supposed to know, (who ran which country, who was important, what fashions were in etc) but behind all that was a mind just craving something more. Well if she stuck with him she would probably find something interesting to sate even her curiosity.

Finally he wiped his mouth and pushed back from the table and stood up. He had waited until it had seemed she had finished eating and he hoped he had not misjudged. "Katherine, I would like to show you around my private wing now if I may. You see our rooms are next to each other and connected by a door, but my room actually leads to it's own personal section of the house and I would like to take you there. Are you game enough to follow," he smiled teasing her, as he offered her his hand.
Chuckling Kat nodded, relaxing into her seat as they chatted. She liked what she learned of her new master, they chatted and Kat found herself getting more and more comfortable. She enjoyed hearing about his work, as it would soon, in a sense, become her work. It interested her, and she was pleased that it wasn't something that would likely bore her. Overall Kat was pleased with the man who had chosen her, she just hoped she could please him.

Katherine enjoyed the meal very much. and when she finished she saw Chris stand up. Offering his hand and a slight teasing dare. Smiling, she set her hand in his, standing up. "I'm game for just about anything." She countered, she allowed him to lead her to his private wing, giving her a tour. She kept her hand in his, relaxed at his side as she looked about curiously.
Chris led her to his door then opened it. It led to a little foyer with several doors leading off it. Straight ahead was a decent sized door. "That is my bedroom door and you have a door in your room that leads inside. We will go inside later."

He opened one of the other doors and led her inside and showed her around. In the wing was a small private cinema that doubled as a games room, a gym, a small pool, a library filled with not only books, but graphic novels and Manga, and his collection rooms. Before leading her into them he blushed a little. "Okay you might have guessed by the comics and Manga I am a big kid or Geek, but this is going to confirm it."

Inside was a huge collection of Star Wars memorabilia, including possibly every toy ever made, plus props from the movies. In another room was a whole heap of DC and Marvel things including first editions and rare comics plus busts of characters and costumes worn in movies and TV shows. Lastly was his Anime and Manga collection room with figures, hard to get movies, models, and all sorts of wacky props.

He smiled as he led her finally to his room. Opening the door he showed her the large space with a king sized bed, large screen TV, computer, surround sound system and other touches. It wasn't too over the top but he had gone a bit overboard. "Welcome to my room Kat," he said gesturing her inside then closing the door behind them.

He led her over to his bed then sat her down on it sitting beside her. "Now I know you are trained to please me in here," he said gesturing to the bed, 'And I want you to know I find you very attractive and desirable. However I have a few ground rules when it comes to sex. I have to be in charge and what I say goes. You don't have to be submissive but no changing the game plan if you get my meaning. Two I do have certain needs that have to be fulfilled sometimes and if you can't do that I understand. I have other women who can do that and I will see them. However I will discuss them with you first not just spring them on you. In fact why don't you tell me now what you have been trained for and what you would be willing to do and what you would not. It might make this part of our lives easier. Oh and be truthful, I am not going to be disappointed or get rid of you," he smiled.
As they walked through the wing, she was majorly impressed that his private suite had it's own gym, pool, and private movie theater. When they got to a door, she raised a brow when he blushed, stepping inside, she worked very hard to school her features as she was taught, to not laugh. "Wow," was all she said, now Kat herself had never seen Star Wars, though she has seen some of the DC movies that had been made recently.

Moving on they got to his bedroom. Stepping inside, she followed him to the bed, sitting down, she listened intently as he spoke. Nodding her head in understanding, she had expected him to be in charge in the bedroom, most, if not all of the Academy's clients were. As such she'd been trained to be utterly submissive in the bedroom. Not necessarily a pushover, as she could and would fight back or resist, if he desired that. She didn't necessarily like when he said he would see other women for needs she couldn't fulfill, but she knew that was his choice and she had no say in such things.

He asked what she'd been trained to do, what she would and wouldn't not do. "I've been taught to do anything you want, whether I particularly like it or not." She said easily. Then continued, "I was taught all the usual, oral, anal, bondage, all the various positions." She ran through the things she was taught, "Quite honestly there is very little I don't like. I don't really like watersports. I don't mind some pain, but I don't like extreme pain. I like being tied up, but not the extreme bondage where I'm deaf, blind and have rope circling my entire body." She explained, Tilting her head, hoping that he didn't crave any of her particular dislikes.
Chris smiled at her. "I think we are going to get along just fine and I will not have to go and see anyone after all. You far exceed my every wish and I think we are going to have a lovely time together. I just wanted to make sure that you would be fine with the things I liked. Although I like to be in charge, I don't like to cause pain to my partner, well not when it is not called for if you know what I mean," he chuckled.

Looking at her he moved across and kissed her tenderly then harder and more urgently. "I believe it is time to see just how skillfully you have been trained my dear. I want you to stand up and perform a little strip tease for me, then take me out and get me nice and hard. In fact why don't you just show me how talented you are with that mouth of yours."