Hey. You Trump Haters. And you know who you are...

(And before the usual morons begin their hate and ascription, accusing me of voting for Trump, I'll be voting Libertarian. No dog in the fight, just curiosity.)
I thought from the outset that I established that I have no dog in the fight between the two candidates.
I already picked the one I thought was going to win: Vice President Harris.

I am here to, for once, agree with previous statements you’ve made. 👍🙂🎉

Funny though how you always, and I do mean ALWAYS, carry water for the person you’re NOT voting for. 🤷‍♀️

Do your credibility further favors and impress folks here with an impassioned plea for the Libertarian Party’s candidate. Ya know, the person you’ve NEVER mentioned. 💩
Trump may not have created MAGA, but he certainly accelerated it and quickly dismantled conservatism within the Republican party. The cult of personality cares more about proving his lies than having any real discussion on policy.

I hate Trump more for that than anything he, himself has become. Loyalty to a man over a country. And everyone else is trying to emulate him.

I can only hope that a conservative party returns.

And I'd like to do away with closed primaries....sick of the ease of which extremes control the outcome.
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One candidate does not make an election, Asimov tried to teach us that through his Foundation series and the vehicle of Hari Seldon. Vice-President Harris, like President Biden before her (before the Obama’s coup), believe that you can change what an individual can, or think/believe, but deny that in the aggregate, you cannot abrogate human nature and behavior.
This was before Chaos Theory and the study of bifurcations, which is what our culture does, it vacillates (and the youth rebel against the pendulum swing of the previous generation and laugh at past generations and thanks to our educational culture, they never understand historical patterns) and right now, in reaction to a cultural shift Left, some would say all too rapid, like the 60K in Springfield who had Big Trouble in Little Haiti visited upon them (and this is just the tip of the iceberg which includes things like out FBI declaring concerned parents “terrorists” and Lois Lerner weaponizing the IRS), there is a cultural pushback and the Democrats are now swimming against the currents of culture.
This is why the candidate does not matter on a larger scale (and the larger we get, the less it matters and less you live in a handful of targeted “swing” districts). In the lees and dregs of the Tea Party, you see that cultural movement coming like tides, real tides, unlike the artificial tides of the Tides Foundation, and despite appearances (Fallacy of False Cause), Donald Trump did not create MAGA. The Democrats indirectly created the MAGA movement as people banded together to protect themselves and rebel against the cultural Marxists who worked to fundamentally transform this nation with the aid of a lot of very wealthy people who do not love this country (Nobody says the S-word!). This child of the Democrats (the Left that has sublimated the voting power in the Party creating the defection of more traditional Democrats like Gabbard and Kennedy, not to mention the public humiliation of Shapiro) produced for them a creation of their own, a grandchild, Donald Trump.
He was the only one who could cut across the media, traditional and social, entertainment, and education governmental complex and interfere
Was looking forward to getting into the weeds on this one, because let’s face it, someone who apparently has an at least casual interest in theory deserves some genuine debate…
And then I glance down and see that last line, which I won’t repeat here
Because even if I hadn’t seen enough of your previous posts to know this is inherently rooted in divisiveness and bigoted rhetoric…
I would point out I can see only one plausible positive reason for it, and that’s to draw attention to the deep rooted, longstanding inequities and inequalities in society. Yet you make no reference to that in your lengthy comments, and it really doesn’t seem to be a priority of yours - I wait with alacrity for you to protest otherwise
The more likely reasons? To desperately imply Obama’s and Harris’ legacies won’t last as long because of their race? Or something I’m just gonna hope you’re not trying to allude to
So you again lost all credibility with that last line, but I hope the responses here encourage you to reflect on why people are legitimately horrified by the idea of such a hateful and divisive individual being president again
Was looking forward to getting into the weeds on this one, because let’s face it, someone who apparently has an at least casual interest in theory deserves some genuine debate…
And then I glance down and see that last line, which I won’t repeat here
Even if I hadn’t seen enough of your previous posts to know this is inherently rooted in divisiveness and bigoted rhetoric…
I would point out I can see only one plausible positive reason for it, and that’s to draw attention to the deep rooted, longstanding inequities and inequalities in society. Yet you make no reference to that in your lengthy comments, and it really doesn’t seem to be a priority of yours - I wait with alacrity for you to protest otherwise
The more likely reasons? To desperately imply Obama’s and Harris’ legacies won’t last as long because of their race? Or something I’m just gonna hope you’re not trying to allude to
So you again lost all credibility with that last line, but I hope the responses here encourage you to reflect on why people are legitimately horrified by the idea of such a hateful and divisive individual being president again


He’s gone for the day.

This one falls on us for not checking the time stamp of his first post when we know he’s only good for an hour or so of delusional talk.
I see.

Are you referring to the abortion voter?

Ad hominem, how nice. Way to reset the dialog and tone it down...


Try as the MAGAts might, decent, intelligent people are NOT going to stop talking about the clear and present danger DonOld poses to the country and the world.

Do MAGAts seriously believe decent, intelligent people are going to sit quietly while DonOld and the MAGAts say and do whatever ignorant, crazy, hateful, destructive, traitorous shit they want???


👉 DonOld and the MAGAts 🤣

Says a guy who is a member of a website which glorifies the human body and sex/sexuality for personal pleasure and profit.

WTH are you saying? What are you attempting to do here with this criticism???

I don't understand why people believe that any author's works are an invitation to use a criticism (not critique) about those works as an attempt to vilify the author in a political forum.

I, like you/Chloe/every other published author on this website, worked my ass off to write those stories and using their existence as a way to try to denigrate us for expressing a political opinion is beyond acceptable. We should all get behind this regardless of our personal beliefs.

I don’t get this angle of attack at all. There’s a coexistence between publisher and reader. You are not exclusively a publisher and no one is when posting in the PB. Just to be clear, you’re mad at the consumers on this site?

🤷‍♀️ Just dumb. 🤷‍♀️ Am I missing something???
You should push this video about Project 2025


Get people to pass it on !!

Pray they or someone else makes an “I’m just a Bill” for tariffs!!

Pointing out with Trump’s own words that he fails the Bueller Test also brilliant

BAD Economics!! Anti-conservative!!

Combine Tariffs, “Voodoo Economics,” and “Drill drill drill” That’s Trump’s “income plan” for America??
So I know what I'm talking about.


So all those female members here, INCLUDING LAUREL HERSELF, as well as those who advertise here, are "whores?"

You know, just like you call Melania a "whore" for doing the same thing? Because you know what you're talking about?

Yeah, you need to do a bit of soul searching. DEEP soul searching.
It would seem that firearms are not the only things with triggers… Period
The Left is fully automatic when it comes to triggers and triggering. I'm fairly certain that's why they cannot distinguish between Semi-auto and Full-auto.

I agree with you, but for emotional reactions only. As far as deep thinking goes, they are strictly single shots.

And they ran out of ammo years ago.