Hikari's Hotspring Hideaway

checks the guages and velocity with a smile, grabs the voice pipe


Navigator! Check bearing and distance, updates every 2 minutes.
Staggers against the moisture laden wall, nicking my hand on one of the sharp boarding cutlasses as the ship lurches suddenly and uncontrollably to starboard.
*Makes mental note to self to kick helm when the chance presents itself.*

Stops, nose in the air sniffing ... "avast, I'm being followed" ....
Staggers against the moisture laden wall, nicking my hand on one of the sharp boarding cutlasses as the ship lurches suddenly and uncontrollably to starboard.
*Makes mental note to self to kick helm when the chance presents itself.*

Stops, nose in the air sniffing ... "avast, I'm being followed" ....

Stops, also sniffing the air.

Damn, I knew I should have showered earlier today...
She smiles arrogantly, nodding at the deserved praise. Damn right.

No, I haven't seen the series. I've heard there was some anger over its cancellation. If it was as good as the movie, I can see why!
She smiles arrogantly, nodding at the deserved praise. Damn right.

No, I haven't seen the series. I've heard there was some anger over its cancellation. If it was as good as the movie, I can see why!

The events of the movie are after the series. Including how the original crew came together. It may have been only 12 episodes, but they were great episodes.
checks pants
Mr? mean yes Ma'am, you're right of course. I'll just go and... um...

slinks below deck on SW's heels, intrigued.

Stops, also sniffing the air.
Damn, I knew I should have showered earlier today...

Zounds! :( It appears I either attracted the cabin boy or one of the ships boarding party. At least he appears to have brought brought blunt instruments with him. Good, they should be handy when Mr fuckmeat shows up .........

She smiles arrogantly, nodding at the deserved praise. Damn right.

No, I haven't seen the series. I've heard there was some anger over its cancellation. If it was as good as the movie, I can see why!

It became a cult thing and was also (I think) the reason Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy) refused to work for Fox for a long time, despite there being a contract or something.

Vail will correct me. Bitch knows her shit.
Boarding teams to the starboard hatches! Ready lines to belay when we take position!

The events of the movie are after the series. Including how the original crew came together. It may have been only 12 episodes, but they were great episodes.

Ahh, I will have to check it out then. :D

*Pulls out a long knife and a flintlock pistol, grimacing fiercely at the other ship as they slice through the clouds. Slowly, her heart pounding, she wipes a streak of grease from her face. There would be time to wash up later, after they beat these bastards back to the ninth circle.*
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Zounds! :( It appears I either attracted the cabin boy or one of the ships boarding party. At least he appears to have brought brought blunt instruments with him. Good, they should be handy when Mr fuckmeat shows up .........


The one carting the weapons is one of the diplomatic corps... I mean boarding party. Sir!
Boarding teams to the starboard hatches! Ready lines to belay when we take position!



Time for a little diplomacy!

Grabs a cutlass, a dagger and the nearest BFG and heads for the starboard hatches....
STEADY Navigation! Keep us close for just another 2 minutes!


eyes on the navigation guages, tilt and roll, sway of the ship she knows like her own hips...1...2...1...2...1...

The ship lurches again and plasters my face to the porthole. Looking out I can see an evil looking ship, a greasy trail of steamy smoke trailing behind .... we're closing.

Looking at the pile of weapons trying to decide which to take. Aw fuck it ... all of them .... staggers off, stuffing pistols into boots, belts and one into the codpiece for good measure ...
STEADY Navigation! Keep us close for just another 2 minutes!


eyes on the navigation guages, tilt and roll, sway of the ship she knows like her own hips...1...2...1...2...1...


Opens the hatch, and lets off one blast from the BFG, before assisting in tying the enemy vessel along side their ship. Quickly slinging the hot weapon over the shoulder and back, he draws the cutlass and jumps across to start the process of negotiating the surrender of the other ship.
Adrenaline courses through her veins, crying out to noone in particular as the runs for their elusive opponents. butterflies exploded in her stomach as she hurdles the gap, and for a moment she feels nothing but the rush of air, and the tiny water droplets of fluffy clouds, before once again, she lands upon textured iron floor. The clash of her own steel with another's tortures her eardrums, and without hesitation, she levels the pistol at his chest, pulling the trigger and feeling the kick through her whole arm, the sound reverberating obnoxiously. The smell of gunpowder assaults her nostrils as her crewmates pour over the rails around her.

Yes, that comment was a direct comment from one writer to another. Hence, using your name, rather than your 'title'

... and if that response is not good enough, I will report for discipline, though Mr Fuckmeat will be standing in on my behalf.
stays behind on the ship, patrolling the deck and cutting down would be boarders. Slices through landing ropes as they whistle down on arrows
STARBOARD GUNNERS! Harpoons on my mark!

watch for the keel...watch for the keel...

Curses, why will these dogs not surrender themselves to our prisons and devices of exquisite torture? Mz Hikari-san ready the cookie launchers, lets give 'em taste of our dough .....
Wipes a bloodied blade upon a frilly napkin and heads towards the enemies poop deck. There's sure to be some action there .....
Kaylee watches the man fall to the deck, fight or flight impulses filling her mind, and ignoring them, trying to cling to reason in the most chaotic of times. She can just hear the Captains orders over the din of conflict. Another enemy crewman charges her, a wild overhand strike threatening to crash down upon her. She blocks it, almost buckling beneath the force of the blow, before she whips the butt of her spent pistol across his jaw. She finishes him with a thrust to the torso as the harpoons fly overhead.

Spotting the opposing captain, she approaches the woman, dispatching another foe before holding her blade at her throat. "Order a ceasefire, woman, or I'll gut you like I've already gutted three of your men."

It didn't take long for the dastardly Captain to make her decision. "Stand down! Lay down your weapons, dogs!"

(This is just too much fun. ^_^)
Kaylee watches the man fall to the deck, fight or flight impulses filling her mind, and ignoring them, trying to cling to reason in the most chaotic of times. She can just hear the Captains orders over the din of conflict. Another enemy crewman charges her, a wild overhand strike threatening to crash down upon her. She blocks it, almost buckling beneath the force of the blow, before she whips the butt of her spent pistol across his jaw. She finishes him with a thrust to the torso as the harpoons fly overhead.

Spotting the opposing captain, she approaches the woman, dispatching another foe before holding her blade at her throat. "Order a ceasefire, woman, or I'll gut you like I've already gutted three of your men."

It didn't take long for the dastardly Captain to make her decision. "Stand down! Lay down your weapons, dogs!"

(This is just too much fun. ^_^)

Starts swearing when the mechanic manages to successfully negotiate the terms of the exchange of assets from the previous owner to the new owner, thereby depriving him of some of his duties. Not to mention some fun too. Casually stabs a wounded enemy to death hoping now one will notice.

( I have to agree - most spur of the moment ideas do turn out to be the most fun )
Standing at the Starboard windows, hands behind her back, staring down proudly at her crew as the take the ship. The Mirror will be her's again.