Hoke Hicks - Compelling words about her testimony

Trump is being prosecuted for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels and claiming it as a campaign expense.
Which isn't illegal. NDA's are quite legal everywhere in the US. Bragg's novel but corrupted interpretation of NY law is what is behind the persecution of Donald Trump and is being enabled by a Marxist judge who knowingly misunderstands his own state law, and the federal law he is allowing Bragg to pursue without legal authority to do so. Three weeks in they have not identified evidence of a violation of NY law or a victim. Recall that the SDONY prosecutors, several of whom were ardent Trump haters, and the US Election Commission looked at these charges 8 years ago and found no violation or reason to proceed with a federal prosecution. If Trump wins this election a Trump DOJ should proceed with an 18 USC 371 investigation and prosecution of all involved including Judges Howell, Chutkan, DA Willis, and Jack Smith, et al.
Let's not go overboard with praise for Cassidy Hutchinson, she drank the kool-aid early and often, seduced by the allure of power at a young age. She just happened to come to her senses earlier than Hope Hicks and Stephanie Grisham.
And then lied under oath.
Trump is being prosecuted for his role in a campaign coverup and much more. There ought to be a law applicable to just being born Donald J. Trump. But, I guess the last one might not be reasonable, like the first one!
Trump is being prosecuted for his role in a campaign coverup and much more. There ought to be a law applicable to just being born Donald J. Trump. But, I guess the last one might not be reasonable, like the first one!
No one has produced a single bit of evidence or testimony saying that Trump personally forged his records or ordered them to be forged which is required under the statute they're trying him for violating.
Which isn't illegal. NDA's are quite legal everywhere in the US. Bragg's novel but corrupted interpretation of NY law is what is behind the persecution of Donald Trump and is being enabled by a Marxist judge who knowingly misunderstands his own state law, and the federal law he is allowing Bragg to pursue without legal authority to do so. Three weeks in they have not identified evidence of a violation of NY law or a victim. Recall that the SDONY prosecutors, several of whom were ardent Trump haters, and the US Election Commission looked at these charges 8 years ago and found no violation or reason to proceed with a federal prosecution. If Trump wins this election a Trump DOJ should proceed with an 18 USC 371 investigation and prosecution of all involved including Judges Howell, Chutkan, DA Willis, and Jack Smith, et al.
You sound just like Donald. Ready to chuck out the DOJ bodies and install people who sign oaths of allegience to Trump and do his bidding regardless of the law. Lynch mob mentality.

Continue misstating the facts of the charges - just like a Trumpian.
You sound just like Donald. Ready to chuck out the DOJ bodies and install people who sign oaths of allegience to Trump and do his bidding regardless of the law. Lynch mob mentality.

Continue misstating the facts of the charges - just like a Trumpian.

Witness Says Trump Did Not Personally Ask Him to Carry Out ‘Hush Money’ Payments​

A former Trump Organization controller took the witness stand on Monday.

By Jack Phillips

A witness in former President Donald Trump’s New York “hush money” trial on Monday appeared to confirm his attorneys’ claims that payments at the center of the case were legal expenses and that he was not personally directed by the former president to make those payments.

Former Trump Organization controller Jeffrey McConney testified Monday that payments that were sent to former attorney Michael Cohen were legal expenses, confirming defense attorneys’ arguments.

“Michael Cohen was a lawyer?” Trump defense attorney Emil Bove asked Mr. McConney. “Sure, yes,” he replied.

“And payments to lawyers by the Trump Organization are legal expenses, right?” asked Mr. Bove. “Yes,” said Mr. McConney.

“President Trump did not ask you to do any of the things you just described?” the attorney then asked. “He did not,” Mr. McConney replied.

More here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/wi...oReport&src_src=partner&src_cmp=BonginoReport
You sound just like Donald. Ready to chuck out the DOJ bodies and install people who sign oaths of allegience to Trump and do his bidding regardless of the law. Lynch mob mentality.

Continue misstating the facts of the charges - just like a Trumpian.
Show me where I misstated the "facts of the charges."
Trump is being prosecuted for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels and claiming it as a campaign expense.
There is no evidence he did so or instructed anyone else to. That is your problem aside from the statute being beyond the statute of limitations.
Idiot. They have been posted several times and your post didn't include those. Just what you wanted, cherry-picked shitass Trumpisms.
I get it, you can't do it. All you can do is shoot off your mouth in ignorance.
No one has produced a single bit of evidence or testimony saying that Trump personally forged his records or ordered them to be forged which is required under the statute they're trying him for violating.

I gotta say that I’m so envious of this position that many members here on the right are able to hold - knowing without a shadow of doubt that if (insert requisite dem) was jaywalking then they are absolutely guilty but bending themselves into knots to give (insert requisite Repub) every benefit of doubt.
Guess you are hard of hearing aren't you Fuzzy. You must have fuzzy hearing to go with your fuzzy logic
So you can't show me where Hicks "blew Braggs ass off".

And actually I am very hard of hearing, my left ear is 10% and my right is 50%. Without my hearing aids in I don't hear nothing. Very peaceful I must admit.
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There is no evidence he did so or instructed anyone else to. That is your problem aside from the statute being beyond the statute of limitations.
lol, all you guys can do is whine and complain. Well then tell me, how did the Grand Jury indict him? Oh I'll bet you'll claim their all Democrats or some such bullshit.

Keep up the great work wrongway, either way the trial(s) go, I'm 100% sure you'll offer me hours of free laughs.
So you can't show me where Hicks "blew Braggs ass off".

And actually I am very hard of hearing, my left ear is 10% and my right is 50%. Without my hearing aids in I don't hear nothing. Very peaceful I must admit.
I always scratch my head how any woman would identify with a party and its male followers who are dedicated to misogyny. Every opportunity they reflexively must show it.
I always scratch my head how any woman would identify with a party and its male followers who are dedicated to misogyny. Every opportunity they reflexively must show it.
Lots of women around who like being treated like that. Takes a whole cabaret to make up all the women in the world.
lol, all you guys can do is whine and complain. Well then tell me, how did the Grand Jury indict him? Oh I'll bet you'll claim their all Democrats or some such bullshit.

Keep up the great work wrongway, either way the trial(s) go, I'm 100% sure you'll offer me hours of free laughs.
In rhe legal circles,,,,a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich
Which isn't illegal. NDA's are quite legal everywhere in the US. Bragg's novel but corrupted interpretation of NY law is what is behind the persecution of Donald Trump and is being enabled by a Marxist judge who knowingly misunderstands his own state law, and the federal law he is allowing Bragg to pursue without legal authority to do so. Three weeks in they have not identified evidence of a violation of NY law or a victim. Recall that the SDONY prosecutors, several of whom were ardent Trump haters, and the US Election Commission looked at these charges 8 years ago and found no violation or reason to proceed with a federal prosecution. If Trump wins this election a Trump DOJ should proceed with an 18 USC 371 investigation and prosecution of all involved including Judges Howell, Chutkan, DA Willis, and Jack Smith, et al.
Campaign expenditures are subject to federal law. You cannot deduct expenses related to your day-to-day activities as "campaign expenses" (for you, let's assume "ammunition purchases" and renewal of your subscriptions to the Grindr app and "Blueboy" magazine). Likewise Trump cannot expense payments for sexual favors.
You sound just like Donald. Ready to chuck out the DOJ bodies and install people who sign oaths of allegience to Trump and do his bidding regardless of the law. Lynch mob mentality.

Continue misstating the facts of the charges - just like a Trumpian.
We have to take our country back.
We have to take our country back.
This judge is antithetical to juris prudence. This trial is nothing more than a 3rd world character assassination attempt. This judge should be reprimanded and impeached for allowing Daniel’s to discuss her past which has no bearing on the case.
We have to take our country back.
You MAGAts no longer have the numbers in your voting demographic.
48% max this cycle. The only way you can maintain political power in 2024 is to block the vote of non-white people.
You're a dying demographic with no one faction willing to replace you.
In twenty years, Republicans will be as relevant as Whigs.
Jen Psaki had an interesting story to tell on her MSNBC show today about the first time she ever met Hope Hicks.

It was the first time Hicks had been to the White House. She met with outgoing Obama's Press Secretary for a photo op, then sat down with Psaki, who was then Director of White House Communications.

Hicks had one single question for Psaki: "How do you get your boss to say 'yes'?

Psaki said President Obama had authorized her to to speak on his behalf on issues like press releases to commemorate National Pancake Day, but would always meet with her prior to releasing any statement of substance.

Hicks said, "President Trump is clearly invested in his 'branding' and insists on personally vetting each and every press release". Such a hands-on President!