Hoke Hicks - Compelling words about her testimony

Maybe some day you’ll evaluate these proceedings based on law and not through the prism of hatred towards Trump. What’s on trial here is our judicial system. Criminal prosecutions are supposed to be clear statutory violations based on clear evidence, hard evidence or compelling circumstantial evidence. These prosecutors have yet to established the crime or statutory violation. Conspiracy to commit a future crime.. what criminal statute would that be? Using salacious biased irrelevant testimony to sway a jury is typical activist judicial behavior. The gag order for one and yet not applicable to other witnesses is abuse of power.

You talk a big story but your only concern is not for the proper and fair application of the law but to eliminate Trump and eliminate a choice for voters. This trial from its inception till now has been a clear case of *ABUSE OF POWER* Lititia James case same thing. Prosecuting a fraud case without a victim?
I view Trump with some pretty clear lenses, and that is based on his actions and conduct, not hatred. This is my short list of reasons:
  • 'Fought the Vietnam draft system' by eventually finding one out of six doctors to sign off on his bone spurs as a way to avoid service.
  • Trump’s 25 million dollar payout for his fake online university targeting American soldiers and their GI Bill educational funding. [Thanks @Bn2f] A failed 'university' by Trump to taut his business acumen.
  • Calls military heroes suckers and losers if they were caught or died - e.g., John McCain, whom he mocked derisively because he could not salute due to his torture in Hanoi Hilton prison. He questioned what was in the war for the dead soldiers as he stood supposedly honoring them at a ceremony. Couldn't bother to go to one cemetary there because it rained on him that day. Even wanted someone to acknowledge that he 'honored' McCain in his burial by allowing a proper ceremony at the Capitol. Idiot-Trump craving attention.
  • Cannot handle military classified documents with the appropriate storage and shared those with others as some kind of bragging point without regard for the sources. He lies about keeping them. He refused to return them. He idiotically declared that he had declassified them.
  • Shamefully slandered his bootlicking opponents by lying about their family members' involvement in JFK's assassination for another example. There's more, but one will do it here.
  • There are volumes written about his failed businesses and corrupt business practices. [This trial is one of them.] No need to cite those - too numerous to count.
  • Cheated on three wives who knows how many times?
  • Dishonesty - goes without saying.
  • Fostered a conspiracy using Fake electors - ring leader role.
  • Marshalled a crowd on J6 and sent them to the Capitol and waited three hours to call them off. Said they were beautiful people and that perhaps Mike Pence deserved to be hung on that gallows.
  • Grabbed pretty women by the pussy because he was entitled to do so with impunity.
  • Lies about his weight, his health, and his hair.
  • Cries because he is treated so unfairly - so next 'they' will come after the rest of us. [whoever they are.]
  • He is known as a narcissistic bastard, pathological liar, and mentally in need of medical help, according to at least three psychiatric specialists, including Dr. Mary Trump, his niece.
This is just my short list of reasons that Trump is not ever going to get my vote, never mind his political bent ideologies. Those would take another longer list.

So, my distaste for Trump is not hatred. The man is not worthy of another Presidency. And the trial is evidence of this, one more case in point.
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I view Trump with some pretty clear lenses, and that is based on his actions and conduct, not hatred. This is my short list of reasons:
  • 'Fought the Vietnam draft system' by eventually finding one out of six doctors to sign off on his bone spurs as a way to avoid service.
  • Calls military heroes suckers and losers if they were caught or died - e.g., John McCain, whom he mocked derisively because he could not salute due to his torture in Hanoi Hilton prison. He questioned what was in the war for the dead soldiers as he stood supposedly honoring them at a ceremony. Couldn't bother to go to one cemetary there because it rained on him that day. Even wanted someone to acknowledge that he 'honored' McCain in his burial by allowing a proper ceremony at the Capitol. Idiot-Trump craving attention.
  • Cannot handle military classified documents with the appropriate storage and shared those with others as some kind of bragging point without regard for the sources. He lies about keeping them. He refused to return them. He idiotically declared that he had declassified them.
  • Shamefully slandered his bootlicking opponents by lying about their family members' involvement in JFK's assassination for another example. There's more, but one will do it here.
  • There are volumes written about his failed businesses and corrupt business practices. [This trial is one of them.] No need to cite those - too numerous to count.
  • Cheated on three wives who knows how many times?
  • Dishonesty - goes without saying.
  • Fostered a conspiracy using Fake electors - ring leader role.
  • Marshalled a crowd on J6 and sent them to the Capitol and waited three hours to call them off. Said they were beautiful people and that perhaps Mike Pence deserved to be hung on that gallows.
  • Grabbed pretty women by the pussy because he was entitled to do so with impunity.
  • Lies about his weight, his health, and his hair.
  • Cries because he is treated so unfairly - so next 'they' will come after the rest of us. [whoever they are.]
  • He is known as a narcissistic bastard, pathological liar, and mentally in need of medical help, according to at least three psychiatric specialists, including Dr. Mary Trump, his niece.
This is just my short list of reasons that Trump is not ever going to get my vote, never mind his political bent ideologies. Those would take another longer list.

So, my distaste for Trump is not hatred. The man is not worthy of another Presidency. And the trial is evidence of this, one more case in point.
I know that’s your stated short list but may I beg of you to add trump’s 25 million dollar payout for his fake online university that targeted American soldiers and their GI Bill educational funding. TY.
I view Trump with some pretty clear lenses, and that is based on his actions and conduct, not hatred. This is my short list of reasons:
  • 'Fought the Vietnam draft system' by eventually finding one out of six doctors to sign off on his bone spurs as a way to avoid service.
  • Calls military heroes suckers and losers if they were caught or died - e.g., John McCain, whom he mocked derisively because he could not salute due to his torture in Hanoi Hilton prison. He questioned what was in the war for the dead soldiers as he stood supposedly honoring them at a ceremony. Couldn't bother to go to one cemetary there because it rained on him that day. Even wanted someone to acknowledge that he 'honored' McCain in his burial by allowing a proper ceremony at the Capitol. Idiot-Trump craving attention.
  • Cannot handle military classified documents with the appropriate storage and shared those with others as some kind of bragging point without regard for the sources. He lies about keeping them. He refused to return them. He idiotically declared that he had declassified them.
  • Shamefully slandered his bootlicking opponents by lying about their family members' involvement in JFK's assassination for another example. There's more, but one will do it here.
  • There are volumes written about his failed businesses and corrupt business practices. [This trial is one of them.] No need to cite those - too numerous to count.
  • Cheated on three wives who knows how many times?
  • Dishonesty - goes without saying.
  • Fostered a conspiracy using Fake electors - ring leader role.
  • Marshalled a crowd on J6 and sent them to the Capitol and waited three hours to call them off. Said they were beautiful people and that perhaps Mike Pence deserved to be hung on that gallows.
  • Grabbed pretty women by the pussy because he was entitled to do so with impunity.
  • Lies about his weight, his health, and his hair.
  • Cries because he is treated so unfairly - so next 'they' will come after the rest of us. [whoever they are.]
  • He is known as a narcissistic bastard, pathological liar, and mentally in need of medical help, according to at least three psychiatric specialists, including Dr. Mary Trump, his niece.
This is just my short list of reasons that Trump is not ever going to get my vote, never mind his political bent ideologies. Those would take another longer list.

So, my distaste for Trump is not hatred. The man is not worthy of another Presidency. And the trial is evidence of this, one more case in point.
Don’t care about your vote. What concerns me is how people would subjugate our legal system, equal application of the law, equal protection under the law and substitute personal hatred.
I know that’s your stated short list but may I beg of you to add trump’s 25 million dollar payout for his fake online university that targeted American soldiers and their GI Bill educational funding. TY.
I added that one! Thanks.
Don’t care about your vote. What concerns me is how people would subjugate our legal system, equal application of the law, equal protection under the law and substitute personal hatred.
So here is where you and HisArpy show your general lack of knowledge and hypocrisy. Trump IS getting MORE than equal application of the judicial system. He doesn’t have court appointed lawyers. He’s supposedly paying for top legal representation. He is, even in court, receiving Secret Service protection. He is even still flouting the law despite being currently out on bail. No one else could do such a thing. If you cared so much about the issues you just posted on, then your onus would be on those in and out of court who’ve been subject to his ire without the means and benefits that this thug has access to. Again, we’re in agreement. Judge Merchan should gain better control of his courtroom to protect the jury and his daughter.
Don’t care about your vote. What concerns me is how people would subjugate our legal system, equal application of the law, equal protection under the law and substitute personal hatred.
I do care about votes. Your vote concerns me as well. You should make sure it goes toward promoting a free and fair election in 2024. I petition you to avoid a Trump vote. It is not in our best interests as a nation and in the eyes of our allies.

It's hard to ignore the disparity in treatment. Trump, as the judge acknowledges, is no ordinary citizen. But does that mean he's above the law? A regular citizen would face severe consequences for actions similar to Trump's. This raises questions about the fairness and equality in our legal system. Trump leverages that unfairly.

Can you honestly deny he didn't violate those gag terms? Never mind if you believe they are not valid. Did he violate a judge's orders knowingly?

A man of integrity would follow the rules. Trump fails on that level and so many others.

It is not just personal disdain; it is the acknowledgment that Trump believes he is above the legal system that drives people to want him reined in and out of harm's way.