Holding poems up to the light, then beating them senseless.

JUDO said:
PS - :Trying to think up something to ask Lauren: Do you write any poetry that is about the places, people or culture of your home country?
I do. I have.

Dolce color d'orïental zaffiro has a strong historical theme; it refers to the finding of the sea route to India. Vasco da Gama set sail July 8, 1497, rounded the Cape of Good Hope (at the time known as Cape of Torments, because it was thought to be unsurpassable) four months later, and reached Calicut May 20, 1498.

Meteorological Report also, was written as a description of a particularly interesting and beautiful part of Portugal. Alentejo, in the South. I believe I did an OK job at illustrating what it is to be there in August.

Poems like Nereid Layers and Erosion reflect in a way both the history, or tradition, and the Portuguese soul.

I've been planning for ever to write a series about Portugal in your The Tides thread. They wouldn't all be related to the sea directly, but since the sea is such an important part of the portuguese heritage and colective personality, I believe that thread is a good place to post it. Keep your eyes open.
Excellent response L. I'll have to go back and read those poems again. :)
WickedEve said:
Judo can you post what you have or is not enough?

It's not very much and fairly incomplete -- just a few answers. I was really hoping for more, but maybe...

- Judo
It's been almost seven months since our last interview! Judo, I'm holding you personally responsible for this regretable hiatus. :mad:
If that doesn't work, I'll just hold you personally. :D
Lauren.Hynde said:
It's been almost seven months since our last interview! Judo, I'm holding you personally responsible for this regretable hiatus. :mad:
If that doesn't work, I'll just hold you personally. :D

Sorry, it's been a long time. I'm still trying to get just pet to answer the interview questions. I sent her a bunch six weeks ago. She replied immediately, but it was with a panic about all her poems being gone from the site. Yes, Lit was messing up at the time.

Her poems are all there again, but she hasn't answered the questions yet. I've written her twice to try and prod her answers. I can only wait.

I wouldn't have waited this long for almost anyone else without getting belligerent, but I think her work makes the time worth it.

How about someone interviewing someone else in the meantime?

- Judo
That makes sense. I'm really looking forward for just pet's interview, but we can't just sit around and wait. Someone needs to interview Angeline before she gets too good and has her work published. :D
Well, seeing that no one wants to get this show on the road, Hyndeline will have to step in and make a hostile-take over. We'll be interviewing one of you very very soon. We even have a willing vict...er... poet already.
Hyndeline said:
Well, seeing that no one wants to get this show on the road, Hyndeline will have to step in and make a hostile-take over. We'll be interviewing one of you very very soon. We even have a willing vict...er... poet already.
Oh just do it and get it over with. And judo... you are a bad girl! Pet, you are an even worse girl! Hyndeline, you are a... creature of some sort that I'm sure will produce an excellent interview. :)
After the notoriously successful interviews and multi-leveled mind pokings of KatPurrs and KillerMuffin performed by UP, SA Storm by KatPurrs, REDWAVE by daughter, WickedEve and WriterDom by REDWAVE, smithpeter by WickedEve, and JUDO by smithpeter, it is now the time for the greatest interview of all times:

Hyndeline vs. HomerPindar. Beware.
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Hyndeline said:
After the notoriously successful interviews and multi-leveled mind pokings of KatPurrs and KillerMuffin performed by UP, SA Storm by KatPurrs, REDWAVE by daughter, WickedEve and WriterDom by REDWAVE, smithpeter by WickedEve, and JUDO by smithpeter, it is now the time for the greatest interview of all times:

Hyndeline vs. HomerPindar. Beware.
I'm scared and tingling and wailing and dancing. Is that strange reaction?