Holding poems up to the light, then beating them senseless.

Ah, don't you just love those eager newbies! Furry, I thought the poem you posted was fun, although obviously on the light side.
Ah, don't you just love those eager newbies! Furry, I thought the poem you posted was fun, although obviously on the light side.
I just posted another poem on that sex thread that you'll really dig, Red. ;)
I just got the okay to interveiw from none other than...(drum roll, please)...just pet!

I can't wait!

I'll post a poem soon.

- Judo
Okay, I remembered that I really, really liked the new submissions I'd come across when posting to "The New Poetry List" thread, but I'd forgotten how completely encompassing the experience of reading just pet's poetry could be. They run the gammet from sweet seduction to the unexpected gut-punch. Wow!

Here are a couple of samples to keep your interest alive while I'm out of town until next week. And remember, the depth of these two is not unusual, it's part of her style.

• • • • • • •

by just pet©

Deep within the sylvan grove
Draped in columbine and hyssop
Sylphid beckons dark haired god
To sleep within the glory-of-the-snow

Smoky whispered invitation
Violet throated passion promise
Like sweet racemes she falls before him
Dulcet bells entreat him home

Tongue glazed mute by Annu's niveous breasts
Coralline tipped with roseate gilded bud
Rime riche rustlings echo ancient rites
Earth-star sighings burst in powdery opulence

Divested of her foliose raiment
She is Cybele, forest goddess on wing singing
Stirring Dionysis to lustral abandon
Melting the pale horse snows where desideration slumbers

• • • • • • •

Aphrodite's Rose
by just pet©

Capping the mountain in sullen retreat
wisping breaths of Hera's bitter elixir,
silent waits the foreign lover
holding dream court through prism lenses
to constructs vanquished into lissome zephyrs.
Gentle wishings slipping through memory's jet-stream
washed fantastic in misty patchwork
redesigned to veil winter's fallow keening
with teary threads binding bits of cloud-cold swansdown.
Fragrant wind-borne tear attrited to thistledown
seeks to bathe in the rimed fire fountain of Astarte.

Zephyr brushed cheek pricks to silent murmurings.
Whispery snow cool promises schussing
down luminous breast of baby's breath and moss rose.
Fragrant tear retraces pathways now lost in neglect,
grown deep with nettles.
Apollo with Calliope in concert,
satyr and nymph in lyric conversation,
driven to eloquence by sorcerers' madstone.
Fragrant zephyr, gentle tear
sucked into Brighid's Bonfire,
buffeting ancient breaths, sizzling ancient tears
in cleansing white heat of poets' vision,
purging the briers from Aphrodite's rose.

• • • • • • •

Have a pleasant week and weekend. See you next time.

- Judo
Good choice, Judo. I thought of several poets that I'd love to see interveiwed. I don't know a lot about just pet, so I really look forward to learning more about her. I do know she wrote a great poem that I really like Kathmandu Kitty
Yes, I've assigned myself a daunting task. Just Pet writes poetry so differently from my own and seems to be quite a well-read author (love her words).

I've started asking questions. The last email I sent was about a week ago, but I have a feeling she must be out of town or something (vacation?), because unlike the original questions I asked (2 months ago), she has not responded as of yet.

I'm still going through her works (there is a lot of good poetry) and making notes for questions.

I hope she is still into it. I should have an update soon.

- Judo
Good thread I'd hate to see die

While we wait on the Judo/Just Pet interview that may arrive next year, :D would someone like to interview someone? Anyone?
I'd like to see an Angeline or Lauren interview. Would one of you ladies like to interview the other? Any volunteers?
Yes, I do have my own sense of time, but I pm'd just pet a few weeks ago and I'd almost forgetten that she hasn't answered. I'll try again.

- Judo
Re: Good thread I'd hate to see die

WickedEve said:
While we wait on the Judo/Just Pet interview that may arrive next year, :D would someone like to interview someone? Anyone?
I'd like to see an Angeline or Lauren interview. Would one of you ladies like to interview the other? Any volunteers?
I'm all for it, and it could definitely happen, but wouldn't that scenario be just a tad schizophrenic?
Re: Re: Good thread I'd hate to see die

Hyndeline said:
I'm all for it, and it could definitely happen, but wouldn't that scenario be just a tad schizophrenic?
That'll make it all the more interesting. :D
Or Maybe

Hyndeline could interview Wicked Eve and her lovely friend, Elda. Just the four of us....
And would this be a live broadcast or would we be able to manipulate the data to protect the mind and eyes of the multipersonality-deprived innocent few?
Or Maybe

we can just interview ourselves? I want to ask myself what the hell I'm doing writing all this poetry anyway, just so I can see what I have to say about that!
Re: Or Maybe

Angeline said:
Hyndeline could interview Wicked Eve and her lovely friend, Elda. Just the four of us....
I don't know... Elda can be quite disagreeable. And she may blab secrets -- really dark twisted secrets! I never know what she's going to say.
Re: Or Maybe

Angeline said:
we can just interview ourselves? I want to ask myself what the hell I'm doing writing all this poetry anyway, just so I can see what I have to say about that!
Hot damn! I like that idea! lol We should. Let's interview ourselves. I have lots of questions that I'm going to demand that I answer.
Wicked Eve interview

WE, why do you write poetry?

Well, Wicked Eve, because I can.

Good answer, WE.
I, for one, have questions for all of you. Give me the green light, and I'll bring out a hose. Not a rubber hose, but there you are...
Question for Me

Q. So why do I write poetry?

A. I never stop talking anyway. I might as well put it in writing.

(you know Eve, if Disposa interviewed Elda or vice versa, now that would be scary....)

And Lauren. Well, I talk to that woman every day already. What do you want to know about her?

And you kdog may ask away. If it's too personal, I'll simply lie or otherwise wriggle out of it. But i'm only talking to people or dogs or whatever. Not hoses. That would be, well, unseemly.
Resurrection is on the way!

Finally, I have a dialog going with the miraculous just pet! I've received her first answers to the opening interview and I've sent her the second set of questions.

With any luck and life getting out of the way, we might have this interview done pretty soon.


- Judo
I sent my follow up questions and 2nd set of questions about a month ago. I followed up with an email last week. No answer. Hopefully, she will answer the interview questions (largely gleened from things that have been asked others before), but I don't know.

- Judo

PS - :Trying to think up something to ask Lauren: Do you write any poetry that is about the places, people or culture of your home country?