Home Buying Advice

If you want to get some decent, good advice about buying real estate, of any form, consider talking to your bank or financial institution. They will likely have people there (especially the loan officers) that can answer a lot of questions without any extra cost to you. There are some banks that offer seminars about how to buy or finance a home, among other things.

I've been finding things out like this with my recent endeavors with buying a home (I close next month).
SweetErika said:
I'm curious:
1) Why would you buy an investment property instead of buying yourself a home (or putting your money into mutual funds, high interest accounts, CDs, etc., for that matter)?

2) Why Connecticut?

3) Were you planning on renting out or trying to re-sell the CT property?

Well, if we found a house that we just loved, then yeah, I could see us moving into it and making it our own home. Some of it are in mutual funds and CDs already.

Well not just Connecticut, maybe New Jersey or even somewhere in New York, I just thought I'd start somewhere.

We wanted to buy a 2 to 3 family home, so we could rent some/all of it out to help pay the mortgage. But it would be nice to have a house, so I don't think we would re-sell it, but who knows?