~ Honey's Blanket Fort Of Bliss 2 ~

I've done a bit of blaming tree pollen myself the last few days. :heart: Hang in there.

What she said. Not vodka though. I can't look at vodka today.:eek::rolleyes:

I haven't looked at vodka since I was fifxxxxx... oops can't say that. Anyway my brother (15 months older) was making me screwdrivers and I got drunk. *giggles* He had to call my friend so she could get me undressed and in the shower. I still laugh when I think about how she hooked my hands in the towel rack so I wouldn't fall forward.

Ahem.... no vodka. Ever. Again.
I want to curl up in a little ball, pull the blankets over my head and cry. I want to let someone else take my reins, take care of me and help me get through this.
(Since that's always worked out so well...)
Instead, I'll pull myself together, get dressed, and put on my resting bitch face so I can go out and adult the fuck out of this miserable day. I guess I may as well see how life wants to fuck me over today. I just need to stop my stupid eyes from leaking all over. I'm blaming tree pollen...too bad there aren't many trees in the tundra...

Resting bitch face is very effective. I use it daily!

Hope your day improves! :flower:
gentleman in a suit for me, please.

That works too!

With his shirtsleeves rolled up to expose the hair on his forearms, and his dangling necktie tickling my skin. And his silver belt buckle pressing into my hip as he leans over to knead my bum.