Hooked or Unhooked Cont...

I'm waiting for someone to come and pull them off.

No, the real reason is that I was working tonight and they kinda keep my pokies contained when I'm wearing a revealing top.

Whatever your job is, all men will appreciacte them lol
Hooked for a lot of today. It was a really comfortable bra so I didn’t mind. Unhooked now.
Unhooked.. but will shortly have to get hooked and ready to run an errand! Can’t have these things running free outside lol
Unhooked and in an early Friday evening bubble bath 🛀 ;)

*note to self - do not drop phone in bath 🙃*
Hooked for shopping today. I think my straps were too tight. Unhooking was ahhhhh.
All of you ladies are welcome to unhook at my house anytime you'd like