Hooked or Unhooked Cont...

What is the plan for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ladies? Is it an outfit that "requires" a bra, or you going for comfort and enjoying the freedom of "going natural" and setting the girls free?
Merry Christmas!
Hooked, as a large breasted woman, I rarely go unhooked except at bedtime. And I enjoy the way my girls look hooked.
Hooked can look nice

Hooked, as a large breasted woman, I rarely go unhooked except at bedtime. And I enjoy the way my girls look hooked.

Large breasted woman often look better hooked more flattering but when it becomes play time unhooked is the only way to go
Hooked, as a large breasted woman, I rarely go unhooked except at bedtime. And I enjoy the way my girls look hooked.

From what I've seen in the past - you look amazing either way!! :D Which ever makes you comfortable. :rose: