Hot water and suds

Shouldn't surf be capitalized and blue?

When you do these word puzzles I can't sleep for weeks trying to figure then out like the one you submitted years ago. Time has mercifully helped me forget my inadequacy.
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champagne1982 said:
Man Tan

Baby's got tan lines down low
where my fingers tingle to know
what those bubbly suds feel
like as I kneel
to see you better. I wanna go
to heaven and taste
ambrosia at that fountain
there below your waist.

Enough with being chaste,
come over here and dance
those moves inside a glance
down to see
tan lines just above
that smooth white ass.

Rinse away that soapy curtain
and show me jutting power
disguised as masculinity
under a steaming shower.
I love it when we're clean.
But you're better when you're dirty!
wildsweetone said:
surf? there is here.
OK, I will change it. - A google says it is the same thing as All, a Lever product.
wildsweetone said:
LeBroz says there isn't much poetry in hot water and suds. i'm betting there is.


I guess I should wear my readin' glasses cuz I thought ot said hot water and STUDS.... :cool:

tell LeBroz theres poetry in almost everything...:)
Maria2394 said:
I guess I should wear my readin' glasses cuz I thought ot said hot water and STUDS.... :cool:

tell LeBroz theres poetry in almost everything...:)

We'll see how I do when I get through "Hot Water and Suds," but inspiration is harder to come by when it's a load of dirty dishes being washed and not the lovely female form.

:rose: :rose:
LeBroz said:
We'll see how I do when I get through "Hot Water and Suds," but inspiration is harder to come by when it's a load of dirty dishes being washed and not the lovely female form.

:rose: :rose:

Utensils, ( for LeBroz)

Imagine tines tingling amongst mere suds
and spoons, what better than spoons?
I ask you to feel the curve of her stainless
shoulder, the length of her handle
how many times have you held her
now to be given the gift of the washing

to stroke her with your firm cloth
remove the grit of the loving lips
that consumed some sustenance from her
plate, her lover as a body flat, her face
awaiting your touch, beneath soap
and suds, your hands, her porcelain
skin ever smoother with the glaze
of loving touch, beneath
the water and the waiting suds
to be caressed, washed by such
a loving, meticulous, stud

Maria2394 said:
Utensils, ( for LeBroz)

Imagine tines tingling amongst mere suds
and spoons, what better than spoons?
I ask you to feel the curve of her stainless
shoulder, the length of her handle
how many times have you held her
now to be given the gift of the washing

to stroke her with your firm cloth
remove the grit of the loving lips
that consumed some sustenance from her
plate, her lover as a body flat, her face
awaiting your touch, beneath soap
and suds, your hands, her porcelain
skin ever smoother with the glaze
of loving touch, beneath
the water and the waiting suds
to be caressed, washed by such
a loving, meticulous, stud

Ahhh! The spoon. Was one ever so loved as the one in Tom Robbins' "Skinny Legs and All"?
Once, beans were licked lovingly
from her bowl and lips
closed over her satin
surface to suck, to suck --
and she, a forgotten bit of picnic
left behind in a rain storm,
in a flurry of feminine weakness
could aught but quiver
in remembrance.
champagne1982 said:
Ahhh! The spoon. Was one ever so loved as the one in Tom Robbins' "Skinny Legs and All"?
Once, beans were licked lovingly
from her bowl and lips
closed over her satin
surface to suck, to suck --
and she, a forgotten bit of picnic
left behind in a rain storm,
in a flurry of feminine weakness
could aught but quiver
in remembrance.

ohhhh, thats good!!!!

I have one, Contemplating Bowls, just have to find it and I will post it here, y'all wont reject it <pout> ;)

Alone in the shower.

To pee or not to pee
That is the question
whether it be nobler
in the shower, to suffer
the sting and agony
of an over-full bladder
or to take heart
in the running water
and the singularity.
So relax and end them.
To stand, to pee,
No more, and by a pee
I say it blends
and washes away, out
to where all effluent goeth.
Tristesse said:
To pee or not to pee
That is the question
whether it be nobler
in the shower, to suffer
the sting and agony
of an over-full bladder
or to take heart
in the running water
and the singularity.
So relax and end them.
To stand, to pee,
No more, and by a pee
I say it blends
and washes away, out
to where all effluent goeth.

This is big! Work on the ending, I'm talking a 6 on the lit. scale. Oh, I always
aim for the drain. I love this! :nana:
champagne1982 said:
Ahhh! The spoon. Was one ever so loved as the one in Tom Robbins' "Skinny Legs and All"?
Once, beans were licked lovingly
from her bowl and lips
closed over her satin
surface to suck, to suck --
and she, a forgotten bit of picnic
left behind in a rain storm,
in a flurry of feminine weakness
could aught but quiver
in remembrance.

I forgot all about the spoon and her companions!
thank you for reminding me! ;)
I loved that book...

have you read "Fierce Invalids from Hot Climates" yet? I think it is my favorite from him...I loved the logic of the missing link.
wildsweetone said:
LeBroz says there isn't much poetry in hot water and suds. i'm betting there is.


Honey dew drops bubbled and dripped
soaking skin, tan limbs and a sultry smile
made just ... for you.

I slid down deep into the bubbles
thinking what a pleasure it would be
to see you pop up between my sudsy
thighs, blowing your bubbles the way
you always promised.

Yes, I do remember a time
a moment when all was clear
and you did just this. Laughter
filled the air and a sudden
hot tension popped up between us.

Your curls stick out most
in my mind. A loving smile appears
and so does a persistent never ending
desire I have and shall always have
... for you.

Razor to legs, slide to and fro
sharing the space for a moment in time
with you. Remembering your scandalous
trailing these same ridges, mountains
and hills.

Shaving cream covers
hides your favorite spot
ready for the razors edge, ready
for that silken slide you do so well.

Knowing your likeness for cream
I cover two crescent breast
tweaking nipples, finger slides
nubbing them just right
for the tasting
for the tempting of the man
out of the mountains and onto

the trail of this starving body. The
mapping of this woman who was lost
without a trace. Come show me
the hunger I once knew
grew, between us two ...

;) :D :p
There is a big difference between a shower and a sink (~_~) hot water and suds, sounds like a rain closet to me.

rain closet
by My Erotic Tale

clouding mist
pelting rain
draining strain

engrossed in jeweled 'drum-lets'
mezmerizing likeliness
of a meteor showers awe

naked to the confined world
wistful, dust to dust can still wash
flesh cleansed while burdens still bare

overwelming fresh fragrant aroma
racing lather in showered dreams
messaging perplexion streams

the refreashing cubical
spraying delight from a faucet
inside the rain closet
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I had to bump this one. I love this thread. :nana:

I'm thinking as cold as it is outside
we all could use a few bubbles .... ;)

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
I had to bump this one. I love this thread. :nana:

I'm thinking as cold as it is outside
we all could use a few bubbles .... ;)

Happy Writing ~


Now that's what I call a Public Service Announcement. Brought me a much needed smile. ;)

:rose: :rose:
well, I must confess
I enjoy a good shower <grin
I just fixed the whole in the wall from the last ... <grin
rumble in the raincloset <bigrin'
mirrors surrounding heart shapes.
pink bear claw tublit by candles glowing
dripping wax into puddles.

three jasmine drops, sliding down bubbled legs.
toes coming up for air, as hair glistens
roping down, fanning out into waves of honey.

strawberries placed around pool lips, beseeching
a taking into twin teacups as tangy tidbits tempt
a lip, a tongue to trespass past the rosé ring
and deviantly delight inside a dip ...

Unbridled_Passion said:
when you are in a steamy shower with someone and are lathering up, do not drop the soap

I rather enjoyed dropping the soap.
Leads to so many interesting discoveries. ;)
Especially if ya clean your way back up :p

:catroar: :nana:

~~ I know there is a poem there somewhere but this thread is about bubble baths, :rolleyes: not porn in tha shower *sighs* moving my way to that thread, lol *weg*
