How a Master/Mistress can show Love for their Slave

Re: Please tell me...

Unregistered said:
I agree with AmorousVixen.
All 8 items are missing. Could someone please tell me how to love someone and expect nothing in return. How do you give yourself completely to someone and merely be content that they "allow" you to do so? To receive no affection. No praise. No thank yous. To ALWAYS be spoken to as if you have no clue of anything in this world. To ALWAYS be spoken to (or is it spoken 'at' rather than 'to') like you are a child being repremanded. Like it's a miracle that you've survived as long as you have. To never be recognized that you are capable of independent thought or have an opinon on anything. To never ask for anything (material or otherwise) and yet that someone never bothers to ask what you think or how you feel. Please tell me how to do that without losing myself.

feeling lost and alone
(as if I'm becoming a doormat)

I think all of us here would agree that what you've described is NOT what we seek in a BDSM relationship. If it's not what you desire, you have to communicate that and be prepared for the answer you will receive.
Re: Please tell me...

Unregistered said:
I agree with AmorousVixen.
All 8 items are missing. Could someone please tell me how to love someone and expect nothing in return. How do you give yourself completely to someone and merely be content that they "allow" you to do so? To receive no affection. No praise. No thank yous. To ALWAYS be spoken to as if you have no clue of anything in this world. To ALWAYS be spoken to (or is it spoken 'at' rather than 'to') like you are a child being repremanded. Like it's a miracle that you've survived as long as you have. To never be recognized that you are capable of independent thought or have an opinon on anything. To never ask for anything (material or otherwise) and yet that someone never bothers to ask what you think or how you feel. Please tell me how to do that without losing myself.

feeling lost and alone
(as if I'm becoming a doormat)

I am so sorry to hear of anyone feeling lost and alone. Sadly to say, is true for a lot of people.

The good news is that one need not feel that way. The bad news,...ya gotta work for it. YOU only have to read your own words to realise what is missing in your life.

It is YOUR responsibility to do something about these shortcomings, one else's. You are aware of SOME of the problems which trouble you greatly, yet you appear to be asking others to *fix* it for you.

No one but YOU can do that. Does this mean you sever the relationship you are in? Well,...maybe it does,...and maybe it doesn't. There ARE ways to begin repairing, and/or mending relationships.

The question for you is,..."Do you even want to? If you DO,...does your S/O want to? Is it worth it to BOTH of you to even try?" Communication is *The Key*.

Good Luck to you! I hope I have helped you in some small way. :rose:
Unregistered, I agree with the others who have posted before me. You should not be in a relationship that has you feeling lost and alone. Artful and His Dream are right, you must look inside for the answers. I think you should look for the answers to
Artful's questions. If you are with an SO and are feeling as you say, you need to speak with your partner. No one should be in a relationship and feel as you do.

I hope that you find what you seek.
We all deserve to be treated with respect and love.


Goddess Helena said:
Unregistered, I agree with the others who have posted before me. You should not be in a relationship that has you feeling lost and alone. Artful and His Dream are right, you must look inside for the answers. I think you should look for the answers to
Artful's questions. If you are with an SO and are feeling as you say, you need to speak with your partner. No one should be in a relationship and feel as you do.

I hope that you find what you seek.
We all deserve to be treated with respect and love.


Great Response Goddess!! exactly.. "No one should be in a relationship and feel like that .. We ALL deserve to be treated with love & respect!! YOU have to feel that way about yourself also ,to allow those good things to happen ,dont stay with someone who only "brings you down" ,but rather someone who will encourage and "uplift you":rose: :heart:
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Artful's Dream, thank you. I agree with your post as well.

I am Helena, btw.
We are women together. Equals here and in our search for what will bring us joy and peace.

ty Helena

so very nice to meet you and the pleasure is all mine..

as I struggle through my journey I feel you do also ,please know that I am here to offer my support to you in any way I can:rose:
Thank you, Artful's Dream.

You are right about the struggle. I am at your disposal as well, sweetie.:rose:
