How about this top list?

Tristesse2 said:
not as rude as helpless, pee inducing hysteria.
Hysteria is insulting, but pee-inducing hysteria would simply kill a guy--and leave him wet.
Tristesse2 said:
not as rude as helpless, pee inducing hysteria.
Which is better than helpless, pee induced hysrteria.

Just sayin'.
Excellent idea for a top list, Eve. Now THAT is one I'll strive to be on. Might take awhile to catch up, though, as some folks here have years on me. :) Maybe over the summer. Right now teaching and working on my 2nd Masters is wearing me out. I'll try to comment on at least five a week, though. Doing the reviews should make sure I get that far at least.
cherries_on_snow said:
Excellent idea for a top list, Eve. Now THAT is one I'll strive to be on. Might take awhile to catch up, though, as some folks here have years on me. :) Maybe over the summer. Right now teaching and working on my 2nd Masters is wearing me out. I'll try to comment on at least five a week, though. Doing the reviews should make sure I get that far at least.
You'll find the list in the feedback portal:

It is a better list to shoot for than the poetry list.
Just remember to leave constructive feedback, guys! ;)
WickedEve said:
I have my eye on Art's spot, then I'm coming after you. :devil:
Unless... someone can stop me.
If you're not commenting on poetry, then this is the time to do it. Don't let me rule the top feedback list. Stop me!

you go girl! <grin
I hadn't looked there in a long time, so, I added up all three names and comments... 3310 ... now... go girl <bigrin

I have to say I enjoyed reading your comments today as well as Du's on the poems I was able to read thus far... I am all 'for' seeing more comments. And I believe that makes Lebroz; the king of the hill, (~_~) bows humble <grinin
My Erotic Trail said:
you go girl! <grin
I hadn't looked there in a long time, so, I added up all three names and comments... 3310. And I believe that makes Lebroz; the king of the hill, (~_~) bows humble <grinin

To your spelling adventures we can add mathematics. I'm still 1350 off your 3-name grand total. Not quite king of any hill; after I pass don87654, the king of the hill look will be illusory.

WickedEve said:
I have my eye on Art's spot, then I'm coming after you. :devil:
Unless... someone can stop me.
If you're not commenting on poetry, then this is the time to do it. Don't let me rule the top feedback list. Stop me!
Okay lady, then you'd best get your butt in gear. And please note that after slacking off for a few months I've finally gotten busy and have gone over 2000 comments.

Sure hope this gets everyone off their recliners and get busy commenting. Seen quite a few decent poems passing by w/o comments when I was slacking off. But activity of late seems to have picked up.

And while I'm at it ~ and going a bit off topic ~ here's one of my rare rants. This morning there was one of those comments aimed at AnAmericanDarling - seems rather disparaging to me - charging her as being another alt. Who gives a flying rat's ass if it's an alt, or if an author/poet has several alts? How about concentrating on the quality of the writing? And keep these conspiracy fantasies in check. Go ahead and comment, but comment on the poem not the poet.

Done with my mini-rant.

LeBroz said:
This morning there was one of those comments aimed at AnAmericanDarling - seems rather disparaging to me - charging her as being another alt. Who gives a flying rat's ass if it's an alt, or if an author/poet has several alts?
The really funny bit though, was that it was a comment made anonymously.
what is worse than pathetic poems?

WickedEve said:
Start commenting on Poetry
Poor poems are pathetic, but poor comments are criminal, and pathetic all the same.
Senna Jawa said:
Poor poems are pathetic, but poor comments are criminal, and pathetic all the same.
Guess what?
Some of us don't leave poor comments.
Lauren Hynde said:
The really funny bit though, was that it was a comment made anonymously.
Of course it had to be anonymous. All in keeping with the conspiracy fantasy ~ the author/poet is trying to put something over on us poor unsuspecting readers. But I did notice the humor in the comment being anonymous.
LeBroz said:
Okay lady, then you'd best get your butt in gear. And please note that after slacking off for a few months I've finally gotten busy and have gone over 2000 comments.

Sure hope this gets everyone off their recliners and get busy commenting. Seen quite a few decent poems passing by w/o comments when I was slacking off. But activity of late seems to have picked up.

And while I'm at it ~ and going a bit off topic ~ here's one of my rare rants. This morning there was one of those comments aimed at AnAmericanDarling - seems rather disparaging to me - charging her as being another alt. Who gives a flying rat's ass if it's an alt, or if an author/poet has several alts? How about concentrating on the quality of the writing? And keep these conspiracy fantasies in check. Go ahead and comment, but comment on the poem not the poet.

Done with my mini-rant.

I usually comment, but the goal really isn't for me to comment more than usual. It's to get more people interested in feedback--and interested in something besides that darn top poetry list. ;)
LeBroz said:
Of course it had to be anonymous. All in keeping with the conspiracy fantasy ~ the author/poet is trying to put something over on us poor unsuspecting readers. But I did notice the humor in the comment being anonymous.
Why would it matter if she's an alt? Many of us use alts for one reason or another. I do because my W.E. poetry list is too long. I have my new poems under kittenishjane. I don't hide that fact. Never thought it mattered one way or the other.
WickedEve said:
Guess what?
Some of us don't leave poor comments.
Especially those who have left zero comments. But these ideal commentators are not on your top list.
WickedEve said:
I usually comment, but the goal really isn't for me to comment more than usual. It's to get more people interested in feedback--and interested in something besides that darn top poetry list. ;)
Good luck.

As for the Top Poetry List :rolleyes:
I admit to watching the list regularly morph as a sweep gets done and then over the next few weeks 100-200 poems get voted off the list. It's a bit of a morbid fascination, like driving past a car wreck and wanting to see all the horrid carnage. And then in the following month, another sweep and the process starts all over again.

In the meantime, I'm more interested in reading poems and offering up my 2¢ worth via the P/C. :D

Lauren Hynde said:
Let's get people more interested in darn.
What is darn and why should I be interrested in it?

Well, as long as I sit here and wait for my toast to pop, I'm gunna go read me some poems. Who knows, I just might leave a comment. For the first time in eleventeen months or something.
WickedEve said:
Why would it matter if she's an alt? Many of us use alts for one reason or another. I do because my W.E. poetry list is too long. I have my new poems under kittenishjane. I don't hide that fact. Never thought it mattered one way or the other.
Like I said when I went off topic with my mini-rant - who gives a flying rat's ass if it's an alt? & like Lauren noted, it was done anonymously - which added to the humor of the comment {sad humor at that}.

I've probably done more than one "Welcome to Lit" comment that was served up to an alt. So what?

Commenting on the poem is what counts, not commenting on the poet. Do that in a pm.

Senna Jawa said:
Especially those who have left zero comments. But these ideal commentators are not on your top list.
It's not my top list.
These people are on the list because they took the time to leave feedback.
And I know that just because one leaves feedback, it doesn't make them good at it, but at least they're trying. If the poet doesn't find their comments helpful, then they have the right to ignore it, delete it, whatever.
Liar said:
What is darn and why should I be interrested in it?
It's a hole repaired by weaving thread or yarn across it and how can you not be interested in it? Do you like having holes in your socks?

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