How about this top list?

Decayed Angel said:
Nah, I tried that and...
that's funny
I left a string of 5's
<enjoin the rite
and someone wanted to ban me :rolleyes:
sits back and waits for the blowback this time :nana:
Lauren Hynde said:
It's a hole repaired by weaving thread or yarn across it and how can you not be interested in it? Do you like having holes in your socks?
I Darn! my socks while I darn them, but it seems to stress them out. Now I'm barefooted. I think I need a support group.
MyNecroticSnail said:
that's funny
I left a string of 5's
<enjoin the rite
and someone wanted to ban me :rolleyes:
sits back and waits for the blowback this time :nana:
No way! Who wants to ban you? Tell me the entire story. :catgrin:
Lauren Hynde said:
It's a hole repaired by weaving thread or yarn across it and how can you not be interested in it? Do you like having holes in your socks?
I don't darn. I buy new socks, dammit.
Liar said:
I don't darn. I buy new socks, dammit.
So when did you first realize that you have the same compulsion to build dams like Canada's national rodent? I admit, yours is a tad odd, too. Around your socks?
Decayed Angel said:
Nah, I tried that and...
I know some people don't handle constructive feedback too well, but some of us do. Personally, I love all I can get. I'll try to leave some now and then too if I can think of anything useful.
WickedEve said:
That's the point. It's a list. And just because it's a list, I must be on it. I must be #1.
Silly girl. You know that. :D
Now, I'll go leave about 1,000 comments that say, "Love it!"

(not really. so don't get worked up, people.)
"you suck"
"but I left you a five"
LeBroz said:

Well Eve, you'd best get crackin' cause duddle146 is shooting up the list with upwards of 20 comments/day.

Wonder how quick I can overtake {again} don87654, and retake the top spot? There are, after all, a few thousand poems in backlog I've never read...

How many times....
How many times....
How many times do I see these things before me
How many times before they begin to bore me
Hey now, what is your claim?
Mr. Inspiration. Mr. Archival
Someone left a bad comment.
You think nothing of
Smearing anothers good name
You make me want to vomit
Blame for corrections, blame for directions,
blame, innuendo, unfounded accusations
anything for an H, - and the top list.

Isn't this one of them, you pointed the finger at. God forbid, finger points back at you.
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Good Lord, LeBroz, how did you make over 7,000 comments? :D

I'm sure a lot of poets--especially ones who don't get any other feedback--really appreciate you. :rose:
WickedEve said:
Good Lord, LeBroz, how did you make over 7,000 comments? :D

I'm sure a lot of poets--especially ones who don't get any other feedback--really appreciate you. :rose:

Thanks. Like I always say, it's a small price to pay for free poetry. The real reward is in responses to the Archival thread from writers normally found at the AH forum. Who would have thought that writers of prose would wander into the Poetry forum to enjoy the writing?


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