How did you find out about Literotica?

Just before I left home for college, a friend and I were talking about sex, and when I asked her where she 'got that from', she told me about this place. I was just 17, so I just lurked, and waited until I turned 18 to join.
Through a search of "sex stories". I was living in a hostel at the time, and had to steal wireless off a house beside the hostel that didn't secure their network (the hostel wifi was monitored), so I could load pretty much only text. I liked the clean layout, read a few amazingly hot stories in the Nonconsent/Reluctance section, and was hooked. Even after I got proper private internet access, I found that I still preferred reading erotic stories to watching porn.

I've only been registered for two years, but I had been lurking without an account for years before that. Literotica has been with me pretty much every step of the way of my sexual awakening.
Found out about Lit from a friend I was RP'ing with before AOL's newfound oppressive censorship pretty much killed the service. That was about 10, maybe 12 years ago... possibly longer.
I can't remember. I think it was from a magazine about 10 years ago.

It's amazing how long so many of us have been around Lit.
I've been on lit for about 12-13 years but I only have vague memories how I stumbled across it. If memory serves me right it was suggested by a friend on yahoo who I used to play with and she is the one to be blamed for getting me hooked to this site. Sadly I didn't know about the forums till much later.
I stumbled across Lit 12 years ago as a lonely, horny college student with a long distance military boyfriend.

After all these years, I drift away, and something always pulls me back.
Two Fold....

A friend of mine (female) told me about it a few years ago but I only quickly checked it out. Then a few months ago I searched for erotic stories for wife and I to read, found Lit and been here since. Hoping to actually start posting my own stories about our exploits soon.
I just stumbled across it yesterday. How could I miss this place for so long?:mad: