How do you really feel about feedback and votes???

Re: Nope

pop_54 said:
Don't know anything about gardening darling, it's a British style biblical abbreviation from soddom having sexual/physical abuse connotations regarding shoving crap up hill if you get my meaning.

pops....:rose: :rose:

Dear Pops,
Oh, I see now. I thought it had something to do with butt fucking.
Re: Why don't I ever learn?

MathGirl said:
What a difference a couple of days make!
1. Guess whose stories are no longer in the top 500. *

Hey, I'm back up in the top 500. Number 491 isn't exactly the hit parade, but I'll take it.

I'm not gonna look again. Ever.

Re: Re: Nope

MathGirl said:
Dear Pops,
Oh, I see now. I thought it had something to do with butt fucking.

That's what I said didn'i, hehe.

pops.............Oh and I'll whisper it so nobody hears, nice to see you back up in the ranks..:rose:
I really like feedback on my stories, especially when it gives me ideas and isn't just "I really liked this".

Mostof my feedback is of two forms:

"I really liked this."
"I couldn't understand the dialect in that."

Recently though, I got a couple of emails from some guy who sounded like he was having fantasies of me personally and who didn't realize that the image on my page is a 3D render of a fictional character and not a real person...

That's a little odd, and makes me feel a little creeped out. Don't want to upset any of you, but I have no interest in getting to know any of you or any of my readers outside of the forums and through reading the fiction. :D
Pops, thanks for the thread.

With my first post a year ago, I watched my views and votes constantly. Now, I don't worry about the votes anymore. I have 2 stories up, both are at 4.43. It does surprise me a little that so many read the stories yet so few actually take the time to vote. Either way the voting doesn't bother me any longer, I would much prefer feedback on my postings (positive or negative, both can be constructive).

Trina T.:rose:
Hi each

Hi Tenyari, nice of you to contribute, and nice to meet you, I agree, the guy with a fixation for you avathingie does sound a bit of a creepy character. Reading your profile, don't worry about your upbringing, we aint a thousand miles apart in that department.

Hi Trina love nice to hear of another who found the voting versus views a mystery at times, also another who doesn't worry too much about votes. I agree on the feedback being the best judge of a stories acceptance or otherwise.

See Ya.....pops...........:D :D
Well, I'm new to Lit--two stories so far, and the responses have been pretty good. But in truth I don't care much. I've been writing for my own amusement for years, and finally found a place I can put the stuff out for others to read. If they don't like it, they can read something else.

I do get annoyed at feedback about punctuation and such when I know that the problems arose in the conversion from my word processor to Literotica, not because I didn't proofread. But unless the reader has submitted a story, he/she wouldn't know how that happens, so it's no one's fault.
Voting vs. Feedback

I know why my faithful readers vote but don't send feedback.

Voting can be done with one hand. Typing feedback can't.

Re: Voting vs. Feedback

MathGirl said:
I know why my faithful readers vote but don't send feedback.

Voting can be done with one hand. Typing feedback can't.


I manage it when I'm writing a particularly horny scene and the other hand's occupied with any other business.

Re: Voting vs. Feedback

MathGirl said:
I know why my faithful readers vote but don't send feedback.

Voting can be done with one hand. Typing feedback can't.


Yess wi kann butt ze speling loks avfull.