how good are you at understanding when someone is attracted to you?

how good are you at understanding when someone is attracted to you?

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I generally miss the first few subtle indicators!

But, certainly if there is a connection, which I do tend to pick-up on eventually, then I certainly refocus quickly and the senses are raised.
slightly obtuse: i can usually put the hints together...given sufficient time & a supercomputer...

It usually takes me a bit of time.

(That and my friend whispering it to me) :rolleyes:
slightly obtuse

Although it might be more of a problem with me not paying attention. I've had friends say that girls are crazy flirting with me, hair flipping, eye lashes batting, extra smiles, going out of there way to touch me somehow and I'm just like ''really? I thought she was just being friendly.'' It used to piss off my wife to no end that I don't notice even when girls are blatantly staring at me or flirting outrageously right in front of her.
I am usually 100% obtuse. I never know, unless it is pointed out to me by someone else :rolleyes:
I guess the most tell tale sign is the eyes.Anybody can smile,but if the eyes don't
sort of smile as well then it's all phonyness.
If somebody meets you and they are looking at the ground all the time,avoiding eye contact,with they're arms folded
in front of them then they definitly don't want to know you.
I am really good at recognizing it when I am not attracted to the other person.
Slightly Obtuse

Slightly Obtuse...I can usually put the hints together...given sufficient time & a supercomputer...

Though it's interesting to note that I've grown older (somewhat) I can actually distinguish the type of attraction.

Once I know someone's attracted to me, it's usually easy to tell what their intents are (unless of course, they are well versed in deception).

The ones who want sex are so generic, that I am appalled I didn't notice this earlier. The ones who want to get to know you, will point out the random things about you (how you tilt your head, how your dimples look, how you giggle) and ask equally random questions. It's nice, :).
slightly obtuse............but it can be a wonderful surprise:heart:
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bailadora: if you click on the votes, you'll see that i voted "somewhat obtuse." :>

i used to be "obtuse" when i was younger and never thought to entertain the possibility. :>

bailadora: if you click on the votes, you'll see that i voted "somewhat obtuse." :>

i used to be "obtuse" when i was younger and never thought to entertain the possibility. :>


Well, hell's bells. Learn something new everyday. I didn't know you could do that. :)
I have always missed the boat- until just the other day. He works with me, and he will not talk to me much, yet he lingers at the doorway if he sees me coming in to work. He will talk to people AROUND me, and will try to chat, but just can't get the words to come out for some reason. Finally, he started to tease me. I called him on it the other day and he admitted it. I found it works so much better when you just call them on it.
bailadora: i should point out that the thread creator has to create it as a public poll (which i invariably do) in order for that option to exist in the first place. if not done at creation, as with any other poll option, only a moderator can change it. :>

Throw me into the "completely obtuse" category.

The funny thing is, I can always tell when someone is into one of my friends, but it never works for me. I think part of it might be that when I see some of the signs that might be attraction, I almost always chalk it up to the person just being nice, because the few times I've followed up on what I thought were signs, that was always the case. Go figure.
I am very good at knowing when a man is attracted to me, but usually oblivious when it is a woman. Which is stupid, because I like women.
I'm completely oblivious.. usually Master ends up pointing it out to me :eek: