How have you changed?

I've been reading stories here since the first year or two the site was up and running. Every kind of story too from a fairly impressionable age into adulthood. I don't think this site or any pornography in general has influenced the interactions I have with other people. Fantasy world doesn't meet real world often.
Literotica has opened my eyes to the fact that I am even more open minded than I thought I was before and that I welcome most new ideas with open arms. I always knew there was(and still is) a world of sexual possibilities out there and lit made me discover part of it( I guess I should say that it made me discover the theory part of it , now its up to me to put it in practice or not)

Yes! Couldn't agree more!
Change? Well, I'm from New England. Not much changes up here.

Seriously though, I wouldn't say Lit has changed me so much as educated me. My wife and I have always been horny and kinky, and never had any hangups about it. But I've learned a hell of a lot here (wife doesn't hang out on any discussion board, but is glad enough I come here), and that's definitely made things more fun for both of us.