How many is too many?

numbers are an odd human imply that doing something the 700th time is different than doing something only once doesn't really make sense. but i can still relate to ab3's dialogue with her man...there's a cheezy ludacris want "a lady on the streets but a freak in the bed" (how true is that!)....just like how i want $37 million without actually working my whole life for it. point is, you can't drive a car without getting behind the wheel a few times. and once you have, it doesn't matter how many miles you've only matters that you enjoyed your trip and met some wonderful people along the way. i don't mind what's happened in the past so much, as long as she's with me in the here and now...
how many? how many?

The question is valid, but there may be no "correct" answer to 'how many is too many?'

My sexual experiences probably :)rolleyes:) number in the hundreds by now, and yet I vividly remember certain ones ~ those that rocked me to my core, but surprisingly, also those that were more 'typical'. It's a matter of the moment, of your feelings for your partner, and even of anticipation of the next time.

Oh hell, the short answer is "There can NEVER be too many!" :D

numbers are an odd human imply that doing something the 700th time is different than doing something only once doesn't really make sense. but i can still relate to ab3's dialogue with her man...there's a cheezy ludacris want "a lady on the streets but a freak in the bed" (how true is that!)....just like how i want $37 million without actually working my whole life for it. point is, you can't drive a car without getting behind the wheel a few times. and once you have, it doesn't matter how many miles you've only matters that you enjoyed your trip and met some wonderful people along the way. i don't mind what's happened in the past so much, as long as she's with me in the here and now...

Well put.
Too Many?

I don't know what I would or would not accept as an apropriate number of former partners, honestly I don't think I'd ask. The conversation would have become pretty stale if that's what was being discussed.
Either way, my 'partners' have been short lived so it never came up. Honestly though I don't really care, after that many beers you don't care about much.
For myself, I'm seriously turned off by a man who says he's slept with well over a thousand women (unprotected and never tested).

It matters to a degree AND if the person is mature enough to think about the consequences of having mulitple partners. Sorry, but if an idiot goes fucking around with no protection and fucks whomever.....major turn off.

I believe you can have thousands and thousands of partners as long as you protect yourself and others while getting tested regularly. Sure, breaking out a condom may slow the sexual passion for some but I feel it's inconsiderate and immature to just fuck around with no reguards to anyones safety.

Sure condoms aren't always 100% fool proof. Thats why you get tested!

It so damn sad people rarely think of unwanted pregancy, STDS, AIDS. :(

(I'm talking in the general sense, mind you.)
Actually nothing is 100% but condoms used right are about as close as you can get. People who claim it does not work tend to be people who do a lot of touching and interacting without thinking about it. Sperm and other things can live on your hands for short periods of time.

;) Then again this is about sexual partners not about people being dumb!