How Many of Us are Straight Faggots?

"gender-fluid", "non-binary", "poly", etc., etc., etc..... all created terms for those who don't want a committed relationship (or heaven forbid, marriage) with someone and treat sex as just some activity to do with anyone who will do it with you. Most people don't chose that lifestyle, and those terms are relatively new. But it apparently is more common now, which I came to realize after reading the weekly sex diaries posted on the website "". It seems casual sex with just about anyone, without intimacy or love is a regular activity for many. At least those who are willing to have their diary posted publicly - which makes me question how honest and "un-enhanced" they are, but the general casual attitude towards sex is prevalent. The same with pot smoking. And seeing a therapist. They all talk about seeing their therapist. Gee! BIG surprise there, eh?

The terms try to make it sound high-minded and esoteric but it's not. You want to be sexual without commitment with anyone who will drop their pants for you. That used to be called something different than the terms you prefer to use. But it's no different. You want to have sex with men and/or women, together or separately, while you feel 23% female and 56% male and 21% other, or however the hell you want to define it today. It's psycho-babble and total BS. Get over yourself and stop leading with your sexuality. No one cares how fem you feel today, or yesterday, or tomorrow. No one cares who you have sex with, yet you want to define yourself by that alone.

Genderfluid and nonbinary people get married and have monogamous relationships. That statement makes no sense. Gender has nothing to do with sex. I have no idea where you're getting that. Like this is just... factually incorrect.

And polyamorous people can be monogamous- it's out of respect for the partner. Whether your polyamorous or monogamous has nothing to do with your sexual orientation or gender identity. The most common type of person to report polyamorous relationship are heterosexual cisgendered men, but that's likely just because that's the type of person who is most socially accepted to report that. People tend to be more willing to co-wife because there's a lot of socio-historical religious background for that sort of thing, whereas people of other orientations and genders have fewer socially acceptable outlets. I forsee that demographic growing in the future.

Either way, there's nothing about gender identity or type of relationship that implies or is in any way related to sexual promiscuity. People of any gender, with any orientation, absolutely enter into committed relationships. There's literally no reason to believe this isn't the case.

It may be that you're reading some of the research on millennials and Gen Z electing not to get married or have children. We don't want to get married not because we want to indiscriminately fuck- we actually have less sex outside committed relationships than any generation in the past half a century. It's because there's a fundamental issue with the socio-econoimic institution of marriage, which was founded as a way to subordinate women and create a social structure of the nuclear family, as opposed to the extended family, that no longer fits our needs. It's not a sex thing, it's that the economy is shit and we can't afford to do that, and honestly wouldn't if we could because the things you lose don't beat the things you gain. People do still get married, but as a group it's getting less popular, and that's the only thing I can think of that may have confused you. We tend to cohabitate rather than getting married, for financial reasons.

But as far as the popularity of anon casual sex, those are decreasing. People have less sex in general, but the sex we have is better.

You're just... wrong, like factually incorrect about every single thing you said.

I don't know why you're so hateful, but like... learn what words mean and how the world actually is before you start throwing around nonsense at people.

There is, by the way, absolutely nothing wrong with the lifestyle you're describing. It's just not what the words you're using mean.

Also these terms aren't new by any stretch of the imagination. Every culture since the beginning of time has understood the concepts that I'm explaining to you. Gender as a CONCEPT wasn't even a thing until around the 19th century, because everyone was considered genderfluid. The history of why we made the mistake of thinking there was a binary is interesting and complex, but the binary is what's new, not the spectrum. The spectrum is what we used for most of human history, and it happened to line up with what science says was actually correct- which is decently rare. A lot of the psychology we get from the ancients is complete bullshit. Socrates lived in a culture that didn't know germs were a thing, but we get the word "androgyny" from them, so like. Life is weird sometimes. Androgyny, btw, at the time was similar to other phrases like two spirit that just meant someone who fit more in the middle of the spectrum and didn't want to use masculine or feminine pronouns. So if you were talking about someone you would use it as a third gender, "that person is feminine, that one is masculine, that one is androgynous".

We began to see the rise in a gender binary- that is that there existed only two boxes and you had to fit into one of them- about the time that we started to see patralinial property laws, around the 19th century. Under patralinial laws, we needed gender identity to match biological sex, because we needed to be able to trace who people's biological fathers were, and that meant that people identified as women by their reproductive ability needed to be watched, because we needed to know who they fucked every single time to determine who fathered their children, because we were now inheriting property based on who the father was. This created a whole mess of problems and my culture never really bought into it, but I'm so, so glad that we went back to gender-neutral inheritance law before I came into the world because that system was a clusterfuck. But it is the reason we have a gender binary. The WHOLE reason. It really is that simple. There's nothing biological, people just wanted to trace who the baby-daddy was, so they needed to build a whole social construct around controlling who could identify as what gender.

Even then though, there were three. We've only had the two-gender system since the 1950s.

The genders under the one that went from the early 19th century to the 1950s were, "People who can get pregnant" so women, "People who can impregnate" so men, and "people who can't do either and also are probably magic". So we get a lot of people put into this third category that we would, even under the binary system that people like you are arguing for today, be easier or more difficult to classify. Also they did like, genuinely believe that people outside those men/women categories were magic and that's why witches were a thing. Because you grew out of being a woman when you hit menopause. You're a crone now, and you're magic. So you could still move around from category to category, it just had to be some external thing that did it to you. Eunuchs were in the third category as well, which is why they were allowed into 'no men allowed' spaces, and again, thought to be magic. It wasn't just genderfluid people in this category.

Just... god you have no idea what the hell you're talking about and it's weird that someone could be that wrong that consistently, in a way that can actually hurt people.

Let people live, Jesus Christ.
BTW, what the fuck is the "gender industry"?? You are tilting at windmills, no?

It's a joke that you not getting leads me to believe that you are out of touch on a level so profound that there may be no hope for you. Because it's really like... one level of irony. Like if you couldn't get that joke you can look at a meme.

You're just... not super smart, I think. You don't understand simple concepts or get simple jokes.
then what you need to do is shut the fuck up and get out.

You know, that's a lot more concise than what I said and I applaud the way you got the whole message across so succinctly. Because you're absolutely right. And when you just call them out and refuse to engage it doesn't give them anything to latch onto to keep trolling.
You know, that's a lot more concise than what I said and I applaud the way you got the whole message across so succinctly. Because you're absolutely right. And when you just call them out and refuse to engage it doesn't give them anything to latch onto to keep trolling.

I don't typically get angry anymore. Don't like drama. But it seems whenever someone gets a nice thread started, actually talking about sexuality or gender or experiences rather than just posting a bunch of memes or photos, there always seems to be at least one person who is so self-important he (it always seems to be a he) needs to jump in and try to spoil the party. And I hate that
As I said, you believe this to be some esoteric subject and other are far too unenlightened. Both incorrect, even though the general thinking in higher education today wishes to make it so. It's sexuality. It's not like it hasn't been studied since the beginning of mankind. Once you get out of your personal circle-jerk and find some real meaning in your life you will see there is more to life than just sex and your sacred "gender-identity" and sexual interests. You aren't as significant or as smart as you think you are and I am not as uninformed or as ignorant as want to believe.

I am not going to change you mind nor get you to see past your own self-importance. But it's nice to see you are so welcoming and open-minded to others opinions. I am feeling the love brother! LMAO
I am not going to change you mind nor get you to see past your own self-importance. But it's nice to see you are so welcoming and open-minded to others opinions. I am feeling the love brother! LMAO

If they were stated as opinions, rather than as "I'm right and you're wrong and there's no room for discussion," you might find some receptiveness. But what's really off-putting is your assumption that you can not only know what's in someone else's mind, but can interpret it better than they can.
I didn't say that anyone was "wrong". First I tried to make a point about using the terms "gay" and "bisexual". It's my opinion that many use the terms incorrectly because of their narrow-minded focus on sexual acts instead of someones interests beyond that, to involve a committed relationship. Second I commented on some feedback on my post that seemed more disjointed and nonsensical than anything I had ever read. Then after reading the person's bio, which was more of the same but to an even greater degree, I realized I was directing my thoughts on the issue into a vacuum. I figured it would just end there. Until others had to add their two-cents. ALL of it complete babble and rambling about themselves (of course) and how I am such a dolt and unenlightened. I'm fine with your opinion. I never said you couldn't have it. Let me have mine as well.

Oh, and I left your bizarre interest in humiliation go without comment. But I would think someone who finds this sexually arousing needs to find a therapist and get past whatever demons are in their closet. Just saying.

While I rather enjoy poking at you, please go tilt at someone else. I'm bored with it.
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If they were stated as opinions, rather than as "I'm right and you're wrong and there's no room for discussion," you might find some receptiveness. But what's really off-putting is your assumption that you can not only know what's in someone else's mind, but can interpret it better than they can.

I mean, he is just also objectively wrong though.

A lot of the stuff he said isn't opinions. He's just using words incorrectly and spouting actual falsehoods.

Like you can't... have an opinion... about what words mean... language has a purpose.

So if someone says something like, "Genderfluid is a word that means slutty" that's just a person being wrong about a thing. Like they are just factually wrong. That's not an opinion, that's just them being wrong.

There's a difference about having an opinion about how the OP could self-identify, and just not knowing basic shit and getting pissed when people correct your objective mistake to objective truth.

It is objectively untrue that people have more casual sex today than they did in the past. You can't have an opinion on that, people study it. That's just him being wrong.

Now it's subjective to say whether that's a good or bad thing. I LIKE casual sex, and he seems not to. We can disagree on that. We can have an opinion on whether or not we like it. But we can't have an opinion on whether or not the increase in people identifying outside the gender binary has increased casual sex, because it objectively has not. Like for a fact.

And he said a LOT of shit like that, things that are facts that he just got wrong.

It's also objectively untrue that identifying outside the boundary is a new thing, like he claims. There's never been a culture in human history that didn't have a spectrum. Like literally since we started writing shit down we've had third gender, nongendered, and genderfluid people. The assinnu, kurgarru, and kuku’u in /fucking Gilgimesh/, the oldest known human writing, were genderfluid. He was just WRONG.
Oh, and I left your bizarre interest in humiliation go without comment. But I would think someone who finds this sexually arousing needs to find a therapist and get past whatever demons are in their closet. Just saying.

This guy must be a hoot at parties.
At least I have time to go to parties. At over 26,000 posts you can't do much more than sit at your computer reading posts, ready to pounce on anyone who triggers you. Do you have any personal, face-to-face social interactions with anyone? (rhetorical question) It's no wonder you have time to write write a long, rambling post about the history of "gender" - which I barely skimmed - but saw enough trendy gender-qualifying terms used (that few outside of the LGBTQ-WXYZ community care a whit about), that I lost interest before getting very far. The history of gender, relationships, sexuality or whatever related topic you went on about isn't relevant to anyone's specific sexual interests, relationship preference or gender identification, or the definition of the terms gay and bisexual. So I didn't read it.
This guy must be a hoot at parties.

Well, he's the new puppy on the block. Maybe he'll learn how to communicate better with time. I'm off to see my therapist now. She loves to hear about my bizarre humiliation fetish.
Oh I so wish I could be in the cool people's club. LMFAO.

Okay. I really want to disengage from this, but before I do, I'm going to make one more attempt at honest and civil communication. Please Just give me a real answer— no sarcasm, no trying to be "cool," and no anger. It's a yes or no question.

Do you believe, on a site like this, that it's okay to make fun of other people's beliefs or kinks?
"Okay. I really want to disengage from this, but before I do, I'm...."

That's not how you disengage. You STOP talking to or about him.
"Okay. I really want to disengage from this, but before I do, I'm...."

That's not how you disengage. You STOP talking to or about him.

"... but before I do, I'm going to make one more attempt at honest and civil communication."
At least I have time to go to parties. At over 26,000 posts you can't do much more than sit at your computer reading posts, ready to pounce on anyone who triggers you. Do you have any personal, face-to-face social interactions with anyone? (rhetorical question) It's no wonder you have time to write write a long, rambling post about the history of "gender" - which I barely skimmed - but saw enough trendy gender-qualifying terms used (that few outside of the LGBTQ-WXYZ community care a whit about), that I lost interest before getting very far. The history of gender, relationships, sexuality or whatever related topic you went on about isn't relevant to anyone's specific sexual interests, relationship preference or gender identification, or the definition of the terms gay and bisexual. So I didn't read it.

Babydoll, honeychild, look at how long I've been active on the site, divide those numbers and see if you can figure out what you actually did here. You advertised that you couldn't read OR do basic math.

Bless your heart.
"... but before I do, I'm going to make one more attempt at honest and civil communication."

Right before that he admitted that he couldn't read what I wrote either. It's a reading comprehension issue.
I think everyone should just ignore this KDLeon person. I personally have him blocked after he sent me several rude disparaging PM's so I can't see his comments either unless someone responds to him. It seem like his only reason for being on Lit it to stir up controversy. He thinks that the only people who are real are those who think like him which is that all men are self-centered, macho men and all women are in the world to serve them. Anyone in any way associated with the LGBT community is either wrong or lying about their lifestyle in his opinion.
I think everyone should just ignore this KDLeon person. I personally have him blocked after he sent me several rude disparaging PM's so I can't see his comments either unless someone responds to him. It seem like his only reason for being on Lit it to stir up controversy. He thinks that the only people who are real are those who think like him which is that all men are self-centered, macho men and all women are in the world to serve them. Anyone in any way associated with the LGBT community is either wrong or lying about their lifestyle in his opinion.

And yet his profile says he has "some bisexual experience." But in the thread, he comments that he is "not a bisexual." Okay, one could make that fine-toothed distinction, I suppose— But he wants me to "stop making it complicated." I'm just saying, I think there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on here, which could account for the aggression. If he responds respectfully to my question, I will respond in kind. Otherwise, I will take your advice and ignore.
Okay. I really want to disengage from this, but before I do, I'm going to make one more attempt at honest and civil communication. Please Just give me a real answer— no sarcasm, no trying to be "cool," and no anger. It's a yes or no question.

Do you believe, on a site like this, that it's okay to make fun of other people's beliefs or kinks?

Do I believe it's "okay" "on a site like this".....? And I assume you mean this in a general sense and not specifically about you. Since you want either a yes or no, I have to say yes. If someone doesn't want to hear, doesn't like to hear or can't handle the opinions of others, then maybe they shouldn't post about (and is some cases proudly proclaim) their kinks (a term used to describe usually sexual behavior that is outside the norm and that most people find bizarre, repulsive, and sometimes illegal) in a public forum. No one is going to fully accept as normal, someone's odd sexual/gender/relationship interests, theories, ideas or fetishes no matter how much someone insists they do so. Nor is gender-studies psycho-babble going to change anyone's opinion. I can and do sometimes make comments when I think people have "gone off the reservation" with what they find arousing. I don't think giving an alternative perspective does any harm. Other than maybe hurting someone's feelings who is....???..... insecure about themselves?

If you like something then own it. Or are you so uncomfortable with your own sexual behavior that you get triggered when someone comments on it in a less than positive way?

And again, I never posted here to make fun of anyone. I made personal comments only after being scolded for posting my others who may be less open minded than I am and who think they know it all.
Do I believe it's "okay" "on a site like this".....? And I assume you mean this in a general sense and not specifically about you. Since you want either a yes or no, I have to say yes. If someone doesn't want to hear, doesn't like to hear or can't handle the opinions of others, then maybe they shouldn't post about (and is some cases proudly proclaim) their kinks (a term used to describe usually sexual behavior that is outside the norm and that most people find bizarre, repulsive, and sometimes illegal) in a public forum. No one is going to fully accept as normal, someone's odd sexual/gender/relationship interests, theories, ideas or fetishes no matter how much someone insists they do so. Nor is gender-studies psycho-babble going to change anyone's opinion. I can and do sometimes make comments when I think people have "gone off the reservation" with what they find arousing. I don't think giving an alternative perspective does any harm. Other than maybe hurting someone's feelings who is....???..... insecure about themselves?

If you like something then own it. Or are you so uncomfortable with your own sexual behavior that you get triggered when someone comments on it in a less than positive way?

And again, I never posted here to make fun of anyone. I made personal comments only after being scolded for posting my others who may be less open minded than I am and who think they know it all.

I'll try to respond to your "yes," but before I do, I want to re-stress my earlier comment about the response you got to your opinions: Had they been expressed as opinions in your earlier posts, rather than "This is fact, and if you disagree you're full of shit," then the entire conversation might have gone very differently.

Back to my question: It appears we come at this from opposite directions. I believe that sites like these are intended and used as safe places for people to talk about their kinks. People who in many cases may have nowhere else or no one else they can feel emotionally safe with these kinks. I believe it's the responsibility of every one of us who use this site or others like it to be respectful, and honor that safe space. So when I run into people with kinks that are repugnant to me—and I do run into them, to be sure—then I walk away from it. I don't say anything, much less deride or ridicule. Since you don't accept this basic principle, I'm pretty sure there's nothing left for us to talk about.
I differentiate between straight and gay by the romantic feelings. I've never been in love with a guy, but have loved several women so hard that I'd give my life for them.

But at the same time, There is something undeniably sexy about making a guy so hard and excited that he squirts in your mouth. There's no faking a mouth full of cum, so you KNOW that you made him that excited.

So I'm straight with a strong opportunistic streak that makes me hungry for sex, any sex at all some times. Pussy, ass, cock or mouth, it's all good if you do it right. :)
....maybe they shouldn't post about (and is some cases proudly proclaim) their kinks (a term used to describe usually sexual behavior that is outside the norm and that most people find bizarre, repulsive, and sometimes illegal) in a public forum. No one is going to fully accept as normal, someone's odd sexual/gender/relationship interests, theories, ideas or fetishes no matter how much someone insists they do so. .

That is your opinion, and you are welcome to it, but your assertions that MOST people feel like you is probably wrong. Some find kink to be bizarre, but not necessarily repulsive or off-putting. Many find kink to be titillating. Others just find it baffling. As in "Foot fetish? Really?" In my experience, those who find kink REPULSIVE are in the minority.

I realize that I'm not representative of the average American either. I'm far too tolerant of just about any kink, as long as I don't have to participate if I don't want to.

Having said that, this is the "Fetish and Sexuality" forum. That alone suggests that tolerance and silence are the way to go if you disagree with someone's fetish or preferences.
safe spaces.......LMAO, now I know exactly what I'm dealing with.

Not trying to be mean but perhaps if you added a bit of kink into your bed you would not be into your 5th relationship. Ever think that some of those wives or that girlfriend would have liked to be on top or perhaps you eating them out for a change or bending your cock back laying on your stomach and sliding your cock into her pussy, Variety is one persons kink but another's fun. Hell maybe she would have liked a three way MMF and watching you watching her get fucked as you masturbate or even slide under her and lick them both as he fucks her good. Just a few suggestions on keeping her happy. Hell dress up and let her spank you