How many private messages do you get?

Just curious how many messages everyone gets on a daily/weekly basis?

I imagine being a female and posting on a fetish forum nets you more than the average guy.

Me? Probably a few per week. Have some new ones here and there and some long conversations with others.
Never enough
Women get hundreds men usually get very few. I only get one or two a month that are spontaneous. Any others are responses to messages I've sent.
Quite many whenever I get here and I love it :) I try to reply to everyone and eventually will. I don't mind guys in my dm's reminding me every now and then. I don't skip replying on purpose, I usually just don't know what to reply right away or am otherwise engaged.
It get a few , but i reach out when something i see about a thread. And sometimes people reach out about comments ive made. Can never have to many friend lol
I got a PM today😃 it took me five minutes to figure out how to read it!