how much do you write?

I write in fits and starts as well; I started a story around August and spent a good deal of time on it, but I am only now putting the finishing touches on it so that it can be posted. Like many of you, I would like to spend more time at it, but after spending all day at the computer it is difficult to get myself to get on at night to write for pleasure.

I am participating in NaNoWriMo so that I can hopefully be more inclined to write more frequently with a deadline and goal looming. I will be borrowing a laptop from a friend so that I can write in more relaxing places like a coffeehouse, or just anywhere that provides a change of scenery from my home office.

I am inspired by Angeleine and others who left corproate jobs to write! I left a corporate job (not by choice) and decided to freelance and do contract work... but I still can't get over the feeling that I am "supposed" to be in an office. Frankly, if I am in an office 40 hours a week I don't have the inspiration to write creatively as much as I like, and I doubt I could crank out a novel. So I am going to try and keep my freelance work going so that I am more able to spend flexible time for creative writing.:rose:
I am inspired by Angeleine and others who left corproate jobs to write! I left a corporate job (not by choice) and decided to freelance and do contract work... but I still can't get over the feeling that I am "supposed" to be in an office. Frankly, if I am in an office 40 hours a week I don't have the inspiration to write creatively as much as I like, and I doubt I could crank out a novel. So I am going to try and keep my freelance work going so that I am more able to spend flexible time for creative writing.

Thank you JJ! I do not miss the Byzantine politics of my former corporate life one bit (people yes, that lifestyle, no). I did find though that I have to force myself to keep marginally regular hours (mainly for my children). I also need to work in my little home office space (as opposed to the utter sloth of laying on the sofa with the laptop, which without forcing myself to work at a desk, I'd do happily). I've also taken the laptop and worked outside or at my local library branch to break up the day.
I write almost daily. If I'm working on a book, I'll write for at least four hours a day. So far I've written three books and am actively searching for an agent for each of them - they're in various stages of the query process. My erotica stories take me about 3-4 hours to write; sometimes I'll crank one out all in one or two sittings, or it will take me up to a week working on it.

I do surreptitiously work on my own writing at work (I work on a computer all day writing help screens mostly), but never my erotica. Don't want my employer finding smut on my computer! Also, don't want to get the two confused. Wouldn't do at all for a user to click on a help screen and get..."his cock was pulsating in her hand as ropes of cum shot onto her face."
his cock was pulsating in her hand as ropes of cum shot onto her face."

i think that would be more interesting at least - help files never bear any resemblance to real-life problems and so few people use them, fill them with porn and nobody will find out
Better yet they will find out and everyone will just have to be reading those help screens. Job security.
Writing Times

Well, I did have a lot of time on my hands to write. I still do, but sometimes I spend my time going over what I have now and rewriting some parts, adding on to others.

Right now, however, I have to worry about the fires in my area. Oh, I know that I wont be evac'd anytime soon. The flames are on the other side of two cities before it gets to me. But hey, gotta keep that weather eye on it.

Right now, I'm on story number 6 of the Kiefer Collection. Problem is, it's slow going and I'm trying to figure out where I want to go after this one.

Keep it rollin people,

Writing Times

Well, I did have a lot of time on my hands to write. I still do, but sometimes I spend my time going over what I have now and rewriting some parts, adding on to others.

Right now, however, I have to worry about the fires in my area. Oh, I know that I wont be evac'd anytime soon. The flames are on the other side of two cities before it gets to me. But hey, gotta keep that weather eye on it.

Right now, I'm on story number 6 of the Kiefer Collection. Problem is, it's slow going and I'm trying to figure out where I want to go after this one.

Keep it rollin people,

I write a really much awfull lot.

Unfortunatly most of it is on this board and not on my Word Proccessor:):):)

Some of my best writing/fantasies happen in the early morninghours... I actually write in my mind and see the words on paper... but by the time I'm awake and on the word processor they seem to lose their vibrance and passion.

I've got so many incompletes but, one day... ONE DAY