How often do you visit the story section of lit?

Re: Re: Bump

WriterDom said:
Yes, I think it needs to be unstuck.
Not what i meant WD.

i meant there had been few posts in the sticky of stories people here enjoyed in the last month, whether their own, or others.
WriterDom said:
I don't make a habit out of it. I enjoy reading things that are written for me, but not erotic stories in general. Now that I am writing a story, it's kind of interesting to check out the new bdsm stories just to see what is being written.

I am not going to read all of this thread because as I said elsewhere, I'm lazy.

I rarely go to the story section of lit. I read the few authors who are my friends and who suggest this or that to me. Otherwise, I simply don't have time to read there. And I prefer to read stuff no one here would be interested in. Erotica is not my first choice in reading material. That's really all there is to it.
As far as heading over to the stories and browsing, hardly ever. Occasionally, when I'm in the mood for something in particular, I'll go and do a search for it. Now, I do occasionally go read there, but I do it by hitting the links in people's profiles. The thing is, for the most part, I don't like the bdsm section very much, either. Most of the stories are trite, underwritten and cater to every stupid stereotype that pushes my buttons in a non erotic way. There are a few exceptions, but I'm just not patient enough to look for them. I do write some erotic fiction of my own, but it just circulates through my little circle of kinky friends. Some day, I might submit a few to a website though.

I tend to avoid the "H" stories too, cause they don't push my happy buttons.
Re: Re: Bump

WriterDom said:
yes, it is deader than dead
More is the pity for that.

i'd hoped some of the more literate among us might provide some new inspiration.

Then again, who am i to talk considering i've sat on a story for close to a year and half now.
Actually I have little time to post more than I do now and lurk occassionally.

I did read a lot of the stories in the beginning and I do make my way there every now and then.
LOL, now I have slowed down and am home for a little longer than of late, though not as well spent as I would like, I see where this poll has begun, sort of, but still think it is a little off base. It is great to expect things of others, but not bother contributing much or expecting it of yourself....doesn't get anyone anywhere fast.:rolleyes:(and yes, I know the posters discussing this do post, but if posting is not enough in your perceptions, who are you suggesting should take up the slack?

It is not meant as criticism of anyone, but so often is the way of people to sit back and suggest how things should work, be improved upon, criticise, yet wait for others to do it and if they don't have time to keep up the load, or just need a little break, begin to make the same observations about how things are not working. Criticism has it's place and use but loses some of it's charm if not backed up by input and looking outside the critic's own personal wish for reality. The eternal whinger is not an attractive offence meant, but if things need to change or can be improved upon, and your going to say something about how bad they are but could be better, put some of that negative energy into postive action and constructiveness and help create what you envision as your community...after all community does usually mean people working together to fulfil the needs of many, not just a few trying while others sit back, find fault, and/or push for it to be to their taste at the expense of others.

It happens with the Sub and Dom calendars despite people saying they love and appreciate them..not many help keep them going in a constructive sense...and it happens with the Shameless Plug thread, and the board in general. If people want things to keep fresh and alive, they have to assume some responsibility for helping that happen by contributing, often in a variety of ways, and also allowing others to contribute in a way which suits them too without being hasselled by those who don't particularly have the same interest in that particular topic or thread as in continuous hijacking, or a topic has been discussed in the past so should not be discussed again, or suggesting people have posted enough to a thread, etc. Ironic that happens when we are now discussing whether people are posting enough to another particular thread. :confused: After all, no discussion board is going to continue being interesting and useful if there is no discussion, and no reason to attract new people with new ideas and experiences to share. If there is an area such as the Shameless Plug thread which seems to need some help, perhaps give it some in a positive way. To remove it after all is taking away one more area which people can utilise and contribute to, so stands to reason will harm the bigger picture of the board by taking away unless it is suggested it's being there is preventing discussion and posting to other threads which I am sure is not what is meant.

I don't agree there are few good stories in the BDSM section, nor am I a great reader of erotica myself, enjoying an eclectic mix of reading material from the classics and heavy drama, through light and fun, and also the academic, historical, and thought provoking.:eek: If you do limit yourself to reading only the stories of people you know (or even only a particular view you have on a particular subject), chances are it is going to seem dull and limited after awhile as you already know those people, what to expect, style, views, perceptions, experiences, etc. As to the H being a bad indication, at times it is, often it is not, and of course may not be bad, just not what rings your bells in a particular way. I find little time for perusing the stories, but do when I can out of interest and as a writer to help enrich my own skills and knowledge of writing techniques. There are actually more than one or two writers in there who are published and paid for their work outside of Lit, which tends to tell me it isn't all bad. The ones I have linked on the thread, with the exception of one I was approached to edit, are all from people I wouldn't know from Adam, but found through cruising the lists of new and older sories, and not often the top lists...some have been paid professionally for writing, some not. Amazing how exceptional some are that never get to the top list. Another way to shorten your plowing through many is to do a search in the story lists for those things in BDSM which interest you, then reading some that come up. Chances are if it doesn't capture your interest in the first few paragraphs, it is not going to be worth your time continuing, so saves a bit more time through elimination.:)

As I said, this is not meant to criticise anyone, but highlight that everyone who posts here and/or enjoys the board for what it offers them has a shared responsibility to make it work for themselves and others through positive and constructive action as opposed to negative and destructive fault finding.:cathappy:

Catalina :rose:
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hmmm it seems things have changed quite a bit. i no longer visit the story section of lit at all...ever since i discovered asstr, where there are no off-limit subjects and where there are rape stories that don't magically evolve into consent stories, there really is no point in bothering with the lit stories anymore. it is a shame though that there are so many restrictions on lit as to what sorts of stories can and cannot be posted. but i am guessing that those who run the site like it that way.
ownedsubgal said:
hmmm it seems things have changed quite a bit. i no longer visit the story section of lit at all...ever since i discovered asstr, where there are no off-limit subjects and where there are rape stories that don't magically evolve into consent stories, there really is no point in bothering with the lit stories anymore. it is a shame though that there are so many restrictions on lit as to what sorts of stories can and cannot be posted. but i am guessing that those who run the site like it that way.

True osg, we have had rejections due to too extreme, but I think it is more in keeping within the law so as to not attract unwanted attention and subsequent problems acording to USA guidelines that limit their choice of what they accept.

Catalina :rose:
I visit the story section of lit every time someone posts a link on the sticky. And i vote if they have that option available and i even leave a comment sometimes :p
Kajira Callista said:
I visit the story section of lit every time someone posts a link on the sticky. And i vote if they have that option available and i even leave a comment sometimes :p

But that's because you are a good girl.

ownedsubgal said:
hmmm it seems things have changed quite a bit. i no longer visit the story section of lit at all...ever since i discovered asstr, where there are no off-limit subjects and where there are rape stories that don't magically evolve into consent stories, there really is no point in bothering with the lit stories anymore.
Heh, I went the other way. Came to lit from asstr. I got tired of the eternal Boy Band series and the 4k stories with about six words in them. Occasionally there's a gem even on asstr, but my happiness rate is far higher here. And if I don't want things magically becoming consensual, I skip the endings. Usually I'm reading a series of four or five anyway, given my body's timing for, ahem, things like that.

And, um, yes -- I visit the story section here pretty regularly!