How popular r U?

Well, I should mention that the only reason why it's got over four thousand views is that it's an audio poem and it has a funky "what the heck is that?" title. Sexuagronomy.

The few feedbacks I've gotten are from one agronomist, who loved the poetry, and a couple of others who asked what my point was.
_Land said:

I think the real porblem lies in the fact that most readers on this site are pathetic whores looking for trash...... not that what we write is pathetic(maybee i should say you, we means what i write isnt pathetic) It is the fact that readers on this board are after a quick hormone fix. Most of them dont write, or understand writing.....not that i do*sigh* Anyway that said, my seed spent, i will wilt away, into my green briefs.

no , really land, tell us what you think... dont hold anything back
Re: Re: How popular r U?

Senna Jawa said:
A similar list according to the average number of "views" per day may be more(?) telling. Of course the first week of a poem is a different story (however the high scorers will stand out already). The first week behavior should have its own stats. In principle the stable statistics starts after 40 (days, not years).
Does this thread need to be hijacked yet again? :D

Where's the wicked and the sweetfamily when we need'em? :mad:
Re: Re: Re: How popular r U?

Hyndeline said:
Does this thread need to be hijacked yet again? :D

Where's the wicked and the sweetfamily when we need'em? :mad:
Look at those smileys, at those sad, sad faces. So much emotion! So much determination!
Some stats, just by way of perspective:

My most read story: Claustrophobia Cure
289 votes // 4.38 average // 72,404 views // posted 11/01

Most read poem: Fixation (Audio)
45 votes // 4.18 average // 2540 views // posted 7/01

My most wretched poem: Say Goodbye
23 votes // 4.22 average // 723 views // posted 12/01

One of my better efforts: Lifted Veil
4 votes // 4.75 average // 198 views // posted 5/02

There's little correlation between quality and views, or views and votes.
RisiaSkye said:
Some stats, just by way of perspective:

My most read story: Claustrophobia Cure
289 votes // 4.38 average // 72,404 views // posted 11/01

Most read poem: Fixation (Audio)
45 votes // 4.18 average // 2540 views // posted 7/01

My most wretched poem: Say Goodbye
23 votes // 4.22 average // 723 views // posted 12/01

One of my better efforts: Lifted Veil
4 votes // 4.75 average // 198 views // posted 5/02

There's little correlation between quality and views, or views and votes.
Impressive stats, Rysia, nice :).

A vote says often more about the person who votes than about the poem.

I wish Literotica would provide more statistical material but I am truly grateful for what it does.

I might write some perl scripts to process all this data. (I already do it on occasions but ad hoc; I don't even save these scripts but use the command mode instead, which under the windows allows for several lines. Then you hit Ctrl-D and Enter, and it goes. You get what you were looking for, while the program is gone. No clutter).

A sonnet for beths-virtue No Description.
4.33avg. 3 votes 7 views Non-Erotic Poetry

Anguish No Description.
3.67avg 3votes 1 view Non-Erotic Poetry
(still dont get how I have one view and three votes)

Elda Smut Slut No Description.
4.33avg 3votes 34views Erotic Poetry

Falling Silent No Description.
0.00 0 0 Non-Erotic Poetry not ever approved pending

Fragments of a shattered soul No Description.
4.00avg. 2 votes 9 views Non-Erotic Poetry

Hatreds Fetters No Description.
3.88avg 8votes 45views Non-Erotic Poetry

Homeless No Description.
4.00avg 2votes 11 views Non-Erotic Poetry

King Lust No Description.
4.20 avg. 5 votes 39 views Erotic Poetry

Love Locked No Description.
4.00avg. 2votes 7views Erotic Poetry

Not So Supermans Theme Song No Description.
4.67views 3votes 51views Non-Erotic Poetry

Spontanious Combustion No Description.
4.00views 4votes 37views Erotic Poetry

Suplimental Sex Insurance No Description.
0.00 0 0 Erotic Poetry not ever approved pending

Thin Little Thread No Description.
4.14 avg. 7votes 49views Non-Erotic Poetry 08/04/02 approved

Whisper No Description.
4.00avg 9votes 114views Erotic Poetry 08/04/02 approved

I have been here for 26 days, only four of my poems have been up over one week.......... But these stats arnt what I look for, it is the feedback, saying that i touched someone, or that they felt that way , or as karma so frequently does laughs at what i wrote........ those are How I measure the sucess of a poem.

For a guy who has been here only 26 days, you sure made your mark! Happy one-month anniversary. Oh and my number 1 poem, in terms of reads, is Dispose-a-Girl. which has near 900, I think. So that means I'll soon be a Poet-Whore, right? (I always suspected as much anyway.)
Re: Land?

Thanks Angeline, I never said I was shy........... just hope people dont misconstrue my sense of humor.......... sometimes it wiggles awayfrome me......I am really thankful for this board, it gives me a place to be me, and that is a much needed therapy these days.

Angeline said:
For a guy who has been here only 26 days, you sure made your mark! Happy one-month anniversary. Oh and my number 1 poem, in terms of reads, is Dispose-a-Girl. which has near 900, I think. So that means I'll soon be a Poet-Whore, right? (I always suspected as much anyway.)
Literotica on several occasions has cancelled votes which it conisdered fraudulent. Mostly 1s, sometimes 2s. On a couple of occasions I had even 4s removed. Good. Makes sense. But it surprised me.

It seems to me that recently also some "views" were withdrawn on a few occasions. I cannot be 100% sure but I follow these numbers thoroughly :) Did you have it happened to you, that a "view" would be taken away from your poem?

Land, I don't think you're shy

I think you're a sweet guy (and somewhat of an opinionated hussy yourself lol). I think your humor is just fine, though coming from me that should maybe make you nervous. I'm thankful you're here; you're a giver buddy.

Senna, the point at which I gave up on voting was the day I discoved that one of my poems--I forget which--had votes, but no views. If I really am affected by someone's poem--and I read them every day--I send feedback.
Re: Land, I don't think you're shy

Angeline said:
I think you're a sweet guy <that was about _Land. sj>
Sure, Angeline, sure-- to (attempt to) put down a poem because one dislikes its author is sweet and honest. (Not in my book).

Senna, the point at which I gave up on voting was the day I discoved that one of my poems--I forget which--had votes, but no views. [...]
The views are updated a few times a day, the votes instantly, hence these funny discrepancies. One of my very first posts on Literotica was exactly about this paradox (zero views and two votes). And Judo gave me the same answer (except that she claimed that views are updated only once per day; not so).

I am curious about Literotica views upating algorithm. It acts a bit strange. You can see it in the case of poems which score high, say about eight or more views per day. The tendency for them seems to be to score at different times. It looks like different poems are updated at different times, i.e. at each time only a fraction of poems is updated, while other poems wait even if they already have scored some new "views".

At first I thought that Literotica views means really views-opinions! I was looking for those opinions and couldn't find them. I am no hacker so I blaimed it on my inability to deal with the software applications as a user. Once again, it was Judo who put me at ease, explaining that views and opinions are different beasts.

from what i have heard, in my opinion as well... go figure...

views are people who , may have seen your poem , and the title interested them , or , perhaps , it was mentioned on another thread, or they are one of the few who actually enjoy poetry so they read it.. or at least clicked on it to read it .....

the votes.. they are a bit more contorted...
votes means you moved soemone ... emotionally, either good or bad, and the clicked appropriately

as for sennas comment about _land, did you consider, perhaps you had said something to him to cause his bitter diatribe about/against you ?
hurt feelings in people who deal with emotional issues on a regular basis, like poets, and other odd creative types, can cause an over reaction, you were perhaps unthinkingly unkind? or intentional.. either way.
perhaps you should learn to eat crow as you apparently dish it out...
beths-virtue said:
[...]as for sennas comment about _land, did you consider, perhaps you had said something to him to cause his bitter diatribe about/against you ?

hurt feelings in people who deal with emotional issues on a regular basis, like poets, and other odd creative types, can cause an over reaction, you were perhaps unthinkingly unkind? or intentional.. either way.
perhaps you should learn to eat crow as you apparently dish it out...
Well, why are you asking? Read first the threads, if that's your wish, and only then speak from the position of knowing.

I know that I did no of the things which you are so generously guessing. On the contrary, I was very kind to _Land, I spent time and effort answering his questions. I didn't ask him to call me a "Master" as he did in his early postings, and he and others didn't have to be abusive afterwards. I am perfectly happy to stick to poetry.

It is also ironic that this forum is accusing me of being humorless while a universal miniature caused such a heavy reaction. That's what poetry is supposed to be: concrete and universal at the same time. A poem may (even should) fit this or that person--or this or that band wagon as PeterSmith would put it--but it is universal and nobody has to take it personally. I would understand a naive reaction of feeling offended most anywhere but not on a poetic forum. Remember? -- that's what poets do, they write poems. My poem "kindergarten" didn't identify anybody by name or by any unique characteristic. It talked about Tarzan, monkeys, kindergarten kids (or were they midgets?), and that's all. U may consider the characters to have a SYMBOLIC meaning, but to claim that an X from my poem is a Y from Literotica is childish. (But thank you for fun, humor loving Literotica Poetry Forum :))

Re: Land, I don't think you're shy

Angeline said:
I think you're a sweet guy (and somewhat of an opinionated hussy yourself lol). I think your humor is just fine, though coming from me that should maybe make you nervous. I'm thankful you're here; you're a giver buddy.

Senna, the point at which I gave up on voting was the day I discoved that one of my poems--I forget which--had votes, but no views. If I really am affected by someone's poem--and I read them every day--I send feedback.

Thanks Angeline, I am an oppinionated Hussy. Wondering why i should be nervous......... Thanks for havin me ;)
Re: Re: Land, I don't think you're shy

Senna Jawa said:
Sure, Angeline, sure-- to (attempt to) put down a poem because one dislikes its author is sweet and honest. (Not in my book).

First and Foremost it isnt you personally I dont Like........You are the type of person I could probably enjoy being friends with.
The thing I dislike Senna, is your lack of respect for anyone but yourself. I have read back through the posts and have found very few poets here beyond your reproach....... You seem to enjoy mincing not only peoples efforts up, but also the people themselves......Tell me Senna do you know what constructive means? For example the following quotes

This is not a haiku, this is not a poem. This is just a statement consisting of overused phrases.

Senna Jawa

No, this is not "quick and rough". This is horrible . I am smiling but it's true. Very bad pseudo-poetry (which of course has nothing to do with haiku except for mocking haiku with that 5-7-5 pattern).


Senna Jawa

All versions of this 3-liner are as bad as they can be. You can hardly write anything worse.


Senna Jawa

Hi Judo,

after welcoming me to Literotica you hardly noticed me. Your comment is a welcome surprize. At the same time it makes me sad for various reasons. One of them being what I see as a great loss of time in your progress as a poet, perhaps a step back. You have a wonderful talent which you constrain by the kind of easy, way too easy for you, exercises in enjoying your technical skills and ability. While you are doing it even your technical skills suffer, are not really developing. You are mainly doing it to yourself by yourself, somehow you are actively happy with the things which you should brush off as taking you back rather than forward. If easy fun was your goal... but I doubt it that it is. Anyway, the result is that you can't even read my poem. Sad.

I would never say all this but the way you couldn't cope with my not difficult poem shows me the depressing thing about poetry: there is hardly an audience for poetry. My poem is after all just a poem, it doesn't aim at any experiments, at achieving any exotic goals, it belongs to the main road of poetry, it certainly is not obscure and does not aim at any obscurity. And still you were not able to read it, to fulfill your basic reader's duty, to follow the words, the images. Then what about others, who have less contact with poetry and art, who do not have even 1/100 of your talent, not to mention that you know more about science than you let us know.

I am not going to say anything which is not very directly in the poem, I am not going to perform your reader's "work" for you.

Your doubts and questions are truly depressing. They reflect a wrong attitude toward poetry of both the authors and the audience. I think I better say nothing more. Do, Judo, your reader's duty. Forget the symbolic bullshit. Symbolism should come afterward by itself, without any straining (I mean in the case of this poem. In general symbolism in a great poem may occasionally occur to the reader after a long while). Your duty is always to read literally. A car is a car and a dog is a dog. Just honor defaults, follow the words, trust them, use them as stepping stones, that's the poetry way. Also, you know what logarithm does: decimal logarithm of 1000 is 3. I'll stop now, it's frustrating and it's not my fault. You should easily answer your own q's--I am shocked that you didn't before clicking on "Submit Reply" button.

Best regards,

Senna Jawa

Who in the hell asked you to judge her progress as a poet?
Who in the fuck do you think you are?
That is what Im talking about Senna That is what angers me.......You have the skill to help those of us that lack understanding of real form(not that what we have to say is invalid anyway) and this is how you use your skill.

There is a poin to challenging a student, it is to build them up, but a teacher doesnt start by saying that they are shit.

So take you oversized ego out for a walk anytime you want Senna, just put the damn thing on a leash so it doesnt rape the other dogs on the sidewalk

BTW I think this is one of Your poems, I keep it on my desk top.
Senna Jawa said:
Sure, Angeline, sure-- to (attempt to) put down a poem because one dislikes its author is sweet and honest. (Not in my book).

First and Foremost it isnt you personally I dont Like........You are the type of person I could probably enjoy being friends with.
The thing I dislike Senna, is your lack of respect for anyone but yourself. I have read back through the posts and have found very few poets here beyond your reproach....... You seem to enjoy mincing not only peoples efforts up, but also the people themselves......Tell me Senna do you know what constructive means? For example the following quotes

This is not a haiku, this is not a poem. This is just a statement consisting of overused phrases.

Senna Jawa

No, this is not "quick and rough". This is horrible . I am smiling but it's true. Very bad pseudo-poetry (which of course has nothing to do with haiku except for mocking haiku with that 5-7-5 pattern).


Senna Jawa

All versions of this 3-liner are as bad as they can be. You can hardly write anything worse.


Senna Jawa

Hi Judo,

after welcoming me to Literotica you hardly noticed me. Your comment is a welcome surprize. At the same time it makes me sad for various reasons. One of them being what I see as a great loss of time in your progress as a poet, perhaps a step back. You have a wonderful talent which you constrain by the kind of easy, way too easy for you, exercises in enjoying your technical skills and ability. While you are doing it even your technical skills suffer, are not really developing. You are mainly doing it to yourself by yourself, somehow you are actively happy with the things which you should brush off as taking you back rather than forward. If easy fun was your goal... but I doubt it that it is. Anyway, the result is that you can't even read my poem. Sad.

I would never say all this but the way you couldn't cope with my not difficult poem shows me the depressing thing about poetry: there is hardly an audience for poetry. My poem is after all just a poem, it doesn't aim at any experiments, at achieving any exotic goals, it belongs to the main road of poetry, it certainly is not obscure and does not aim at any obscurity. And still you were not able to read it, to fulfill your basic reader's duty, to follow the words, the images. Then what about others, who have less contact with poetry and art, who do not have even 1/100 of your talent, not to mention that you know more about science than you let us know.

I am not going to say anything which is not very directly in the poem, I am not going to perform your reader's "work" for you.

Your doubts and questions are truly depressing. They reflect a wrong attitude toward poetry of both the authors and the audience. I think I better say nothing more. Do, Judo, your reader's duty. Forget the symbolic bullshit. Symbolism should come afterward by itself, without any straining (I mean in the case of this poem. In general symbolism in a great poem may occasionally occur to the reader after a long while). Your duty is always to read literally. A car is a car and a dog is a dog. Just honor defaults, follow the words, trust them, use them as stepping stones, that's the poetry way. Also, you know what logarithm does: decimal logarithm of 1000 is 3. I'll stop now, it's frustrating and it's not my fault. You should easily answer your own q's--I am shocked that you didn't before clicking on "Submit Reply" button.

Best regards,

Senna Jawa

Who in the hell asked you to judge her progress as a poet?
Who in the fuck do you think you are?
That is what Im talking about Senna That is what angers me.......You have the skill to help those of us that lack understanding of real form(not that what we have to say is invalid anyway) and this is how you use your skill.

There is a poin to challenging a student, it is to build them up, but a teacher doesnt start by saying that they are shit.

So take you oversized ego out for a walk anytime you want Senna, just put the damn thing on a leash so it doesnt rape the other dogs on the sidewalk

BTW I think this is one of Your poems, I keep it on my desk top.
I really enjoyed it Regard _Land
Last edited:
Re: Re: Re: Land, I don't think you're shy

_Land said:
Who in the hell asked you to judge her progress as a poet?
I made a mistake, it was wrong. I should have had ignored her comment just like I did in the case of so many other comments over the years. She is a talented, skillful, nice, helpful person, and I should leave it at that.

Compared to votes (and unvotes :)) views are innocent. Here is the placement+no of views+date, of the year 2002 submissions which made it to the top 100 most vied poems on Literotica:
  •   21  4115  4-25
  •   32  3299  4-24 (AUDIO)
  •   43  2764  1-11
  •   61  2218  1-19
  •   62  2208  4-20
  •   63  2202  6-15
  •   76  1968  3-22
  •   82  1857  3-01
  •   96  1695  2-06
  •   97  1675  2-28
  • 100  1622  5-09
(The last one to make it is by nakedangelina, preceded by two by Judo).
