How the heck do I write about it?

OK, you two - cut it out or tell me where that free Swedish translation site is hiding (not on MSN, not on AltaVista - they don't have Svensk in their babelfish, not on Google, not on Engine 54, pant, pant... one word at a time, are you kidding?) How can I eavesdrop when you whisper? Must be what it is, sounds like Greek to me. Demosthenes was Swedish, right?
Lovepotion69 said:
Du har rätt. Vi borde skriva mängder med noveller på svenska, och lägga dem i alla kategorierna. Sen invaderar vi alla forum.:devil:

Muahahah...sedna gör vi svenska till världsspråk och tvingar DOM att lära sig VÅR rotvälska istället. :D
Doesn't sound to me like you're speaking Dutch. Not even single. (Swedish is hard work).

The Swedes are coming! The Swedes are coming!
Hey, maybe I should read some of those stories - if the Swedes are cumming, well, let's join in (falla in, deltar, ut, ack skitig).

Ärligt talat, jag HAR skrivit svenska noveller, och översatt en del gamla noveller till svenska. Näst efter alla rackarns tyskar, så tror jag att jag är ansvarig för halva Non-English sektionen!;)

Men allvarligt talat, om vi ska retas med amerikanerna, så ska vi stoppa in en del ord här och var som de tror sig känna igen, såsom sex och namnet på den där vidrige Bush, och så kanske lägga in ett och annat om Jay Leno, bara för att terrorisera dem, och göra dem nyfikna...:devil: :devil: :devil:
Svenskaflicka said:
Men allvarligt talat, om vi ska retas med amerikanerna, så ska vi stoppa in en del ord här och var som de tror sig känna igen, såsom sex och namnet på den där vidrige Bush, och så kanske lägga in ett och annat om Jay Leno, bara för att terrorisera dem, och göra dem nyfikna...:devil: :devil: :devil:

Har du ens en blekate aning om hur...ond...du är? ;)
Ffreak: I wouldn't even try if I were you. The last time I had a go I ended up saying 'I wish you tooth a very nice one with London.'

The Earl
You understood at least half that? I'm way impressed.
All I got was she has written a Swedish novel and an translated another old novel into Swedish. And that the rascally Germans have more than half the entries in the non-English category.

The second paragraph goes beyond me. Something about having fun teasing Americans, and six names for the disgusting Bush and him equating everything into terrorism - and Jay Leno being curious?

I know English has been developed from all the languages around it and there are many words that sound similar if you just listen. Of course not all of those words are the same word in English - sometimes the opposite. Here is my real extant knowledge of women swede: blond, blue-eyed, voluptuous (and recently added) small, dark and sensuous. Let's see: blond, blå, pampig, lilla, hemligt, känslig. Laugh away Svenska, my Swedish is about as good as my Yiddish.

Yeah, Earl, I think I am getting a tooth ache out of this.

Somehow I think I need to stick to English to persuade the young beauties of Scandinavia.
Du ar definitivt ond. (orkar inte fixa riktiga bokstaver). Jag funderade ett tag pa att skriva en kort grej pa svenska for Lit, men det blir val inte sa mycket roster. Hur manga kan svenska pa denna sajten?

Det ar sjalvklart att de borde lara sig svenska!
ffreak said:
You understood at least half that? I'm way impressed.
All I got was she has written a Swedish novel and an translated another old novel into Swedish.

Almost. 'Novell' in swedish actually means short story, and not novel. And she talked about 'noveller' which is the plural form. So several short stories in swedish.

Do your homework, man. ;)

/Ice in an educational mood
Novel, a long story, is called "roman" in Swedish.

ffreak, your translating skills are quite impressive. You only had about 50% correct, but still, that's impressive!

icing, 69 - jag är inte ond. Jag är en patetiskt snäll liten flicka. Men jag arbetar på saken. För var dag som går, blir jag elakare och elakare... :cool:
Thanks - ha ha that sounds so appropriate.

A euphamistic homonym for roman is roaming - like in those roman hands.

The Romans were rather long-winded, and so are novels.

I do appreciate the help in strengthening my delusions (50%, it felt more like 10% - I am so slow at this).

p.s. I don't think you're pathetic at all, naughty, however may be a good description sometimes.


Gosh, I feel so inadequate. The only non-English phrase I know is, "Besa me culo, pinches cabrones." Funny how appropriate it is, though.
Pertida, Feel free to correct my spelling. No, don't pretend you don't know those words.
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Maths, just add an 's' to besa; no I don't know what they mean.

Eff, when I was in grade school we gurls said of certain boys:

"He has Roman hands and Russian fingers."

Hmm, maybe that's where my Russophilia originated and why I love Italianos.

Perditskaya :rolleyes:
MG - Je serais heureux de vous embrasser partout dans votre corps succulent.
See, I knew I grew up in the wrong neighborhood. Why couldn't there have been any pretty lingual hypnotists in my school yard?

come to think of it, we didn't have any flute players in the band either - just some guy who should have been a fullback playing a piccolo - can't remember his name just now, but he really hated it when people called him pete.

Let's see;
Perdita in 1st period Spanish
MathGirl in 2nd period Analytical Geometry (with Auntie as teach)
DeliciouslyNaughty in 3rd period Civics
TateLou in 4th period English Lit
SvenskaFlicka in 5th period History
Chicklet in 6th period Geography

what an ideal year that would have been.
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... To drag this ever-so slightly back on-topic, the Iceman has a point, especially for those of us who've written before, but never written erotica... Especially what you all so lovingly term 'stroke' writing.

I'll admit, I love lit, and I read my fair share of stories by a lot of the authors on here (And yes, I love 'em, and yes, they have the desired effect).. Now, I'm no novice writer, but I wouldn't even know where to start writing a sex scene..

Been tempted, lots of times, to give a try myself, but as of yet, I haven't managed to muster up the literary courage to actually puyt pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as it were)

Maybe I'll give it a shot, sometime.
Re: Har...

raphy said:
... To drag this ever-so slightly back on-topic, the Iceman has a point, especially for those of us who've written before, but never written erotica... Especially what you all so lovingly term 'stroke' writing.

I'll admit, I love lit, and I read my fair share of stories by a lot of the authors on here (And yes, I love 'em, and yes, they have the desired effect).. Now, I'm no novice writer, but I wouldn't even know where to start writing a sex scene..

Been tempted, lots of times, to give a try myself, but as of yet, I haven't managed to muster up the literary courage to actually puyt pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as it were)

Maybe I'll give it a shot, sometime.

just describe what happens. the first draft, apply the KISs rule
then you can add where neeeded.
Can someone PLEASE tell me the nationality of my birth name? It is Antje, and I'm told it is Dutch. Of course, no one in the US can pronounce it properly, thus I have a "nickname".

Antje is the way they spell Anna in Dutch, or in Low German (there's three forms of German according to a friend of mine. I can only stumble around in the lower levels and in Yiddish).

I understand its supposed to be where we get Annie as an alternate because we can't say it quite right in English.
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