How To Define 'The Average Literotica Member'

dagdag said:
Isn't that curiosity which differs homo-sapience from bees?

No the things that differ homo-sapience from bees are...

We are mostly not yellow and black, and our attempts to fly by our own power have not been very successful, with just those parts nature left us. We are also not good at making honey, or beehives with just pollen and a secretion from our bodies.

Some of us have a lot more difficulty navigating as well as bees do, even allowing for GPS systems.

Then when you get down to communication, if a bee arrives at a hive and does not communicate correctly, the other bees will 1) Stop it coming in. 2) Try and get it back outside. 3) Kill it even at the costs of their own lives... Oh! Hang on I know places in LA and NY where that happens in some neighborhoods as well, so that is more a similarity than a difference.
Given it's a representative reflection of society in general (and there are few logical reasons why it shouldn't be)

About 5 1/2 to 6 inches according to Kinsey
Cathleen said:
I agree with you Byron, we are exceptional.

I have to say, I didn't really expect anyone to try to define an 'average' Lit member.
Ah, nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition, either! :D
Considering the number of registered members, I have to discount say 50% to 'alts' of existing posters and probably 25% who don't post....... who knows?
Really, "alts" are probably a fraction of a percent of the whole. We know the rest, though, from the member's list, and this discussion made me curious, so I checked:

Members with 0 posts are 345,223, or 86.5% of the total.

Members with 1 post number 15,320, and together with those who've never posted make up 90.3% of the total.

Those who have posted more than once number 38,430, but more than half, or 20,686, never make it to a double-digit post count. So members with less than 10 posts make up 95.5% of the total.

Members with 10 posts or more number 17,744, or 4.5%, and there are are 1,764 members with at least 1,000 posts, which is a slight 0.44% of the total.

Most uncommon of all, those with 10,000 posts, number 230, or 0.05% of the Lit membership.

The average Literotica member has started 0.726 threads, and made 27.33 posts. The average Lit poster, by contrast (counting only those who have posted at least one time), has started 5.38 threads, and made 202.76 posts. Those who've made more than one post make, on average, 283.83 posts.
There are probably only very few common elements to find a composite of what could be an average Lit member.
Well, there are an infinite number of parameters one can look at. Such things as post counts are easy, because the software keeps track of them. To determine details about the average member's political persuasion, for example, with any accuracy, would be impossible or impractical. For those that never have posted, it is impossible; for the rest, they may make a hundred posts and yet provide no clue, besides which, examining that many posts for a statistically significant number of posters would be an enormous task.

But those of us who've been here for a while surely do get some sort of feel for how people who regularly participate think, at least on the forums we read most often, and I do tend to agree with Bobmi357 that Lit posters are more aware of and concerned about infringement of their civil liberties than people generally, whether that assault comes from the left or the right.
I had to rant about that darn phrase 'I thought since this was a porn board......'. I don't understand it because I don't expect people to be any particular way, we're all different.
No worries. I didn't take "average Lit member" to mean a particular way people should be. Clearly, no member can actually have made 27.33 posts or started 0.726 threads, any more than the average American family can have 2.2 children. And anyway, only spineless conformists aspire to be average. :)

As to the phrase, and others seem similarly nonplussed about it, I guess I'm missing the context. It would make a difference if the sentence ended, "...I thought I could have a naked lady for my avatar," or " shouldn't be discussing {fill in the blank}." How and where did it come up?
Well, color me pink! That was terrific Byron, I am in awe of the stats, I was so totally off. Way cool!

I'm glad I asked the question - of course I didn't go looking for the answer due to a sort of laziness but I'm glad you did - thanks.

So perhaps this may be the start of the Lit. Inquisition, 2005. Byron in Exile, you have created a new world, you can't be exiled from it, it should be called .............. let's see what we can dream up. ;)

As to how and where 'THAT' phrase appears, it can be found in some of the threads here on the HT Board for certain. Usually it is used when someone receives opinions they do not like, or they see as restrictive or common - as if to say by virtue of being a Lit member we are consumed with sex, very broad-minded with regard to some behaviors etc.

I agree that most members are open minded, but that in itself is also up to interpretation - experiences differ with all. Life is subjective.

Thanks for that post Byron, well done sir!
Great statistics Byron.

I would say of the 86.5 registered members who haven't posted, they have read some stories.

Go to the main page and it shows that it's a story site for sexually explicit writing. The most read story has been read 2,290,768 times. There are links to sites including teenxxxxx.

The forums are such a small part of the whole site. The second page in has a banner for MILF Hunter with videos.

It's a porn site. Most of the stories that I've read aren't erotic, they're porn, maybe soft porn, but still porn.

I've made a choice to post on the forums. Unlike Bobmi357, In my early days I was asked to cyber frequently. It took me a while to find a way to stop that from happening, but I did.

After having gone through a political season, I would say that the population is diverse as to conservative vs liberal - from libertarian to extreme socialism. Politically we cover the whole spectrum. The commonality is the stories - the porn stories.

My point is, though, that Literotica is a sex site that some of us choose to use in a manner that isn't always sexual. I don't get upset when someone says it's a porn site: it is. I just don't like to be treated as though I'm all about porn. Only part of me is.

This is an excellent thread, Cathleen.

I'm working on nearly three years now as an active Lit member. I'm not a newbie, but I'm not an oldie, either. I've hosted many Lit-togethers and met upwards of 100 people from this site, face-to-face and talked to nearly that many again on the phone. I've maintained that the pool of truly active posters here is less than 500. (Remember you have to register here in order to view the pictures in the Am pic thread, and that is another reason why so many register but never post. They are only vouyers passing through.)

This is a topic that nearly always comes up at meetings. I've been struck by how the people from this board who post regularly and are brave enough to meet one another in "real life" are all...just regular folks. They are all ages and from walks of life, from different economic and regional backgrounds.

To a person, when asked, "What brought you to Lit?" the answer will be in 99.999% of the cases, "The stories." The other .001% will have been brought here by another Litster.

The commonalities I've found among posters here are

1) an over-average intelligence. This board has some of the best-spoken members you'll find on the net. (I'm talking generally and not counting juvenille trash posters). There are more professionals here than in other message boards. If polled, I'd expect a higher than average education level.

2) People here are generally more open-minded and inquisitive and interested in exploring life. If you are respectful of differences in outlook and lifestyle, I've found that most people here are willing to honestly discuss and educate each other. I've learned so much from my time invested here and in people from here that I'd have never been exposed to otherwise. I made one of my closest friends here by originally discussing the psychology of sex. My mind has been expanded and broadened by the friendships and discussions here, but like most things, I do believe you'll get out of it what you invest in it.
someplace said:
This is an excellent thread, Cathleen.

I'm working on nearly three years now as an active Lit member. I'm not a newbie, but I'm not an oldie, either. I've hosted many Lit-togethers and met upwards of 100 people from this site, face-to-face and talked to nearly that many again on the phone. I've maintained that the pool of truly active posters here is less than 500. (Remember you have to register here in order to view the pictures in the Am pic thread, and that is another reason why so many register but never post. They are only vouyers passing through.)

This is a topic that nearly always comes up at meetings. I've been struck by how the people from this board who post regularly and are brave enough to meet one another in "real life" are all...just regular folks. They are all ages and from walks of life, from different economic and regional backgrounds.

To a person, when asked, "What brought you to Lit?" the answer will be in 99.999% of the cases, "The stories." The other .001% will have been brought here by another Litster.

The commonalities I've found among posters here are

1) an over-average intelligence. This board has some of the best-spoken members you'll find on the net. (I'm talking generally and not counting juvenille trash posters). There are more professionals here than in other message boards. If polled, I'd expect a higher than average education level.

2) People here are generally more open-minded and inquisitive and interested in exploring life. If you are respectful of differences in outlook and lifestyle, I've found that most people here are willing to honestly discuss and educate each other. I've learned so much from my time invested here and in people from here that I'd have never been exposed to otherwise. I made one of my closest friends here by originally discussing the psychology of sex. My mind has been expanded and broadened by the friendships and discussions here, but like most things, I do believe you'll get out of it what you invest in it.

Someplace, you're definitely one of the very well-spoken members! :D

I especially agree with #2 above. Honestly, I signed up expecting to learn more about sex, yet I've actually gained vast knowledge about myself, others, and life in general, and I continue learning everyday. I love the interaction and intellectual stimulation it brings.

Cate, I can't think of any general topics just now, but I've really enjoyed hearing all of the perspectives thus far. Thanks for starting this great conversation! :rose:
someplace said:

2) People here are generally more open-minded and inquisitive and interested in exploring life. If you are respectful of differences in outlook and lifestyle, I've found that most people here are willing to honestly discuss and educate each other. I've learned so much from my time invested here and in people from here that I'd have never been exposed to otherwise. I made one of my closest friends here by originally discussing the psychology of sex. My mind has been expanded and broadened by the friendships and discussions here, but like most things, I do believe you'll get out of it what you invest in it.

I don't mind being opinionated and outspoken. Heck if I weren't they'd take away my New York Accent! I don't even mind being somewhat open minded and more experimental. But I drawn the line at anyone trying to convince me that a pineapple up my butt is sensual!!!

Bobmi357 said:
I don't mind being opinionated and outspoken. Heck if I weren't they'd take away my New York Accent! I don't even mind being somewhat open minded and more experimental. But I drawn the line at anyone trying to convince me that a pineapple up my butt is sensual!!!


Depends which end goes in first. Try an artichoke.

Bobmi357 said:
...But I drawn the line at anyone trying to convince me that a pineapple up my butt is sensual!!!


heh...well, if we've learned anything from being here, it's probably that there are many more 'kinks' in the world than any one of us could have thought up each their own, I guess!

Or, to put it another way:

One man's kink is another's Ewwwwwwwwww. :D
bobsgirl said:
Depends which end goes in first. Try an artichoke.


Now thats just mean! Poor Art! Shoved up someone's butt while choking!

Although in retrospect, there was the poster talking about eating a whole can of kidney beans, that would probably make me choke :)

Personally I have this phobia about stuffing foreign objects into my body and that includes the wifes body as well. I figure if anything is going to be stuffed into her, its gonna be a piece of me! :D

Hmmm Bob stuffing. Hopefully that will never make it into the holiday recipe books.....
Bobmi357 said:
Now thats just mean! Poor Art! Shoved up someone's butt while choking!

Although in retrospect, there was the poster talking about eating a whole can of kidney beans, that would probably make me choke :)

Personally I have this phobia about stuffing foreign objects into my body and that includes the wifes body as well. I figure if anything is going to be stuffed into her, its gonna be a piece of me! :D

Hmmm Bob stuffing. Hopefully that will never make it into the holiday recipe books.....

I agree with you. I don't cruise the produce aisles looking for likely candidates.;)

But, as someplace said, to each their own. One thing I've learned in this life, everybody has their own little quirks.
bobsgirl said:
I agree with you. I don't cruise the produce aisles looking for likely candidates.;)

But, as someplace said, to each their own. One thing I've learned in this life, everybody has their own little quirks.
I'll have you know that mine are hardly little quirks. When it comes to quirks, size really does matter.
SweetErika said:
Someplace, you're definitely one of the very well-spoken members! :D

I especially agree with #2 above. Honestly, I signed up expecting to learn more about sex, yet I've actually gained vast knowledge about myself, others, and life in general, and I continue learning everyday. I love the interaction and intellectual stimulation it brings.

Cate, I can't think of any general topics just now, but I've really enjoyed hearing all of the perspectives thus far. Thanks for starting this great conversation! :rose:

Ditto! I joined up initially to learn about sex, explore, and perhaps make some new friends. I ended up finding the love of my life here, and we will celebrate our first anniversary of living together next week. Amazing what can happen when you sign up to a "porn board"!! :D
I guess the first thing that attract most of us was the stories..
Therefore it was sex, at least in our imaginations..

When I finally got around to actually joining, and posting, I found it nice to be able to find people that seemed more open and at least in some ways more liberal than we generally find in R/L.
I've had times that were good and times that were bad.
Just like R/L, because I treat people I meet here just like I would anywhere else.
I've met some wonderful people here.
The best friends I have in the world.
And I've met some like minded people.
This place has taught me to care again.

I guess it boils down to the fact, that to me, this place is all about the people, of all kinds.
I first started reading the stories. I read almost daily for at leat 6 months. I decided to expand my horizons and looked at the discussion boards, but was afraid to register a name because I thought that my name would apear on the front page of the local newspaper the next morning or something. Well, what I found out that there were a lot of people out there that were sexual and ordinary. And have many different occupations and are different ages. I have met some wonderful people and enjoy playing on here. It is a form of relaxation and release for me. I can be myself here and you people get to see a side of me that most of the rest of the world never gets to see. This place lets me be me.:kiss: :heart:
Average? Average falls into the category of statistics and we all know that there are three kinds of lies (little ones, damn ones and statistics). Now mathematically, I appreciate the patience that Byron showed in going and actually Doing the stats for the board - it was rather interesting to see just how it shakes down. Something else to throw into the pot of participation levels though is the number of lurkers. I read and think about many many more threads than I actually post to - simply because I find that someone else has already given the information that I would have shared or because the topic has been resolved and no longer needs input. Then there are the people who are simply afraid that someone will ::gasp:: recognize them! While many of us are very open IRL about our sexuality and the fact that we are sexual beings there are also those who live in fear that their kink will be found out. This is especially true of people who are practicing or interested in BDSM or GLBT sexual practices, things still viewed as deviant by significant portions of society. Just some thoughts....
Lit is a place that I found first because of the stories. It is since a place I have found community. The first thread I posted into was one about an unexpected pregnancy, followed by threads on cooking and how to deal with abuse. These threads were created out of genuine, non-sexual confusion, compassion and the need to reach out to someone with more experience. While there may have been sexual joking in each of these threads it was no more than occurs in my dining hall or family room when I'm surrounded by people I consider friends. Lit is much much more than porn and erotica, though both are components, it is a place where people make and build friendships and ask questions that they don't have the opportunity to ask in their everyday life. I seriously doubt that most of us would walk up to a stranger on the street and ask them how to help their SO get over being abused but it's something that can be posted here and get a predominately respectful response. That would be my two cents worth on the subject. And I'm curious enough about the comment on above average education that I think I'm going to go feed my curiousity and try to figure out how to start a poll...
Greetings Cate, my friend! :kiss:
As I wrote on another thread, I think your thread asks a question which reflects what each of us defines as "normal"
*shudder* That's a difficult concept for me to grasp :p
For me, Lit encompasses all of the above, the sexual banter necessary in all of our lives, without the fear of showing that side of ourselves which has been deemed "dirty" by society. We are able to express those ideas we dare not speak to others in R/L. (except for those who are free thinking, of course!)
The threads which are non-sexual in nature, balance our experiences and draw us together as a community. They are vital for a well rounded personality. To say we think of sex 24/7 is absurd! OK, so we only think of it 23/7! ;)
Seriously, I've found both honest friendships and genuine compassion for many members @ Lit and in fact, am traveling to meet another member in a few weeks! Lit is NOT just about porn, its about the very essence of the human spirit!
Thank you Cate for allowing me to share my thoughts.
Peace (or piece, whichever may be the case) to all!
~kym~ sexual and so much more! :)
How Do I Define 'The Average Literotica Member

One word:

Time for a little bump here.

Since I mentioned this thread could be about any issue we may wish to discuss, please feel free to post your thoughts, a rant, an issue bothering you and want to discuss. (It certainly does not have to be about 'the average Lit. poster.)

Lately my mind has been in a fog so I have nothing clear to put out for discussion. Maybe you do?
Cathleen said:
Time for a little bump here.

Since I mentioned this thread could be about any issue we may wish to discuss, please feel free to post your thoughts, a rant, an issue bothering you and want to discuss. (It certainly does not have to be about 'the average Lit. poster.)

Lately my mind has been in a fog so I have nothing clear to put out for discussion. Maybe you do?

Welcome to fogsville Cate. :rose:
Not really sure what I am going to say here, maybe just ramble a bit, who knows .
Frustrated and confused, sick of what life throws at us, tired of standing up to face things, feeling everything is going, ok only to have the rug pulled out from under.
Hateful of my own reactions sometimes, knowing I need to show restraint and compassion, and doing so, but the frustration and anger is there lurking below the surface, what little that shows through is bad enough, can`t imagine what would happen if I stopped trying. Feeling selfish and guilty for having these thoughts, but tired of holding myself in check too.
Anyway life will continue, I will stand up to things again, deal with whatever comes along and who knows one day something may come of it.
Cheery bugger aint I. :D
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What Bothers Me-

The ORIGINAL question Cate asked was for members to divulge what bothers them. And I will get to that. But first, like many of you, I came here for a better understanding of where we are in today's sexually orientated society. I offer proof in the highly contoversial Carl's Jr. Paris Hilton commercial. The ad agencies would have us to believe that if you are not between the ages of 18-34 and look like Paris or Brittany or Brad or Tom then you are not wanted. This is not a slam on that age group, only that the ad agencies know how to play up ANY group so long as it benefits them.

I have found, since coming here that, yes, this a SEXUAL site. I never thought of this place as a porn site despite the amateur picture section. I contend there can even be a fine line between porn and erotic. A picture, graphically showing insertion or even oral such as Dawn and Bearlee here is in my view 'erotic'. Hustler's cartoon 'Chester the Molester', (and others in the magazine), are so tasteless they define description. The fact is, this site, these boards, have topics that cater to all tastes and outlooks. The people here are as varied as the country itself.

And, like another poster stated, most here are above average in intelligence AND character. It is really nice to have a place where one can come and ask almost anything, (sexual or otherwise), and get serious, thoughtful replies. And, like another poster, I don't post a lot here but I read a lot of topics and get answers to questions that I MIGHT have asked. So give yourself some credit here folks. Y'all are better people here than even you can imagine.

So I will now get to what Cate asked originally and tell y'all what bothers me and see what kind of reaction it brings. First of all, because I do come here often, I perceive that most of you here are in the 20-45 range so my subject will not be as dear to y'all as it is to me simply because most of you weren't even born when this happened or at best, were tiny children. But I hope you young 'uns will take an interest and not let the passage of MORE TIME dull the importance of this event. I am VERY DISAPPOINTED that MY generation, (the 'baby-boomers'), did not demand answers, (and the truth), to this horrible act. Just by the sheer numbers of us, we could've made the truth come out. We failed miserably. I guess we were so caught up in ourselves we didn't care.

So, it is my hope that all those that are coming behind us will SOMEDAY demand that the real truth emerge about ........................(this is long-going to another post). tx.
November 22, 1963

Before some of you go, "Oh no, ANOTHER conspiracy theory", that is not what I am offering. What my PERSONAL views are, are not important. What IS important is that the TRUTH be revealed whether it was just one person or a myriad of participants. Please, I have a personal stake inthis because I lived in Dallas, Texas when this happened. Yes, the whole country was shocked but you cannot imagine the feeling to those of us who LIVED in Dallas.

I was a junior in High School that fall so I was old enough for this to be etched in my mind forever. I continued to live in Dallas until 1991 but still work in Dallas. My route to work takes me within two blocks of the Texas School Book Depository. The building has another name now but that's what it was called when Oswald 'alledgely' shot JFK. The other day, because of traffic, I had to take an alternate route and ended up driving down Elm street in the very lane Kennedy's car was in when he was killed.

Of course, that day was on my mind when I drove down Elm. And as I got to the exact spot, a cold chill came over me. This is even 41 years after the fact. The point is people, no matter what your views are on this, of which most of you learned in History class, there are still too many unanswered questions !! Despite government reports and so-called 'experts', there is just no way one so-called 'misfit of society' could've pulled off the murder of the century.

Oswald was a marksman in the military but to hit the President AND the Governor, (of Texas), shooting down and away in such a short span DOES defie logic.

Then, amid all the turmoil, he SUPPOSEDLY got away from there and made it to Oak Cliff, (his house), shoot a Dallas policeman and get arrested in an Oak Cliff theater.

Oswald himself was killed two days later, (Sunday), by Jack Ruby who can be seen at the police station friday evening when Oswald was brought in !!

Newly-sworn in LBJ assembles the Warren Commission to make a ruling on the assassination and by March of 1964 the report is issued that Oswald was the 'lone shooter', case closed. Not only closed but LBJ had all pertinent information/records sealed for 75 years !! (WHY)??

In the meantime, various individuals come out with all kinds of theories, suspects etc., etc.

But here is what bothers me almost as much as the killing of JFK.

(1). Oswald's death. (naturally, since he never got the chance to say if he was a 'patsy' or not). Would he have named names?? We will never know.

(2). The Dallas Police. (the city took a big hickey on the shooting happening in Dallas so the local police leaders were QUICK to announce they had the killer, (Oswald), in custody. (Yes, he was guilty before being tried).

(3). Jack Ruby was a 'mafia wanna-be' so he could be trusted to keep quiet, for a little while anyway. When he realized that he was not going to be freed as a hero, (for gunning down the President's killer), even being sentenced himself, he wanted to talk. But he wanted to go to Washington to talk but was not allowed to do so. So he goes from a cold to pneumonia to cancer in his jail cell in a matter of months.

Ok, ok, this may be stuff that y'all have had explained to you in a clear way but here is where I will go 'off the wall' a bit with you. Bear with me please.

Let's just PRESUME that Bobby Kennedy would have won the presidency in 1968. Don't you think that he would have used every presidential power in his hands to bring his brother's killers, (assuming there were others, either mafia or government), to justice?? So, to me, HIS assassination in '68 was more to keep him out of the White House than by (another), disgruntled misfit of society. That Sirhan Sirhan still languishes in prison alive is unique but his silence is understandable because of his heritage.

(4). Ted Kennedy. He could've taken up Bobby's sword and tried to use his powers also but, lo and behold, he had Chappequiddick (sp), to deal with, (in '69). His ambitions to just stay in the Senate could be attributed to seeing two brothers dead. He did make an attempt in 1980 for the White House but it was a very feeble one.

And to even go FURTHER out on a limb, could it just be a coincidence that JFK, Jr. was also killed?? (tragically in his plane a few years back). He had been mentioning to some that he might give politics a run and you have to believe, with his looks, charisma and name, he may could have made President and if he did, would surely re-open the killing of his father.

Look, I am not asking any of you to believe one way or another. I am asking that y'all who are younger now have the responsibility to rid the country of at least any doubts there may have been surrounding November 22, 1963. Bush makes the second 'baby-boomer' President. Neither him nor Clinton seemed inclined to set the record straight. They could have re-opened but chose not to. My generation, by sheer numbers has not DEMANDED an answer. This county is capable of knowing the truth. I am NOT 'anti-government'. I am against lies though. And we were lied to about JFK, Viet Nam, Mid-East Oil and most likely this current conflict, (IRAQ). All I ask is that y'all keep pursuing the truth. This country is becoming not-too-well-liked by some who USED to be our friends. It is up to you young ones to: Keep the eagle flying high. The flag waving gallantly, and: a government that is truly, Of the people, by the people and for the people.
Literotica is one amazing place. And at the sametime a foul mistress.
quoll said:
Welcome to fogsville Cate. :rose:
Not really sure what I am going to say here, maybe just ramble a bit, who knows .
Frustrated and confused, sick of what life throws at us, tired of standing up to face things, feeling everything is going, ok only to have the rug pulled out from under.
Hateful of my own reactions sometimes, knowing I need to show restraint and compassion, and doing so, but the frustration and anger is there lurking below the surface, what little that shows through is bad enough, can`t imagine what would happen if I stopped trying. Feeling selfish and guilty for having these thoughts, but tired of holding myself in check too.
Anyway life will continue, I will stand up to things again, deal with whatever comes along and who knows one day something may come of it.
Cheery bugger aint I. :D

:eek: I wrote that?
Ok I recognise the guy allright, but I would like to say that although that post seems to reflect almost 100% of my thought pattern at the time, things are significantly better, in fact I'd say those thought patterns are more like 30% or less now, so I give myself a big thumbs up. :D

Hey NB, thanks for bumping this thread, I really needed to revisit that post. :cool:
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