How to lose weight... really?

warrior queen said:
for instance, did you know that 2 glasses of orange juice is equal to a full days calories? there are 13 teaspoons of sugar in each glass of oj (250ml)!

i'm confused... what do you mean by 2 glasses of orange juice equals two full days of calories??? 8oz is approx 120 calories.
warrior queen said:
for instance, did you know that 2 glasses of orange juice is equal to a full days calories? there are 13 teaspoons of sugar in each glass of oj (250ml)!

Holy crap! Are you serious? That really sux because i drink alot of orange juice.
EJFan said:
i'm confused... what do you mean by 2 glasses of orange juice equals two full days of calories??? 8oz is approx 120 calories.
Perhaps in terms of sugar content? I don't know--I'm not a big juice drinker.
Eilan said:
Perhaps in terms of sugar content? I don't know--I'm not a big juice drinker.

27g carbs minus a half gram fiber is a good chunk o' fructose, no doubt... not two days worth though. i personally don't recommend drinking fruit juice but even this amount is only about 20% of a day's carbs
EJFan said:
i'm confused... what do you mean by 2 glasses of orange juice equals two full days of calories??? 8oz is approx 120 calories.

fresh squeezed oj is 120 calories (no added sugar).
ready made stuff is waaaaaayyy more.

one 250ml glass of oj has twice the sugar of one 375ml can of coke.
can i rant for a second?????

i've just started a cut this past weekend and it sucks ass... i'm so tired and hungry. someone ship me a steak!
GoneOffShore said:
Drink wine with your meals - a glass at lunch, maybe two at dinner.
I know that red wine can have certain health benefits, I would think that consuming two to three glasses of wine a day would be adding unnecessary calories. *shrugs*
I haven't read through all the post because there are way to many, but I will tell you what has worked very well for me. About three weeks ago I switched to sugar free drinks exclusively (crystal light). I stopped buying all the high fat junk food and set my calorie intake to 1600-1800 per day. It sounds like it would be hard, but what I discovered is when you stop eating all the sugar, your appetite actually goes away (imagine that...sugar makes you hungry...hmmm). My average day is something like this:


1 - chocolate chip waffle (no syrup)
24oz. sugar free lemonade

10:00am (snack time)

1 cup dry cereal
water or lemonade

12:00pm (lunch)
1 - lean pocket (whatever filling you like, I prefer pizza)
1 - item from this list (reduced fat doritos, jello chocolate pudding, granola bar)
24oz. sf lemonade

6:00pm (supper)
1 - grilled chicken breast, or hamburger, or steak...etc.
I usually either eat bread or potatoes at supper time, but never both.
24oz. sf lemonade

I usually throw in 1 more snack from my list above or have a fudge bar (we found some that only have 35 calories).

I have been doing this for 3 weeks and have lost 12 pounds. I am not doing this as a diet, but as a change in eating habbits. I never go to bed hungry, and every now and then I have cake or ice cream, but not everyday. When I began I weighed 238 and now I'm 226. My target weight is 185 and if I get there great, but I'm not going to hurt myself to do it. I do have a treadmill in the house and have walked on it one time for 30 minutes. I hope to use it at least 2 times per week.

The biggest thing that has helped me was switching to the sugar free drinks. I probably dropped 2000 calories per day. I figure I was drinking about a gallon of liquid a day and none of that was water. I also had a pretty serious affair with little debbie (she was hurt when I broke it off, but I think she will recover). I hope that you find something that works for you. Good luck!

mblanton said:
My average day is something like this:


1 - chocolate chip waffle (no syrup)
24oz. sugar free lemonade

10:00am (snack time)

1 cup dry cereal
water or lemonade

12:00pm (lunch)
1 - lean pocket (whatever filling you like, I prefer pizza)
1 - item from this list (reduced fat doritos, jello chocolate pudding, granola bar)
24oz. sf lemonade

6:00pm (supper)
1 - grilled chicken breast, or hamburger, or steak...etc.
I usually either eat bread or potatoes at supper time, but never both.
24oz. sf lemonade

I usually throw in 1 more snack from my list above or have a fudge bar (we found some that only have 35 calories).


it's great that you're losing weight. cutting out sugary drinks can surely do it. i just have one question for you...what do you have against fruits and veggies? :)
on that note, here's what i ate yesterday:


3 strawberries
1/2 of a red pepper
1/2 cup cottage cheese with salt and pepper


1 small piece of spinach and swiss quiche-crustless (homemade leftovers)
1/2 of a pear


a locally made sprouted grain bar with flax, hazelnuts and carob-tastes just like a granola bar


various finger veggies and fruit (fresh pineapple, blueberries, carrots, radishes, and red peppers)
tortilla chips
ceviche-a latin american dish that involves putting raw fish and shellfish into a bath of citrus juice and allowing the acids to cook the fish. i made mine with shrimp, langostines, orange roughy, cilantro, green onions, tomato, habanero, lime juice, and orange juice. think fresh salsa with seafood in it. yum.

(lots of cold food, it's been too warm to cook)

i drink pretty much water with lemon exclusively. diet drinks do not agree with me. my carbs are limited because i can't eat wheat, rye, barley or oats. i eat rice pretty much every day. i try to stick with brown rice if the dish can meld with it. i know there are decent wheat free substitutes for bread and pasta, but they are pretty fattening so i try to avoid them.
Eilan said:
I know that red wine can have certain health benefits, I would think that consuming two to three glasses of wine a day would be adding unnecessary calories. *shrugs*

a 5oz glass of wine (red) has ~75 calories if memory serves. it's a great source of antioxidants... the crap that helps cells rebuild more effectively/healthy... but 2-3 glasses sounds a bit excessive for the average person to me as well. but everyone's different.
what the hell... here's what i ate yesterday too. lol....

3 eggs, 1/2 c skim milk, 1 slice bread, T natty PB

1/2 c oatmeal, protein powder, T sugar-free jelly

can tuna, salad, 2T olive oil dressing, raw carrot, 1/2 c fiber one

can tuna, slice bread, T natty PB, 1/4c peanuts

4oz extra lean beef, can string beans, T balsamic vinegar w/salad

1/2 c cottage cheese, T natty PB
i'm cutting right now, so i usually only have one whole egg and two whites. when i'm bulking i'll have maybe 5 eggs in the morning w/maybe 2 or 3 yolks.
check this out..

This is one of my hometown tv stations report of a woman who lost over 100 lbs, and it has the added information about how to tighten your skin up.
Hm - very interesting article, Leeleigh. I'm actually quite tempted to try that out. Makes sense, right? Eat the majority of your food early in the day, because you'll work it off. Interesting.
EJFan said:
what the hell... here's what i ate yesterday too. lol....

T natty PB

T natty PB

T natty PB

I know im gonna feel stupid for asking this... T natty PB???
muddpuppy said:
I know im gonna feel stupid for asking this... T natty PB???

lol... i'm sorry... don't feel stupid...

tablespoon natural peanut butter.

i only eat natural (ingredients are peanuts and maybe salt only) because it's a source of good fat. "regular" peanut butter has a shitload of sugar and other crap in it that's no good for me. when i'm bulking i'll eat like half a jar a day.
Kassandra13 said:
Hm - very interesting article, Leeleigh. I'm actually quite tempted to try that out. Makes sense, right? Eat the majority of your food early in the day, because you'll work it off. Interesting.

watch the video on that link.. I like the other tip too, about keeping your skin tight... That will work great for old ladies like
Leeleigh said:
check this out..

This is one of my hometown tv stations report of a woman who lost over 100 lbs, and it has the added information about how to tighten your skin up.

Thanx for the link, i gotta try the tighten up your skin thing.
EJFan said:
lol... i'm sorry... don't feel stupid...

tablespoon natural peanut butter.

i only eat natural (ingredients are peanuts and maybe salt only) because it's a source of good fat. "regular" peanut butter has a shitload of sugar and other crap in it that's no good for me. when i'm bulking i'll eat like half a jar a day.

I never would have caught that... Now, bulking means that your trying to muscle up???
muddpuppy said:
Now, bulking means that your trying to muscle up???

bulking is a state of caloric excess... cutting is a state of caloric deficit. the idea is that, in order to add muscle mass (i.e.: gain weight), you have to have extra kcals to do so. when you do that, there's virtually no way to avoid gaining fat as well so you have to cut from time to time to eliminate the body fat. sadly, some muscle goes with that. and the beat goes on. ;)

with VERY careful nutrient timing and knowing your body exceedingly well, it's POSSIBLE (not likely, but possible) to gain lean mass w/o fat but it's hardly worth the effort... bulking/cutting cycles are about the easiest, most generally acceptable ways to see results for most people.

anyone have an update to share?

i've been cutting for about two weeks now... down almost 4 pounds... roughly three of them fat pounds and just over one pound of lean mass. not a bad ratio but it's coming off faster than i'd like.... i'd rather be closer to a pound a week.
All the women in my family struggle with diets for years (including me), it must be the matter of naturally slow metabolism.

If one doesnt have some major health problems and doesnt want to get any, only thing that will really work is what some had said here - less calories and more exercise.

I doubt any "quick diets" for they can damage health very badly....... eating less but everything is the best solution.

Some people dont realise that sometimes they dont recognize thirst and mistake it for hunger - try to drink some water first when feeling you need to eat....... it may do the trick.

I think someone mentioned the Red Bull here...... I drink lot of it but for different reasons. I suppose it is the coffeine that quickens the metabolism, but it is really bad for the heart, I believe that one Red Bull equals to 3 cups of strong coffee, and for some people it is a way too much.