How to lose weight... really?

Eilan said:
Most excellent!

party on garth. ;)

huh? lol.

thanks guys... cutting is scary shit the first time out (at least it was for me) so it's good to know i nailed the method. :) thanks again. :)
muddpuppy said:

Youve heard it a million times and its the only REAL way to lose weight.


Thats it, plain and simple. Oh, wait, maybe not QUITE so much...

Eating less doesn't mean starving yourself, it means eating less calories. Stay away from fatty, high carb, empty calories. NEVER EFFING EAT FAST FOOD! Our culture is in love with drive through fast food garbage. Hell, I love it myself, and know that today I will make my once a week stop at wendys for a spicy chicken sandwich.
Try to make smarter choices about what you eat. Instead of munching on chips, buy sunflowerseeds still in the shell. The time it takes to crack through those puppies means you eat a lot less then just cramming a fistfull of chips into your mouth. Do you drink coffee? If so, do you put sugar in it? Stop! not only are you adding empty calories, but in my opinion you destroy the wonderfull taste of the beans!
How much water do you drink? Most people don't drink enough. Youve heard them say it, 8 glasses of water a day. Thats an absolute minimum! You would be amazed how much less you eat when you are properly hydrated. A lot of people (myself included) can't really tell the difference between being a low level of thirsty and hungry. Its the same thing with a lot of cravings, thats why most people who quit smoking gain a ton of weight. Their niccotene addiction is still there, but they aren't satisfying it, instead feeding it with food.

Now, for excercise more. You don't have to go out and get a gym membership. To paraphrase the Kevin Smith movie, "Did you ever see a fat disciple? No, Cause we walked everywhere."
Ive seen people honestly get in their cars on beautiful spring days to drive a block and a half to the supermarket for a gallon of milk. We were given legs for a reason, use em. If time is a concern, get a pair of rollerblades or a bike. Try to use your car only when you absolutely need too. As a side benefit by the way, you will be amazed how much money you save in gas.
Do little extra things like taking the stairs, or if you aren't in a time constraint, take a long way to your destination, even if that only means going to the bathroom on the far side of your workplace as opposed to the one 100 feet from your desk. Being up and mobile improves creativity anyways.
Oh, and people who tell you that sex is a great work out, they are only half right. Sex CAN be one of the best work outs you will get, but not if your laying on the bottom getting it. Take the top, work your body (and his) go nuts, the more frantic and energetic the better the sex and the better the work out!

Finally, if like me, you spend a lot of time at your computer, take a 5-10 minute break every hour and move your butt. Get up, dance to a few songs, go for a walk around the block, if no one is home, sprint up and down the stairs a few times. Im amazed sometimes at how I used to sit in front of my computer for 8,9,10 hours without moving other than to get up for bathroom or food breaks. Its not good.

Anyways, hope this helps. Theres no real miracle weight loss cure. Its just simple eating less, excercising more. Also, don't forget, not too skinny, a lot of us guys hate that and like our women soft and curvy. :D
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Eat less, move more. I lost twenty five pounds in a few months eating healthier and excersizing more. I didn't have to starve either or really excersize all that much.
Just paid more attention to what I was putting in my body and did a little excersize three or four times a week.
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Ricwilly said:
Eat less, move more. I lost twenty five pounds in a few months eating healthier and excersizing more. I didn't have to starve either or really excersize all that much.
Just paid more attention to what I was putting in my body and did a little excersize three or four times a week.

good man... congratulations!

take a vagina out of petty cash. ;)
Move More Eat Less

There is *no* other way.

MOVE: walking, jogging, hiking (all things you can do with minimum investment of money and little of time)

MORE: as in 4 times a week for half an hour of aerobic movement (that means you get shore of breath and sweat for half an hour four times a week)

EAT: vegetables, fruit, fish, pasta, yoghurt, rice, 70% cocoa chocolate... i.e. unrefined food. Do not eat fast food, fried food, processed food (bikkits, chips), fatty foods (bacon, ham). Do not eat 0% fat yoghurt and other similar shit. You don't get fat from eating fat, but from eating the wrong kinds of fat at the wrong time with the wrong kinds of carbs.

LESS: eat three times a day. Have a hearty breakfast, a small lunch and a miserly supper. Do not eat four hours before going to bed.

(To make the story more personal: the above mentioned is the method I use. This is how I lost about 15 kilos (30 lbs for those who still cannot see the light of the metric system), this is how I can easily run at 12 kph for an hour or two without rest, climb mountains, swim rivers, etc.)
SummerMorning said:
LESS: eat three times a day. Have a hearty breakfast, a small lunch and a miserly supper.
I respectfully disagree with this advice, though I acknowledge that it may have worked for you.
SummerMorning said:
LESS: eat three times a day. Have a hearty breakfast, a small lunch and a miserly supper. Do not eat four hours before going to bed.

just for the sake of objectivity, the bit about eating before bed isn't as bad as we've been lead to believe... it all comes down to total caloric intake more so than when you eat. i eat around 200 kcals of protein and fat RIGHT before bed (for a "protein drip" overnight) but i keep my total intake in check.

i know this worked for you... PLEASE don't think i'm discounting it out of hand. i think that if you eat healthy and have a method that works, that's all that matters. if you eat too much, eating before bed can inflame the problem.

SummerMorning said:
30 lbs for those who still cannot see the light of the metric system

LOL! i wish we used metrics in the US. why are we such slugs about it?
EJFan said:
good man... congratulations!

take a vagina out of petty cash. ;)
Thanks EJ.
Yeah I agree it's more about what you eat than when you eat it. I used to eat ice cream before bed now I eat fruit or something light. It's about changing eating habits for me not dieting.
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What worked for me. Eat in moderation and excercise. Lay off the booze and excercise. Get a good night's sleep and excercise. That is all I have done, and have lost 30 pounds without even trying hard this year. Good luck
Eilan said:
I respectfully disagree with this advice [three meals], though I acknowledge that it may have worked for you.

Well, it was just an example. Actually, I ate two meals a day, breakfast and lunch - sort of like buddhist monks in Tibet. I can go quite well if I eat only in the morning and at midday, but it really depends on the kind of physical exertion you go through.

Now I'm training for a marathon in the autumn, so I'm not on any kind of silly starvation regimen.

In general: eat a balanced, healthy diet and cut down on snacks you don't need. Eat at a table, sitting down, with a fork and knife (or chopsticks). Just my ten hundreths.
cent_fl_guy said:
What worked for me. Eat in moderation and excercise. Lay off the booze and excercise. Get a good night's sleep and excercise. That is all I have done, and have lost 30 pounds without even trying hard this year. Good luck


take a blowjob outta petty cash.
EJFan said:
since you asked... here's the progress on my cut...

i'm down 6 pounds and 2% bodyfat in 5 or 6 weeks (i can't remember my exact start date off the top o' my head). the great thing is that i did the math and of the 6 pounds i've lost, less than half a pound was lean mass... the rest is all fat. woohoo!

Way to go EJ!!! :)
Weight watchers is great for those who can't go it alone... but the sad truth is nothing beets eating a healthy diet, exercising and drinking lots of of luck in the battle of the buldge...I'm hoping to regain my ballerinas figure I had before I got injured...wish me luck
lstn1drlnd said:
Weight watchers is great for those who can't go it alone... but the sad truth is nothing beets eating a healthy diet, exercising and drinking lots of of luck in the battle of the buldge...I'm hoping to regain my ballerinas figure I had before I got injured...wish me luck

LUck is not needed or required.

Just some hard work, a bit of patients and a smart approach.

Easy peasy :)
i think the "wish me luck" thing was more of an idiomatic expression from lstn1drlnd. just my interpretation. good luck lstn...

houseman... pickin' your brain for a second... what are your thoughts on caffeine? i've read that it can cause increases in cortisol production. personally, i'm not the least bit worried about it (i think the effect is marginal at best) and i'm not going to stop drinking my coffee but i wanted to know how you felt about it.
EJFan said:
houseman... pickin' your brain for a second... what are your thoughts on caffeine? i've read that it can cause increases in cortisol production. personally, i'm not the least bit worried about it (i think the effect is marginal at best) and i'm not going to stop drinking my coffee but i wanted to know how you felt about it.

You are correct. Its' effect is marginal at best. Unless you have a pre-existing condition or are under extreme stress I would not worry about it.

Since we're on the topic, stress plays a major factor on one's ability to burn fat. Be aware people.
SummerMorning said:
LESS: eat three times a day. Have a hearty breakfast, a small lunch and a miserly supper. Do not eat four hours before going to bed.

(To make the story more personal: the above mentioned is the method I use. This is how I lost about 15 kilos (30 lbs for those who still cannot see the light of the metric system), this is how I can easily run at 12 kph for an hour or two without rest, climb mountains, swim rivers, etc.)

And, I eat 7-8 meals a day with my last meal being 40 grams of whey protein and 60 grams of carbs and that's about 30 min before I go to bed.

I have zero problem dropping fat.

This is how I can easily drop 30-40lbs when dieting down for a contest, summer, whatever in 12-16 weeks.

The difference between your method and mine is you are losing weight (fat and muscle) I am losing fat. I'll take my method any day of the week and 4 times on Sunday. I work hard for my muscle. I like to keep every bit I can. The women love it ;)
lstn1drlnd said:
Weight watchers is great for those who can't go it alone... but the sad truth is nothing beets eating a healthy diet, exercising and drinking lots of of luck in the battle of the buldge...I'm hoping to regain my ballerinas figure I had before I got injured...wish me luck
Good Luck, and go for it!
houseman said:
And, I eat 7-8 meals a day with my last meal being 40 grams of whey protein and 60 grams of carbs and that's about 30 min before I go to bed.

I have zero problem dropping fat.

This is how I can easily drop 30-40lbs when dieting down for a contest, summer, whatever in 12-16 weeks.

The difference between your method and mine is you are losing weight (fat and muscle) I am losing fat. I'll take my method any day of the week and 4 times on Sunday. I work hard for my muscle. I like to keep every bit I can. The women love it ;)

The difference is I'm not working on muscle but stamina. My goal isn't to have 90 kilos of muscle but 70 kilos of muscle... see, different goals, different methods! :)

I'll take you on a race any day of the week and 4 times on Sunday. I work hard for my stamina. I like to keep every bit I can. The women love it ;)

SummerMorning said:
The difference is I'm not working on muscle but stamina. My goal isn't to have 90 kilos of muscle but 70 kilos of muscle... see, different goals, different methods! :)

I'll take you on a race any day of the week and 4 times on Sunday. I work hard for my stamina. I like to keep every bit I can. The women love it ;)

Yeah, women will take stamina over muscle any day. I agree.
I've got good stamina. ;)
Now men seem to prefer muscle tho myself I like a slight less hairy man.
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*michael buffer impression*

LLLLLLLLLLet's get reeeeady to rummmmmmmmbllllllllle.
EJFan said:
*michael buffer impression*

LLLLLLLLLLet's get reeeeady to rummmmmmmmbllllllllle.
I never watch professional wrestling, the men got too much muscle. The women too.
Ricwilly said:
I never watch professional wrestling, the men got too much muscle. The women too.

i was just referring to you, houseman and SM having your discussion on stamina v. muscle... i thought i'd set the stage for you all to fight it out. :)
EJFan said:
i was just referring to you, houseman and SM having your discussion on stamina v. muscle... i thought i'd set the stage for you all to fight it out. :)
Ya, I get ya, I was just bein facetious.
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