How Women Think?


Once again I find I posted a redundent reply. Will I ever learn?
Probably not. Carry on ladies, I am learning as we go.
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well we do that well I do grab her and eat her alive but never in public even I have limits.

As for ready in ten yep thats what i thought.

as for reading a map- Bullshit no woman can read a map getting to the right place is just sheer luck. but skill on the drivers part and the patience of a saint but the us chaps can be forgiven for that one.

Women can't read a map? If it is the right way it is just luck???


For your information MR Hitchhiker....I CAN read a map....and very well! I have driven from Vermont to Maine and back again....300 miles total....BY MYSELF!!! And I READ the MAP!

*growling at male chauvinists*

I can read a map ... but it does drive my husband a little bit crazy when I use my knuckles to measure the mileage ;)

Woman and thinking

Oh, I was gonna say something funny about maps and directions but can't be bothered....
How Women Think

Well it seems to me that by putting up your specific questions here, you have gotten quite a few good answers. So here are my own personal replies:

In response to: "The old adage that "Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place" may no longer be true?":
I need a reason to have sex with someone. I'm not going to go to a bar, pick up some dude (or be picked up), and then go home and have sex with him. He didn't earn it and I'm not giving it away without someone having to WORK for it. :) I want to like him. I want him to be really attractive. I want him to be smart. I want him to smell great! I want to be wooed, if even for just the evening. If all else fails, I really want him to feel like he had to chase me. Not because he 'had' to but because he really wanted to! I mean let's face it. Women spend so much time getting ready because they want to be irresistable to the opposite sex. Yes, even after they are married. So stop complaining about her taking so long to get ready, already. How would you feel if the Goddess of your dreams really took you up on the 'hurry it up in there'? Do you really want her to hurry up or would you prefer that she be a knockout so that when you go out, all of your friends will say, "Damn!"? Be careful what you wish for.

There are exceptions to the sex rule. Sometimes, albeit rarely, you just want to have meaningless, hot sex with someone but you don't usually want to see them or know them after that!

Women can't read a map:
I love reading the map. I prefer to ask for directions if I get lost. When I drive alone, there are safety considerations in there that I have to consider! Maybe men don't have to think about that but women do. I don't want to get lost in a 'bad part' of anywhere. So when I ride with anyone else, I like to be the navigator. On getting and giving directions: women love landmarks. Ask a woman for good directions sometime and she'll usually start asking you if you know where this or that is. Possibly, she'll even tell you the colors or sizes of things to look for. (I.E. Look for the big red house on the left.)

We have heightened senses. We like colors, and scents, and tastes, and textures. Flowers tend to have all of those. A woman will usually smell the flowers you give her and even be a bit disappointeted if they aren't fragrant. She will look at them. She will show them off to everyone.

We aren't usually hung up about talking, or getting close to other people. We don't tend to have communication issues. That's why we like to go to the bathroom with each other. We talk while we're in there you know. It's like a private chat room. We also tend to get physically close to people we like. We touch their hair or give them a hug or straighten their shirts.

We like body language and are very adept at reading it. (I.E. Looking down if we catch you staring at us, and then quickly looking back up at you again.) That's why we like to smile alot, even at people we don't know. It disarms them and puts them at ease.

We look for some type of security in a long term partner. I personally think this has something to do with an inate survival instinct. It doesn't matter if it comes through money, size of your build, or whatever.

We tend to like nuturing. I think that's why we don't push a lot of blood and guts and wars. If we are in that situation, we want our security to be there with us. (I.E. Seeing a scary movie and feeling the need to cuddle up to our significant other.) For God sake's, part of our natural ability is to birth babies. We have to at least make a little bit of an attempt to be good at nuturing.

We can be very manipulative and scheming. (Some people refer to that behavior as being 'caty'.) We don't have the strength to overpower most people, so we have to rely on our thinking to get us into and out of things. Know what? It usually works. We listen to the schemes of others that have worked and bank them for our own future usage. We almost always have our own motives in mind when we use this natural skill. When you think of a female huntress, what do you think of? Does she trap you in some sneaky way or club you over the head? She may even recruit her friends to help her in these endeavors.

We are very strong minded individuals that can and will play up a bit of the weakness defense, for our own good of course. See the previous paragraph for an explanation of that.

Well, that's enough for now. If there is anything in particular that you want to know... just ask. :) Hope this helped.
What Women Think

Dear MistressS

Thank you, thank you, thank you

You're truly insightful peek into the mind of our fairer halves is magnificent.

Hope they don't drum you out for betraying the secrets. This will be beneficail to all the male authors here. No , perhaps it will allow some of us to write more truthfully, to explore the female psyche and develop true to life female characters.

Thanks again for taking the time and trouble to respond.

Indebted to you Mis.

What Women Think

I don't think they'll drum me out for betraying our 'secrets'. After all, remember that part about being manipulative? We can very easily chameleon into something else and catch you off guard anyway. :) Besides, more than likely you would never remember or know that a woman was using most of those things on you in real life. We are sly that way. :)

One last piece of advice about creating a female character. Why not find a really great astological website and look up the female versions of all of the signs? They usually give characteristics such as favorite colors, temperment, favorite choice of partner, etc.. It may take a bit of work to find a site that will give you seperate characteristics for the sexes, but in the end it would be worth it. Right there you will have a package of feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes for a character that you could expand on.

Just a thought.