
Wonder what the use of Phylacteries is intended to mean. A metaphor for taking away someone's objects of faith? A larger comment about Judaism or a particular group of Jews?

My grandmother used to strain all of life's questions, sublime to ridiculous, into "Is it good for the Jews or bad for the Jews?" I think I just felt my gene pool wash over me. :D
Jewish readers may wonder why Milton is writing about the tefillin: 'phylacteris' here actually refer to religious trinkets used by Presbyterians whose intolerance the sonnet attacks.Presbyterians, as you may know, although Milton probably did not is an anagram of Britney Spears.
Stephen Fry OLT p.287
Don't kiss and tell... simply leave your score and comment when and if you want to... Rate the story or poem as if you're on the tightest bell curve ever. If you persist in giving fives, you must persist in giving ones; for every two, grant a four; soon enough we'll all be content with three.

Depend on that system out there, and soon enough all trash is treasure and an H is the new norm. Maybe the powers that be should increase the requirement to attaining 4.5 over the course of 20 votes. That'll make y'all pissy cause then not one single poem (well maybe a couple from the audio and illustrated crowd) will have an H.
Don't kiss and tell... simply leave your score and comment when and if you want to... Rate the story or poem as if you're on the tightest bell curve ever. If you persist in giving fives, you must persist in giving ones; for every two, grant a four; soon enough we'll all be content with three.

Depend on that system out there, and soon enough all trash is treasure and an H is the new norm. Maybe the powers that be should increase the requirement to attaining 4.5 over the course of 20 votes. That'll make y'all pissy cause then not one single poem (well maybe a couple from the audio and illustrated crowd) will have an H.

I love that Champagne--it has the fizz of someone who knows how things work. Thank you.
Don't kiss and tell... simply leave your score and comment when and if you want to... Rate the story or poem as if you're on the tightest bell curve ever. If you persist in giving fives, you must persist in giving ones; for every two, grant a four; soon enough we'll all be content with three.

Depend on that system out there, and soon enough all trash is treasure and an H is the new norm. Maybe the powers that be should increase the requirement to attaining 4.5 over the course of 20 votes. That'll make y'all pissy cause then not one single poem (well maybe a couple from the audio and illustrated crowd) will have an H.
Which is rather pointless if lit scrubs the ones, and maybe the twos...
but fuck it all, I'm going to do what I want
Don't kiss and tell... simply leave your score and comment when and if you want to... Rate the story or poem as if you're on the tightest bell curve ever. If you persist in giving fives, you must persist in giving ones; for every two, grant a four; soon enough we'll all be content with three.

Depend on that system out there, and soon enough all trash is treasure and an H is the new norm. Maybe the powers that be should increase the requirement to attaining 4.5 over the course of 20 votes. That'll make y'all pissy cause then not one single poem (well maybe a couple from the audio and illustrated crowd) will have an H.
Here is what I see, votes, few comments score 5 or near 5, voting turned off, or cluster fuckers. So am I going to penalize a good/trying writer, when the system is gamed like that, no I don't think so.
There is already too much trash. You can check the top list. Some "trash" may be just something that is truly popular, but alot of it looks more gamed.
Oh BTW champ, I fully expect to say bye-bye to my H's. I've seen 'em disappear before.
Don't kiss and tell... simply leave your score and comment when and if you want to... Rate the story or poem as if you're on the tightest bell curve ever. If you persist in giving fives, you must persist in giving ones; for every two, grant a four; soon enough we'll all be content with three.

Depend on that system out there, and soon enough all trash is treasure and an H is the new norm. Maybe the powers that be should increase the requirement to attaining 4.5 over the course of 20 votes. That'll make y'all pissy cause then not one single poem (well maybe a couple from the audio and illustrated crowd) will have an H.

But is a normal distribution appropriate here?
And with mean 3 and variance 1?

Got me thinking about grading, along with grading on a curve. Goggling found several interesting articles, along with recollections of my past experience. Also considering advanced and especially graduate level courses (where a C is like an F).
Then a little tour into grade inflation (apparently took off between start of '60s until mid '70s, declined slightly for a decade, and then resumed continued moderate growth). Also thought about high school grades - now advanced courses can give higher scores, with A = 5 or 6, rather than 4 and so on. We had advanced courses when I was in high school, but no grade differential.