Hump Bar (Sens Lounge)

sens walks in makes the coffe prepares for the day leaves a note.

" I will be gone for a tad today please take care of the Hump."
*Walks in, finds the note from Sens, and walks over and pours a cup of coffee from the pot she made. Then she moves over to the bar and sits down, wondering who else will wander in today.*
Houston walks in and sees Yummy at the bar. "Hi Yums." He walks to her and kisses her sweetly on the cheek. "How is your day?"
Aurora walks into the bar pushing her silver hair behind her ears as she looks around with her golden eyes.
Hey Houston! Not too bad. My class was cancelled, so enjoying a lazy day. Hello Aurora.
*jumps into the room and waggles a finger at Yum*

You do not have the privilege to serve drinks here, m'dear

*pushes Yum out from the bar and takes up her spot, looking at taste*

What would you like?
*Pulls out the Bartending for Dummies book that Houston left for Oreo from behind the counter and flips through it.* Hmmm... Sex on the Beach. That sounds good. *Follows the recipe, and is rather pleased with the result* Here ya go!
HEY! I just wanted to help, and you weren't around! *sticks her tongue out at the Oreo*
"you know what Oreo two would do so make me one .. and thank yummy it is great."

Sens sits by the door in a chair. thinking deep of how she will miss the place soon.
*makes her something and hands it to her*

It's whatever you want it to be, lol =P

*waves to Magey*

*waves back*

Hello. I just came back from hanging out with my friend and his brother for a day. We played magic. The brother has a sliver deck.