Hump Bar (Sens Lounge)

I don't think Sens is in atm, but the dice are used to pay for drinks. Just ask a 'horn-tender' (Either oreocookie or Houston) what the price is and they'll tell you which dice to roll to pay for your drink.
"No I guess I am the only one here for the moment I was told about these Dice how is the game played?"
"Order a drink and I'll tell you which dice to roll. Then you 'pay up' for your drink."

Houston pours himself a glass of Johnny Walker Gold with one ice cube and takes a sip.
Aurora walks to the bar going to the site that she was given and presses the foreplay icon and waits. "It said Kiss and your choice." Aurora said softly.
"Hmmm, how about my neck, just below the ear."

Houston steps from behind the bar and awaits Aurora's payment.
Aurora walks over to him as he come out from behind the bar as he then leaned up kissing him where he told her too. On his neck below his left ear.
Wow I got a flogging and my choice he he double flogging for me ,..and maybe I'd better have a drink too!!!!!

Forgive me hehe I just had to roll though I don't know anyone here !!!!!
"Hmmm, nice. Enjoy your drink and feel free to order another whenever you're ready."

Houston walks back behind the bar. "So, what are you up to this evening, Aurora?"
"Aparently nothing at the moment." Aurora said softly as she picked her glass and sits at the bar sippin her drink.
Looks around at the silence while she finished off her wine. Then gets up walking back to the bar. "Whats your strongest drink? As I would like three of them."
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Yes three of them at the same time." Aurora said softly. "what dice will I have to roll for payment."