Hunted [open for one female, details within]

He must have noticed the slight panic in her eyes when he told her he was going outside. She shook her head, trying to fight the surging fear within her.

"Marcus, I'm sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'll see to the fire, I'll be alright."

Noting his look of doubt, she turned her face into his hand for a moment, pressing it tighter with the palm of her right hand.

"Go. I'll fix a stew while you're gone. It'll help the meat to go further." He still didn't move. Danni placed both hands on her hips, looking up at his great form.

"Do I have to get the broom after you then my great beast of a man?"

Danni's laugh, though strained, was almost reminescent of the Danni she had been before finding her uncle in the wine cellar.
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Assured by her laugh, despite its forced timbre, Marcus' face relaxes into an easier smile, just for her. "Broom, hmm? That'd almost be worth standing in here to see..." His smile widens into a grin and one could almost forget the strain, the imminent danger, if only for a moment. He has lived a life in perpetual danger that he finds a way to live between the moments where it is imminent and those where it is more of a potential threat. And he knows she has, deep inside, a fire that can rise to this bait and he wants that fire burning bright.

He bides another breath, stoking that fire by his impudent presence, before winking quickly and turning to attend to the chores outside. His amusement is unfortunately short lived but he keeps himself buoyant 'til he steps outside. By the time the door closes behind him, his expression has settled back to the impassive stare that seems to be his default, a sign of thought and wary evaluation of his surroundings.

He is quick, efficient, spending the time while his hands are occupied to consider their next moves. He weighs risk against necessity as best he can but can see no alternative but to put them back into harm's way once more. In truth, he knows that staying this close to Sessalie isn't really safe either but the seclusion of the cottage provides a measure of security through obscurity. The need for food, clothes, shelter in the winter, and distance from pursuit all points to more travel. Is she ready? Can she hold herself together when faced by another demon thrall like her uncle? He has no way to answer these to any level of surety. He must risk it, for both of them, and try to move them to safety.

Where is safe? Perhaps nowhere, truly, but there is a measure of safety to be had if he can find the one who made the binding scorched into his chest, the binding that forever chains his she-demon's destiny to his own.

So, east then south. Back to the plains. Almost like going home...

Rabbit gutted and skinned he returns to the cottage brandishing his slender prize. "Not much," he admits, "But the best that the season has to offer."
Danni had the fire relit and the delicious aroma of simmering stew filled the cottage. She accepted the meat from Marcus, thanking him with her eyes and a smile before dropping the bits into the nearly boiling mixture.

Washing her hands quickly, she returned to place her feet on the hearth near the fire. Unthinking, she pulled the legs of the shepherds pants up, allowing the heat to dry the wet hem. Starring into the fire, she rubbed her ankles distractedly, not realizing the deep black marks, growing worse were visible to Marcus' eyes.

"Marcus," she turned her face to gaze up at him, the flickering light adding mesmerizing shadows to her profile.

"Why were you gone so long? It's been days?" She looked truly perplexed and very hurt.
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Now it is Marcus' turn to look perplexed, though with none of the hurt. "Days?" he queries, so softly that the question seems to be to himself. Again, louder and more deliberate, "Days?" He peers at her, not critically but looking for a sign that this is some jest that he hasn't understood or perhaps he has simply misheard. Yet he has heard clearly and there is no jest that he can perceive. "Just now, I was only gone minutes, Danni," he scratches the side of his head, struggling to find the meaning in all this, "And before I was gone for hours, admittedly, but not days..."

Perhaps the cold or the stresses of the past few days have left her unwell, he wonders, "Are you feeling okay?" His expression colours his words with concern as he looks over her complexion. She doesn't strike him as being obviously sick, though, and he suspects she might have mentioned something anyway.

Caught by the firelight just so, he notices her ankles then, tendrils of black wending spiral lines up her feet. His mind replays the opening of the summoning portal, back in the cellar not so long ago, the tendrils of blackness rising as he burst into that confined space to end the demonic ritual. Could this have something to do with it? He had not noticed the markings before, certainly, and Danni did seem exceptionally distraught at his admittedly unannounced absence.

In his mind, a familiar voice whispers, <She's been touched by an elder evil and such delicate kisses are not so easily forgotten, Marcus my love. Who knows what manner of corruption has taken hold within her?> A chuckle, light, musical and malicious, <Mmm, I can't wait to see how she turns out, but I hope there's screaming involved...>

Marcus shudders, his expression shifted serious, pushing the unbidden commentary back down to be left with the faint ringing of heartless laughter in his inner ear.
Danni shook her head at him, herself completely perplexed and confused by his serious look.

"No, no, Marcus. I awoke and slept and awoke several times while you were gone. The droppings in the lean to marked days had passed. The grief of your leaving, over-whelmed me Marcus. I thought to die. I thought ..."

Danni took a shuddering breath, looking away. She felt suddenly vulnerable, confused, angry, hurt and worse, as though she were touched in the mind.

"Marcus, you weren't gone days were you? You only left this morning to hunt, didn't you?" Her body shook with the realization.

Finally, gathering her strength and resolve, she looked back to him, noting how his eyes had glazed for a moment. 'She' was talking to him again. Danni had to physically shove the sudden, fierce feeling of possessiveness and jealousy away that arouse in her chest, knowing the she demon was still there, still talking to him in a way she never could.

Danni raised her dark green eyes to his, the past hurt, the new hurt, her love and confusion clearly evident to him.

"Marcus, what's happening? Tell me please? What did she say to you, just now?"
He has never really know how to respond to a question that he does not know the answer to, especially when another looks to him for reassurance. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts but his body is not idle as he does so. He steps towards her and places his hands on both her shoulders, curling his fingers around her arms to give her a gentle but encouraging squeeze. "Just passing on what she says," he begins, "is probably less useful than telling you what she means."

Marcus searches her eyes, a part of him working to decipher all that she shows him there. "Really, Danni, I'm not sure she knows, at least not from what we can see." He glances down to her ankles then back to meet her gaze again, "Those marks are from the ritual, the summoning in the cellar. That we're certain about." He pauses, thoughts furiously flashing over his face as he searches for an answer that might console her. He sighs, realising he can't offer much, "But neither of us know what they really mean. She told me that you'd been touched by an elder demon and that such touches aren't easily forgotten. Thing is, I think that she's just jealous and trying to be mean." He shrugs apologetically, still holding her upper arms, slowly kneading them in his powerful hands.

Hope, he knows, is a fragile thing, but something he needs to keep kindled in her at all costs. He has one real hope, here, so he offers her all he can, "But there is a man who might know, and who might know what to do about those marks around your ankles. The same man who made the binding marks in my chest, if we can find him." There, his one hope, the fledgling plan he made this morning laid open. He didn't want to broach further travel straight away but lack of food and now this, whatever "this" really is, has forced his move.
Danni listened to him closely, her eyes locked on his searchingly. His hands felt so good on her arms, she had thought never to feel his touch again. Instinctively, she leaned into his warmth and strength, laying her head on his shoulder for a moment.

Danni inhaled the pure male scent of him, relishing the fact that he was there and with her again. His words did bring her hope. Perhaps more than he even realized. If they found this person, this man that had made the original binding between Marcus, 'her' Marcus now, and the she-demon; then the same man would be able to undo the binding and set Marcus free, forever.

Danni did not voice this hope however. Perhaps out of fear that Marcus did not want the beast removed from within him, perhaps because the she-demon herself might try to prevent them from finding the man but mostly, mostly because it was her hope and her dream and she needed to keep it tucked safely inside of her for now.

She leaned away from his warmth to look back up into his eyes.

"Then, we can't stay here Marcus. We have to leave, before we're snowed in and can't leave. Obviously, " she turned and used her chin to indicate the boiling stew,

"There's not enough food to sustain both of us for the entire winter much less the horses. We need clothes and shoes and we need to find this man, this binder of souls. When do we leave Marcus?"
At that, he smiles, pleased that she rises to the challenge, that her dauntless centre can shine through despite all. It's this that gives him hope that they have a chance even though the odds are stacked against them. He glances over his shoulder to the window and spends a moment contemplating the weather, the time of day, and a mental picture of the terrain between them and town he believes may be their best source for the provisions they require. His brow furrows as he plays through, in his mind's eye, different scenarios and their outcomes. Too many unknowns, too much just left to chance, he realises he can only go with his gut.

He looks back to her and chooses to be straight-forward about his plan, thinking that more information may encourage her to plan with him and draw her up and out and back into her brightest self. "It is difficult to know what best to do, immediately," Marcus explains, "As there are many factors that aren't clear to us right now. We're going to have to choose a day, a time and a direction and stay on our toes."

He squeezes her again, reassuring, "But you're correct that we can't stay here. Food is short and the snows are coming. Not today and not tomorrow, I think, but it won't be long. Somehow we'll need to acquire spare horses, blades, a hunting bow, kindling, warm clothes, camping gear: the list goes on." He quickly makes a decision and stays with his open discourse, "Now, normally I'd just take what I need but we need more than I'm used to acquiring that way. But if we work together then we can find what we need."

He pushes all thoughts of difficulties, dangers and potential disaster aside to try to encourage Danni but a part of him knows that it is for his own benefit too. The quiet reclusion of the cottage offers a sense of security that is intensely alluring but a sense that is entirely false. The longer they stay the more chance of being discovered by agents of the demon. No sense in bringing that up, he figures, so he smiles for her, willing her to be brave.
Danni listened to Marcus as he spoke, leaning into the warmth and strength of his arms. His eyes were clear, focused only on her. She drank in every word he said, watched every nuance of his face until he was finished.

She nodded her understanding and smiled up into his face.

"One of the first things I will need, are shoes of some kind Marcus or I won't get very far, sadly." She raised her feet up, displaying the reddened soles, nearly blistered from the cold that had seeped through her make-shift fur coverings.

"There's not much left in the cottage that we can take, except some blankets and the few utensils that the owner left. We'll have to remember to replenish his supplies when we get back, eventually."

Suddenly, she knew in her heart they would make it back, together; someday. The hope and love shown in her dark green eyes as she smiled up into his serious face.
Marcus frowns at the sight of her painful feet, tutting disapprovingly. He does not mean for that disapproval to be for Danni but his guard is down and his manner more revealing of his thoughts than he realises. "Shoes," he murmurs, "Shoes indeed." He looks up to her, expression a mixture of concern and command, "To give you chance to recover we should stay here one more night." Perhaps he notices a flicker in her expression and he shakes his head to dissuade whatever concern she might have voiced, "One more night won't make a lot of difference to our situation, overall, but will certainly make it easier for you to travel."

"There's a town -- I'm sure you know it -- Bridgewater I think it's called," he glances off as if a map floats in the air just over her shoulder and he can read from it if only he squints hard enough, then back to her, "We should be able to get what we need from there. Shoes, clothes, and the rest." He takes a breath, "There's just one problem, though... I imagine that the people of Bridgewater know what their Princess looks like, at least in broad sweeps." Marcus inclines his head, appreciating the lines of her face, the fall of her hair, "And you're nothing if not striking." He slips a hand up from her arm to brush against her cheek, gentle, even delicate.

His steel blue eyes watch her a while and he loses his train of thought, marvelling at how beautiful he finds her, how intensely attractive. His loins warm at the thought of her as his hand brushes past her ear and down the side of her neck, such a sensual caress.
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Danni responded immediately to his caress, to the change in his touch, in his eyes and breathing. She turned her face into his palm, kissing the large pad of it, then nipping at it slightly with her teeth.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief and heat for him. The pain and sorrow accompanied with his perceived abandonment vanished beneath his touch and the weight of his eyes. She had never grown comfortable with compliments, feeling they were only words thrown out to gain her attention and trust.

From Marcus, the words carried the truth as he felt it and she felt warmed by them, complimented by them, even shy because of them. Her eyes lowered to the floor then back up at him, she smiled delicately then thanked him breathlessly.

His hands were so big but so gentle, so loving. Her own hands rubbed up the front of his chest, her fingers tracing the outline of his jaw and his cheeks. She had to stand on tip toes to reach the back of his neck, which she did; teetering into his warm body as her hands wove into his long, thick hair to feel its silkiness.

Danni sighed with the enjoyment of touching him and lifted her face. Her lips a mere inch from his, her legs beginning to tremble still perched on the tips of her toes.

"Marcus, please?" She whispered, leaning even further into him until her lips barely touched his, her smile slightly timid, her voice was breathy as she panted out her shy request.
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A thought of teasing her with her timid request crossed his mind but her scent fills mind and his primal sexual nature takes over. Marcus grins, growls softly, "How could I resist?" Then he pulls her to him, lips parted in a deep, passionate kiss as his hands roam energetically up and down her back, fingers trailing either side of her spine. His tongue plays over her lips, seeking purchase, entrance into her mouth, wanting to taste this less carnal pleasure with all the intensity of its more penetrative cousin.

Marcus pulls back, both to catch his breath and to marvel once more at their situation. Was it just yesterday that this Princess was an unbroken maiden and the day before that they had not even met? Yet his elation at their bonding makes that short duration seem a lifetime, at least to his more passionate self. That same subconscious part of his being feels his bound demon writhe in anticipation, her insubstantial hands sliding over her metaphysical form. This double play, the image of sexuality blended with Danni's intoxicating presence, the supple play of her flesh through the rough linen shirt she wears, sets his heart pounding furiously. His hands roam more freely, over her buttocks, into her hair, and he kisses her with renewed vigour.

The demon within, content that she will be satisfied through Marcus' own volition, remains just an erotic glimmer at the back of his psyche, little more than a wanton voyeur toying with herself.
Danni opened her mouth to his, her tongue thrusting against his before she suckled his tongue deeper into her mouth. She moaned against his lips, still standing on her tip toes to reach them.

His hands sent tingles of sensation up and down her spine, she arched into his heat. Her flat stomach pressing into his manhood with wanton desire. She felt his need and passion increase and responded with more of her own. In her mind, he had been gone for days, for weeks and the loneliness, the sheer wanting of his physical contact came crashing back into her memory.

Danni moaned again, almost a whine, begging him to take her. Needing him to take her, craving his touch, his power and his strength. She smiled against his lips, feeling his manhood bulge against her tummy and rubbed herself against him as though a cat in heat. She was that cat in heat, but only for him; for no other but him.

Her hands wound around the back of his neck, pressing him more fully against her. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her heartbeat matched his in perfect synch with one another.

"Marcus.. my Marcus." Danni breathed over and over against his lips, melting into his body as though made made for it.
Spiralling upwards with her rising need, Marcus hangs onto just a thread of control. Though he could let it go, take from her what he wants, spend himself inside her, he realises he wants more than that and to get it he needs to hold himself back, just by that last inch. So he flexes that control and turns it outwards and tells her what he wants, "Danni, strip for me." He is not unkind, nor any more coarse than his growling voice tends towards. Just straight-forward commanding, a clear instruction towards what he wants from her.

Reluctantly, he creates just a half step of separation between them, expectant, eager to see her naked flesh again. But more eager still to see her acquiesce, to disrobe as he instructs, to see her face as she stands naked and him clothed and drink in her soul still so close to her skin, clearly visible in her face and eyes.

<Mmm, that's it, my love. Take charge. Tell her how to serve you...> the she-demon whispers, thick with lust. But he barely hears her and pays her little heed, focused as he is on the young woman before him.

He reinforces, quiet but commanding, "Strip for me, then show yourself to me. Show me how beautiful you are, Danni."
Danni swallowed deeply, her small throat moving up and down with the effort. She looked to Marcus' eyes, saw the deep passion and lust there and responded. She lowered her eyes for a moment, then returned them to his, seeing his deep need in their swirling depths. She could feel his energy, feel his craving and his power. It washed over her as though a tangible force, pulling at her, urging her to do his bidding.

She lifted her hands to the first button of the shepherds shirt she wore, suddenly feeling shy beneath his hot gaze. Her hands shook slightly but she did not stop, did not hesitate. The first button opened just below her chin. The second at her collar bone, displaying the long, lean line of her neck. The next button released the material pulled across her chest, the vee between her breasts became visible in the bright sunlight pouring through the uncurtained windows.

Danni looked up quickly when she heard Marcus slight gasp, then blushed furiously at his hungry look. He was so big, a true beast of a man and looked to be holding himself in check by a mere thread. The thought sent a shiver through Danni, forcing her nipples into hard, tight nubs that poked the thin material of the shirt laying open over them.

The fifth button released the shirt across her rib cage, the sixth and seventh from around her flat stomach. The shirt hung open now, barely outlining her slender form. Her hands moved to the shirt, pulling it aside slightly then lifting it up and over her shoulders, she allowed it to fall to the floor at her feet. The cool air brushed her hard nipples, pulling them into tight peaks, engorged and ready to be touched. Begging to be touched.

Danni touched them, touched them for Marcus. She pulled them away from her body, her eyes shyly looking up at him but her mouth open, taking in great gulps of air to steady herself.

Her right hand moved down to untie the cloth belt at her waist. The shepherds pants being so large, they fell to the floor as soon as the tie was loosened. Her mound was visible to his eyes, the sunlight catching and holding the brilliant blond hairs adorning it.

Danni allowed her right hand to slip down between her legs, spreading them slightly further apart as she did so.

"You wish to see me Marcus, as I truly am? This is me, this is all I have to offer Marcus. This is what is now yours, always."

Her words were a bare whisper above his labored breathing.
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He could not have asked for more. Indeed, it is all he can do to hold himself in check. In his mind's eye he knows what he would do if he released his restraint; he sees himself stride forward, press her to the wall, kiss her furiously, tongue thrust deep into her mouth; he sees himself slide a hand to pull her leg up and out, opening her legs to his need; he sees his other hand free his sex from his pants...

But all these things he restrains because he wants something else, something more intense than that he can just take by force alone. Without taking his eyes from her body, her fingers at her breast, the curl of her hand over her womanhood, he unbuckles his pants and lets them slide to the floor. His engorged sex jumps free, standing hard and erect, practically quivering with anticipation. His lips let loose half a gasp, so keen is he to be touched that even the slide of material against his member aggravates his desire.

He smiles to her, encouraging. "Danni," he tells her, "you offer so much. But I want something more." His words are slow, carefully chosen and paced so she knows clearly what he wants. Instead of stepping forward, as he so very much wants to do, he steps back out of his fallen trousers, and lowers himself to sitting on the fur-covered sofa before the fireplace. "I asked you to give yourself to me, before, and you did not know what I meant. Now I want you to give yourself to me again." He pauses to let that sink in, then tells her exactly what he wants, "Come here, Danni, and straddle me then lower yourself onto me. Can you do that for me, Danni?"

His question is not one of permission. That much is clear from his tone, his manner of delivery. Instead, he knows that she lacks experience and so opens himself to the possibility that she might not understand what he wants. Sat in the chair, he parts his bare, muscular legs slightly so that his thick manhood rises freely, demanding her attention.
She watched him move away from her and nearly whimpered. She moved towards him as he spoke, her eyes never leaving his until he sat upon the couch. Only then did her eyes travel lower and take in his jutting manhood. He looked so big, she didn't remember him being that big. Could he have gotten bigger? So many thoughts ran through her head, but still, she moved towards him slowly, eagerly, trustingly.

Danni nodded yes, her mouth still open slightly and wet from his kisses. Her eyes traveled the length of him. He was so magnificent, so completely and utterly male. Her own moisture gathered between her legs at the sight of him. He spread his legs and she could see his heavy ball sac hanging below his shaft. They seemed bigger too, fuller, more swollen.

She lifted her eyes to his again and smiled tentatively. Her left hand reached for him, he grasped it with his right. Her right hand reached out and he grashed it with his left. He did not pull her to him however, she moved of her own accord until her left leg touched the edge of the couch where he sat.

In order to straddle his length, she had to lift up on her right leg, nearly make it straight to position herself above him. Her left leg shook with the effort for a moment until her right found purchase on the old couch.

She leaned into his hands, using them for support to lift herself above him. His eyes were glued to her womanhood, only darting to her face for a moment to watch as she began to lower herself onto him.

He was so big, she knew he would fit, he had before. Yet, this was somehow different. He barely moved, save for the slight twitch of his manhood beneath her. She let go of his left hand to use her right, reaching beneath them to clasp the very tip of his hard cock, guiding it into her center.

Her breath caught as the tip began to slip between her moist folds. She pressed downward, gasping as it began to fill her. She relaxed into the sensation, pressing down further, harder, more slowly until he was nearly completely embedded within her heat.

"Like this Marcus?" She whispered quietly, still using the strength of his hands to support herself above him.
He sudders bodily as she takes him inside her sex and his eyes narrow to slits as he gasps, wordless to her whispered question for heartbeat after heartbeat. Then, between ragged breaths, "Yes, Danni... just like that. It feels... it feels incredible for you to give yourself to me like this." Involuntarily, his hips flex forward, pressing him just a fraction deeper inside her and he makes a rumbling, groaning sound in his throat, ecstatic with the sense of her wetness around his full length.

Still holding one hand, fingers clasped with hers, he disentangles his other hand and slides it round her side, splaying his fingers along her shoulder blade, caressing, supporting her as he shuffles himself forward 'til he is only perched on the edge of the sofa, letting her weight fall back into his supporting palm. Then he encourages her legs to fall either side of him, knee curling around his lower ribs as he disentangles his other hand, running it up the space between them, over her taut stomach then up to cup over one luscious breast.

He feels the hardness of her nipple against his fingers and he can wait no longer. He leans forward, letting her weight fall back further, still supported by his palm, and he dips his head lustily to her breast, holding the soft flesh in the arch between thumb and forefinger as his tongue toys rapidly at her teat.

His eyes glaze, but not from any loss of power to that which resides within him. Instead, his prior restraint has the better of him, now releasing the pent up urge, his exceptional need for her body against his, and so he begins to rock his hips against her. The motions are small but the sensation is a building wave, reinforced and redoubled by their closeness and the way her tight channel envelops him, holds him deep.

"Danni," he says, lips rising from her breast so that he can find her face, meet her eye to eye, "Danni, I want nothing more than you. All you."
Danni gazed into his eyes while his shaft thrust into her canal. Her knees held her poised above his crotch, his hand pressed her small bottom down onto it while supporting her, keeping her from tumbling backwards.

She was completely mesmerized by his eyes, the timbre of his voice, his complete power over her. Her movements were small, she could only rise and fall as far as her knees could bend, she leaned forward, tipping her head back further to press her lips against his. Her eyes still open, gazing into his less than an inch from her face.

She felt his hand squeezing her small bottom, kneading it, guiding her on his manhood to where it felt the best for both of them. He was so deep he thrust against her cervix and still she wanted him deeper, harder.

Her small hands clung to his arms. His was her lifeline, her anchor, her life.

"Marcus..." Danni gasped as he move within her, sending rivulets of pleasure throughout her body.

"All that I am is yours. All that I will ever be or have ever been is yours Marcus. Completely and totally. Always."

Danni's head fell back as the first wave of cascading, tingling sensation exploded between her legs.
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He feels her climax as both a rhythmic tightening around his length and a blossoming heat racing through his loins and up into his belly. Marcus smiles broadly, pleased at her release and the sensation it evokes for him. But he is not ready to finish, not yet, so he continues to rock his pelvis steadily back and forth, slow motions through her orgasm. Indeed, he finds great pleasure in riding through a woman's peak, watching a beautiful female form writhe in primal, uncontrollable ecstasy. At that thought, his smile shifts to a grin, wide in anticipation.

As her body quietens, his arms move around her to take her weight and he lifts her as he stands, ensuring that his thick and swollen member stays buried deep inside her. He kisses away her look of surprise, turning her in the air to settle gently back on the sofa. His knees fall to the floor, resting on the rug and he tugs her bottom towards the edge of the seat, perching their, legs parted around his hips. He holds her there looking long and deep into her eyes. It has been so long since he felt this way, felt so alive, heart aflame with passion for another. Though the feelings seem something of a stranger to him, they come back like an old friend and he welcomes them, then turns them back outward to show to her.

It is in his touch, his fingers sliding over her flanks then up onto her breasts, firmly massaging each pliant mound in each hand. It is in his eyes, locked to hers, accompanied by a smile he thought he had lost. And then it is in the slide of his cock, withdrawn 'til almost out of her, its absence a brief, sweet sadness followed by a rush of sensation as he thrusts back inside her all the way to his hilt. So, with her perched on the edge of the sofa, he slides back and forth in long, smooth motions each time driving deep. His hands remain on her breasts, toying with her nipples, sliding his palm over their full curves, tweaking, squeezing and pulling as their shape and form fascinate his senses.

He is wordless but not silent, soft groans of pleasure released through parted lips, rumbles in his chest at each new fascination at her responses, a constant patter of little sounds that add up to a picture of indescribable delight.
Danni opened her eyes as he lifted her, expecting him to find completion within her at the same time. His lips found hers and claimed them. She moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her effortlessly from the couch.

She would never have believed it possible, that a man could stay embedded within a woman while standing, moving and kneeling; but Marcus seemed to do it as though it were common place.

Danni's head fell back, her legs parted for him as he pulled her to the edge. She felt herself spiraling again, faster and harder than before. Her hands curled into his shoulders, the sharp nails digging into his skin as she held on tightly.

"Marcus... God, " She breathed his name over and over again as he thrust deeper and deeper into her tight canal. She felt his cock swell inside her, felt her muscles clamp down to pull him even further into her core.

"Pplease Marcus.... please..." She knew not what she was begging for, only that she needed what he had to give her. She craved him as she had never craved anything in her entire life. Her back arched, her hips lifted and she screamed softly when his hands found and kneaded her small, firm breasts. The nipples exploding at his touch, sending shockwaves through her small body that pooled where their bodies joined.

Hot waves of ecstasy burst from where his shaft rubbed her womb, she screamed louder, his name over and over again as her nails dug deeper. Her entire body convulsed beneath him. The orgasm spreading from her clit, pressed onto his cock, into her labia so wide and swollen. The heat rushed through her legs and into her body. Her arms shook with the tremendous intensity of it, her toes curled, her legs shot out straight and her eyes opened wide as the strongest, most terrifyingly wonderful orgasm claimed her body, her mind and her soul.
Danni's explosive release washes over him and tightens convulsively around him and he feels his sack tighten, building towards his own. Yet he holds back, one breath, then two, the sensation building within him. His body demands relief, cries out to spend itself, but he wants just one thing more.

He widens his eyes to take her in, bucking hard before him in her own exceptional climax. As if in slow motion, he sees the beads of sweat on her belly, the fall of her hair, the curve of her breasts in his hands, the open 'oh' of her lips crying out in exultation. He sees the muscles in her thighs, the hue of her nether lips spread around his cock, the flash in her eyes and the bright warmth of her soul. He fixes this image in his mind, stores it away in the safest of places, and then, only then, throws his head back as his sex clenches a final time and lets loose a torrent into her womb.

He shudders, buried as deep as he can find with her orgasm still washing over them both, launching his seed again and again. His hands grasp both her breasts tightly, lost as he is in ecstatic release and even after his sex has run dry his body judders involuntarily. His eyes clamp closed but his mind is filled with his image of her in primal release and the scent of her sex fills his nostrils.

Marcus loses all sense of time and place, coupled close as he can be with Danni. His Danni. It is long, long moments before he recovers enough sense of self to realise he still grips her tightly, but as soon as he does so he looks back to her, still glazed but face happy, even light, then apologetic as he releases his hold on her. But he stays inside her, even as his shaft softens, and he leans forward to cover over her, kissing over her face before settling on her lips for a long, slow, deep kiss: a kiss shared between lovers to express their love for the other.
Danni shuddered beneath Marcus, her body twitching sporadically with little bursts of sensation, the muscles between her legs still clamping and unclamping upon his softening shaft. Danni didn't move, she couldn't move. Pantingly, she spoke his name, still murmuring it softly in his ear. Her hand traced the muscles of his back, up and down, softly and gently, imparting her love and care for this man she barely knew but that had become such a large part of her life now. No, that was wrong, he was her life now. There was no one else, there would never be another. There could never be another.

"Marcus," Danni whispered again in his ear.

"I ... I love you my Marcus."

She closed her eyes and held her breath, terrified of his rejection. Afraid to feel him pull away at her blatant confession. She knew it was too soon, too much. She also knew, deep within her soul, that she belonged totally and completely to this man, this beast that now lay atop her in the after throes of passion, lust and love.
Her words, so soft, nervous, her fear of rejection palpable to him yet it isn't that which strikes him first. No matter that she speaks quietly, her words strike home to his heart as though they were a spear passing right through him. He feels the shock, the single, irrevocable strike. It's like lightning, a flash and it's done but the after-image still paralyses the eyes into seeing what was there only for an instant.

His mind blanks. He cannot think at all. Then, at dizzying speed, his psyche replays the image he has stored of her rapturous self to a soundtrack of her tiny, heartfelt declaration of love, over and over and over, yet all in just a heartbeat of shared experience.

He is incredulous. He is dumbfounded. He doubts his ears. But he feels her fear that he might reject her and knows that he is not mistaken. A second heartbeat thunders like the largest kettle drum resounding in his head.

Then, as he realises that she waits for a reply his face has already started to supply one. His lips tug upwards, commanded by a force far below that of reason or other conscious thought. By her cheek, her words still hanging in his ear, his face breaks into an incredible smile, a display of pure elation that he cannot fathom nor thought himself capable of any longer.

How is it that she, in so short a time, has bewitched his soul such that his body responds on its own to her? He wonders for only a moment before deciding that he neither knows nor truly cares. The only thing that matters to him is that she loves him. She said it. He knows she means it. Such a fragile offering, so timidly given. He does not turn it away.

His arms slide under her, pulling her upward, holding her close. He envelopes her in his powerful embrace, cradling her as the most precious thing in the world. All the things he might say rush through his mind in a cacophony but his lips cut through the noise by choosing the most direct path, the clearest response, the only way he knows how to assure her that he wants her close to him always.

"I love you too, Danni."
She held her breath, perhaps a little too long. Her chest hurt, her eyes began to water as she waited. She did not expect a declaration of love, only an acceptance of hers for him. She had no explanation for it, except that his absence; although only a short time by his words, had brought home to her how very much he meant to her.

Being who she was, she had to voice her feelings. To keep them hidden would have been the same as telling Marcus a lie, and that she would never do.

His words brought the tears to her eyes. Tears of love and joy, acceptance and understanding.

"I don't know what or why we were brought together Marcus. I only know that we are together and I don't ever want to loose you again. Please, promise me you'll never go away again my Marcus? I couldn't bear it, to loose you again."

Her body trembled with deep love, still pressed beneath him on the old, worn Shepherd's couch.