Hunted [open for one female, details within]

Her arms had gone numb behind her, but she still felt the pressure of his grip pushing them sharply into the small of her back. His words taunted her, speaking to her deepest fear. Even at the hand of Marcus, the thought of rape terrified her. But this wasn't Marcus, this was the she-demon; had it been Marcus himself, she may have been able to fight the fear and take what he demanded, what he needed.

Her mind scrambled frantically for an answer. She had frozen once before beneath his hand but with his urging and direction, had answered him as he had wished and given him what he needed.

There was no such offer made this time. She was left to her own devices, which were few in the area of sex and sexual choices. She knew only what Marcus had taught her up to now and that had been done by his loving, patient hand.

Danni tried to voice her distress, only to feel the pressure of his hand shove her more firmly into the bed. She shook her head, searching for the answer. She knew it was there somewhere, beyond the visage of pain and humiliation she now felt.

"I, I don't know what you want," she began then winced when he twisted her wrists up behind her.

"Please, just tell me and I'll gladly give it to you."

Her body burned with pain, her mind was numb against the thought that her Marcus was hurting her, allowing her to be hurt to this extent. She had thought her pleas would pull him from his reverie deep within his mind, but still the demon tortured and degraded her.

Once again Danni tried to force the memorized image of Marcus smiling at her with deep love into her mind, but it was jerked from her by his cruel, scraping hands as he lifted her and moved her towards the edge of their bed.

"Please, Marcus?" Her voice was just a whisper above the cackle of the she-demons triumphant laugh.
"Can it really be true," the demon asks rhetorically, "that you are so naive that you have nothing else to offer me? But there's a great wide world of painful or humiliating things you could give up to me, or even both at once. Can you really think of nothing, little Danni?" The demon leans close wearing an expression that Marcus simply could not muster, malicious and lascivious at once. Hounded beyond her experience and understanding, Danni has nothing to offer the bitch that seeks only to hurt and shame her. The lips that once belonged to Marcus twist evilly as the demon within makes a decision.

"Alright then, innocent little Danni, let us see if we can't build on your experience a little so that, in future, you have something better to offer me. You're going to make a choice, now, and you're going to make it quickly and then you're going to thank me in all sincerity for offering you this choice. Do you understand me, hmm, little bitch?" The demon slaps her cheek, just a jolt really to draw her attention to the choice she is going to have to make. "Here's your choice. Either I fuck your ass," and he swats her buttock to keep her focused, "or you suck this thick cock into your mouth until I fill it with Marcus' seed." Another swat to the face, not forceful but stinging nonetheless.

The demon doesn't give her really any time to consider, "Ass. Or mouth. Ass or mouth. Choose, Danni. Now. Or I'll have them both."
Her head whipped slightly from side to side; although not hard slaps, his strength is still behind them. Danni looks up at him imploringly, frozen with fear and sudden despair.

"Please Marcus, don't let her do this. Don't let her to this to us, to me? Marcus, please come back?"

Danni turned her face, but only the black eyes of the she-demon returned her gaze. A cruel, malevolently twisted smile on the face of her Marcus remained where once she had seen the soft loving smile of her fierce warrior.

She cried out when he pulled on her arms, allowing her weight to hang by her shoulders as he shook her maliciously and laughed.
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