I adore Miss Oatlash

I wanna snoof her pits and bite her tits,
and suck her toes and give her fits!
It's National Give Miss Oatlash a Hug Day .


Go ahead, she won't bite. Much.
Sweet puppy. You are so lucky to have her. :) :rose:

Though, I am much surprised she has not demanded a poem out of you.
CharleyH said:
Sweet puppy. You are so lucky to have her. :) :rose:

Though, I am much surprised she has not demanded a poem out of you.
Mutt has written many poems for me...just go look at his works and you will see.
Mutt Stuff
Miss Oatlash said:
Mutt has written many poems for me...just go look at his works and you will see.
Mutt Stuff

Oh, I have seen, and it could be better. Certainly less rhyme, but thats me on this thread. Anyhow who .... but a good puppy does more, particularly from a thread of devotion. ;) And we enjoy reading. :) I won't get in your way with what is on my mind. :D If you are happy, then he has done enough for you. :) :rose:
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That I love ya
need ya
want to,
got to have you, child
great God in Heaven you know I love you...
Baa... bah bah bop ba baaaa...

The Mutt said:
That I love ya
need ya
want to,
got to have you, child
great God in Heaven you know I love you...
Baa... bah bah bop ba baaaa...


Still. hunh? :rolleyes:
The Mutt said:
The Wisdom of Water.
The Strength of the Mountain.



How about:

The strength of a dog is no matta
even if he thinks he hasta
The strength of a mistress is she knows
from the bottom of her manicuredr toes
poems suck
so do you
bend down
get down
on my shoe!!!!
Hey! I finally wrote some new porn. (There's a link in my sig line below)
It is the story of La, the Virgin Queen of the Beast Men of Opar, her capture and torture at the hands of her traitorous handmaiden Kesh, and her subsequent rescue by The Jungle Lord. Whips and chains and forced shaving and lions and apes and seduction and raw, jungle romance.

Give it a read. Comments are most welcome.
PatCarrington said:
who don't? ;)

morning, sherlock...feelin' better?


kinda sorta. i'm on day 2 of antibiotics, so i'm starting to feel halfway human again. good enough to make soup, anyway. not sure about poems yet. :D


So oft have I invoked thee for my Muse
And found such fair assistance in my verse
As every alien pen hath got my use
And under thee their poesy disperse.
Thine eyes that taught the dumb on high to sing
And heavy ignorance aloft to fly
Have added feathers to the learned's wing
And given grace a double majesty.
Yet be most proud of that which I compile,
Whose influence is thine and born of thee:
In others' works thou dost but mend the style,
And arts with thy sweet graces graced be;
But thou art all my art and dost advance
As high as learning my rude ignorance.
(sheepishly raises my hand...)

What is the person taking the pictures doing? :eek: